Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Division Of Labor Trumped Up In Hell

President Obama will be talking to AIPAC and to Netanyahu over the next couple of days, and he will most certainly remember a few things. Here, for your benefit my dear reader, are some of the things.

When there is a project and there is a number of individuals executing it, you can be certain that someone will take the lead at some point and that the others will follow -- if not willingly then reluctantly. Eventually, they will all form a team and their effort will constitute a division of labor in the sense that each individual will be assigned the task they are best suited for. There may be a tension between two or more individuals competing to occupy the Alpha position but if the project is to progress, they will all come to some understanding and will get along one way or the other.

In time, a well defined hierarchy will emerge whose stability will depend on how well suited each individual will be to doing the job that was assigned to them. If the individual that has the most to offer occupies the top position, and if below him or her will line up in descending order the individuals that have less and less to offer, the formation will remain stable. And of course, the opposite will hold true in the sense that the more out of whack the line up is, the less stable the formation will be. This sort of scenario plays itself out all the time when people are brought together on an ad hoc basis to go on a mission -- be it a military operation, one of rescue, one of scouting or what have you.

The most ad hoc situation we have on Planet Earth is the line up that is represented by about two hundred sovereign nations where a few among them seek to extend their influence beyond their borders, and where all vie to remain independent. A kind of rough hierarchy has formed among them where each nation occupies a place that is supposed to be determined by the strength of its economy, the power of its military, the soundness of its system of governance and the promise of its future. But the planet is not without oddities or paradoxical situations -- the most odd being the relationship that exists between America and Israel.

The history of America began to unfold as a result of a world that went mad several times over during the past half millennium or so. It was an old world that had managed to create the waves of tired and huddled masses who sought a new world to which they could go and leave behind everything that hurts. But the reality was that for every ten thousand who suffered in the old world, only one special individual dared to pick the meager possession they had and go look for a new life in America. There, the frontier spirit of these individuals combined with the fact that they had to build everything anew – not build it on something they inherited but build it from scratch on a barren land in a desolate place. And so they rolled up their sleeves and they worked by the sweat of their foreheads to produce what sustained them. This is what made America the industrious nation that it became, a place where millions still pursue their dream as they live on the fat of a land they continually toil.

As to the history of Israel, what you see is a people of every skin color and every race converting so conveniently to the Jewish religion and claiming to have descended from the Hebrew tribes, a status they insist entitles them to a promise that God made to their ancestors eons ago. And what their religion says is that God took the Hebrews out of a land of plenty to lead them into the desert where they spent 40 years feeding on manna from the sky, a daily free lunch for which they did not have to roll up their sleeves or toil to produce by the sweat of their foreheads. Thus, to have a free lunch for life became an entitlement that the Jews have always believed was owed to them by virtue of being Jewish. To justify this insanity to a world that remains incredulous, they came up with the idea that they are the chosen children of God – and this is where the discussion ends because you cannot argue with God. How so very convenient!

Powered by a mentality like this, most of those who converted to Judaism had a hard time getting along with the rest of humanity. As a group, they roamed the Earth looking for a place to call their own but no one that came to know them closely tolerated them for any length of time because ordinary people saw them as human parasites who sought to live on the toil of others; live by the sweat of their foreheads if not by their blood and the blood of their children. The Jews were chased out of every place they occupied; they were beaten up, humiliated, gassed and even incinerated for the tricks they pulled every time they tried to get the free lunch they thought was made available to them by divine will.

And then it happened that the Jewish parasite dropped in on America where the fat of the land was so plentiful, the free lunch it was seeking for a long time was seen as being easy to have. Happy days were here again but instead of being satisfied with the embrace of their new encounter with luck, the Jewish leaders became greedy once again and went for more. They pulled every trick they learned during the millennia trying to occupy the Alpha position at the top of American institutions. And because appetite comes with eating, as the saying goes, the Jewish leaders developed an eating disorder that made them want to devour the whole world. Having the power and prestige of America at their finger tip, they made use of that to go after that world.

They scored a few successes with some countries in Eastern Europe because what they sought there was not so tangible as to affect the population directly. What they asked for was to have better relations between those governments and Israel to give the latter the semblance of legitimacy at a time when it was losing it with every act of terror it committed against the unarmed people of Palestine whose land it robbed and was robbing still. As to the rest of the Middle East, what the Jewish leaders wanted were tangible things such as more land and more water to steal from the neighbors of Israel. And because the victims had the potential to someday confront them and say enough is enough, the Jewish leaders wanted to see these countries crippled so badly as to be incapable of standing on their feet and challenge Israel.

