Friday, March 9, 2012

Delighted That The Gift Keeps On Giving Me

If you are a Zionist fanatic and you see that the Zionist project is coming apart in Israel, you will most certainly try to do something about it. If the only tool you have in your bag of tricks -- that you know how to use and know will protect the Zionist project -- is to saturate the airwaves and the print media with what has come to be known as the Yiddish moral syphilism, you will saturate the airwaves and the print media with Yiddish moral syphilism. This is now happening, and the Wall Street Journal is taking the lead.

The way things stand at this point in time is that Israel has been unmasked as being a non-economy that was put together by a bunch of kibbutz dwelling Marxist-Leninists turned Zionists who continue to steal land and water from their neighbors, the unarmed people of Palestine. To drag America into their fantasy and to have it finance them as well as protect them, the Zionists have called on Jews everywhere in the world to go to Israel and do something demonic to help placate America. Upon their arrival, the newcomers are given two rights: the right to steal land and water from Palestinian families, and the right to say whether or not they like it. This second right is called the right to vote which is so important to the Americans, it will calm the folks over there and encourage them to continue supporting the Zionist project in Israel. No wonder even Lucifer feels he is always outwitted by these people.

This set-up worked as long as America remained the unchallenged industrial and military superpower that it was. But several occurrences happened in succession that were instrumental in eroding America's power, most of which were traced directly and indirectly to the work of the Jewish lobby in America and to America's blind support for Israel. The result has been that the superpower could no longer support Israel at the level that it did previously; and this began to happen at a time when the false image of the saintly Jew was fading in the country. Life became harder in Israel, and the fanatics among them started to savagely attack not only the Muslims there but also the Christians.

To counter the image of the fanatic Jewish gangs attacking Christian families in Israel, the Jewish lobby was called upon to start two parallel campaigns in North America. One campaign that will speak of the plight of Christians in Muslim countries, and one that will speak of the danger of Muslims living in America. Add to this a third campaign that will speak of the danger of Iran -- a Muslim country -- to make progress in the nuclear field. And guess what happened on March 9, 2012; the wall Street Journal published three pieces, one on each of these subjects.

Michael Oren who is Israel's ambassador to America wrote: “Israel and the Plight of Mideast Christians” and the subtitle: “Just as Jews were once expelled from Arab lands, Christians are now being forced from countries they have long inhabited.” Richard Clarke, Judith Miller and R.P. Eddy wrote: “New York's Finest Are Getting Smeared” and the subtitle: “The Police department's counterterrorism work protects lives and civil liberties.” Robert P. Casey, Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman wrote: “Iran can't Be Allowed Nuclear 'Capability'” and the subtitle: “When some say that our red line is a 'nuclear weapon,' it suggests that anything short of a working bomb is acceptable. This is exactly the wrong message to send.”

To me, the Wall Street Journal is the gift that keeps on giving, and here it is giving me the opportunity to tell why I started this website at the time that I did. I had wanted to start it at least ten years ago but I could not because I had a heart condition, my eyesight was failing and my financial situation was precarious. But then I had a heart operation and my financial situation started to improve. As to my eyesight, I was told I was not yet ready for a cataract operation but that the time was approaching. Thus, I decided to wait another year or two before starting a website but then something happened that hastened me to start it sooner.

While the whole world has this image of the Mosad as being the vaunted spy agency of Israel, I never thought of it as being more vaunted than a bird's dropping. And this is because I knew who and what the real spy agency of Israel was. It was and still is every Jew who goes to a synagogue, a Jewish agency, an Israeli consulate or embassy to report on what they see at school, in the homes of friends and foes they visit, in the workplace, in public places, in the government and so on, and so on, and so on. This information goes to many places where it is acted upon; and some of it may well go to the Mosad but this was irrelevant to me. What was relevant was the fact that someone wanted to know everything that happens here in Canada the same way they want to know what happens everywhere else in the world, especially in Palestine. In fact, they treat us all as if we were Palestinians living under occupation the way that they do in the West Bank of the Jordan.

What I saw them do in Canada is find someone who knows someone who will approach someone they have in their cross-hairs and gather information on them to recruit them, frame them or set them up for a fall and so forth. Two things were of maximum importance to these people. One was the financial situation of ordinary Canadians of Arab descent, whether they are wealthy or not. The other was the state of individual Christian Arabs, especially the Coptic Egyptians whom they tried to recruit and train so as to launch a sectarian civil war in Egypt the way that they have managed to do in Lebanon and the way that they are trying to do in Iran at this very moment.

Then something happened. They felt I was coming close to cracking open a case whereby they had recruited an Egyptian young man in Turkey and brought him to Canada where they gave him a job at a bank. His instruction was to gather information on bank accounts that belong to Canadians of Arab descent. He was a Muslim but they had him convert to Christianity, had compromised him by taking pictures of him engaging in a homosexual act, and they were blackmailing him. When they detected that I was on the trail of something, they panicked and got someone to go on television, pretend to be a Christian and cry out for help. I immediately wrote to the hosts of the show that carried this piece of Jewish filth and told them they were being used to do something so filthy they should drop it right away.

Afraid that I may eventually discover the identity of the young Egyptian they had recruited in Turkey, they approached the Egyptian security service in Egypt and told them about him. At the same time, they paid the guy to go and do a job for them in Egypt whereby he was arrested upon landing at the airport.

This is why I started this website when I did. Since then, I had an operation in one eye and will have another one in the other eye.

With this information in mind, I ask you to now go and read those three articles. You will understand how pure evil works, and why the security apparatus of America should concentrate on every single Jew that lives in that country.

And leave the Arabs alone because you will find them to be the most loyal people in the world when you treat them well.