To accomplish all this, the Jewish organizations needed the support of someone powerful with whom to divide the labor. They saw a division of labor where they would lead and the powerful would follow. As absurd as this may sound, they pulled it off because they planned the takeover as true professionals. What they did was first to take control of the American media. This done, they used the media to paint their neighbors as bad people who lived in a tough neighborhood. They argued that the neighbors deserved to be destroyed for the good of humanity, the reason why they were pleading with America: “Give us the tools and we'll do the job.” This request seemed so legitimate that America decided to become the new God who would supply Israel not only with manna to feed on, but also the hardware with which to maintain the image of a power to be reckoned with. This may have damaged Israel's neighbors somewhat but the greatest damage was done to America.

This is evident in the manner by which the Jewish organizations have managed to take control of most American institutions while exerting the minimum of effort. Because they were tolerated when they said they were better than their neighbors, it was easy for them to convince the American audiences that they were superior to them Americans. This encouraged the Jews to then claim that they were the most qualified people to occupy the Alpha position in all those American institutions. When asked to prove their claim, they gave advice in a language that was clear in its form, ambiguous in its content and having the same effect on the listener as the gibberish that is used by the writers of horoscopes. But despite the fact that every prediction they made never materialized and every advice they gave turned out to be a disaster, they got away with it in the way that the fortune tellers get away with it: people forget. But you cannot blame the Jews for what they do as much as you would the gullible Americans who let themselves be fooled so many times, you feel like giving up on them.

The Jewish motto has always been this: “Don't be afraid to act like a parasite while relying on the humanity of your American host because the chances are that he will keep supplying you with money, with his blood and the blood of his children.” The Americans have been doing this for several decades now, so much so that the new generation of American boys and girls is growing up in the belief that the Jew is a God that must be worshiped. And because to obey the law is something that is binding as much as a heavenly command, it was thought that to pass specific laws in America that serve Israel or the Jewish causes would strengthen the image of Israel and that of the Jews as being the official Gods of America. The Jewish organizations liked this idea so much that they made it a habit to call on every new crop of recently elected young legislators to pass decrees that sound like religious dogmas aimed at serving Israel and the Jews at the expense of America if need be.

The net result has been that America, which is the most worthy nation on the Planet, has been subordinated to Israel, the least worthy entity on the Planet. Instead of being asked: “Give us the tools and we'll do the job,” America is now being told: “get on with the job I told you to do or else.” There is not even the mention of a division of labor like it used to be. And this is because the Israelis and the Jewish leaders now wish to remain behind the scene bosses while true American boys and girls do the work for them as did the coolies of past centuries, then die and be gotten rid of in landfills like disposable toy soldiers now called trash.

Thus, Mr. Obama will remember and will keep in mind at all time the fact that when you get into an adventure like he is asked to get into, and when you do the cost/benefit analysis, you do not take into account only what it will cost right now to bomb a place like Iran but what it will cost your children and their children in the decades to come. He will think, for example, of the cost that America is now paying for the blunders that the American leaders committed in Iran and in South America several generations ago.

Thus, instead of appeasing the dogs at AIPAC by promising them what they will most certainly turn into a religious dogma, and instead of welcoming with open arms the rug pissing dog that never tires of making demands, Mr. Obama will keep in mind the story of a former Minister of Transport in Canada who treated the Israelis that tried to pee on his rug like the dogs that they were. What happened was that they wanted to stir up hysteria throughout the land the way that they do now in the English speaking world. To this end, they said they had information to the effect that an EL AL plane that was coming to land in Toronto was going to be hit by a missile. Without permission, the pilot landed the plane in the nearby city of Hamilton instead. The Minister did not like the idea at all because there was not a shred of evidence as to a threat made against El Al or any other airline in Canada; and he communicated this message to the pilot of the Israeli plane.

The plane proceeded on its route but on its way back landed in Hamilton once again instead of Toronto. This made the Minister of Transport so furious that he did not dither, did not play games and did not play politics with the Israelis. Instead, he put it to them officially that one more act of this sort and El Al will never again land anywhere in Canada. The Israelis got the message and they never again pulled a stunt like this.

If you want to know why the Jewish organizations and their leaders keep saying that the Arabs and the Muslims understand only the language of threat, it is because the truth is that the Arabs and the Muslims never cower at a threat or the show of force. Going about their daily lives, they only do what they have the right to do, and this makes it so that they stiffen their backs and become more resolute in the face of a threat. On the other hand, the Jews who always try to get something for nothing are the ones who respond to threats and to the show of force because this is the only language they understand; the only language they speak. Treat them the way that they ask you to treat the Arabs and the Muslims, and this will be the sure way to secure peace where you want it.

Mr. Obama will do well to tell AIPAC and Netanyahu to take a hike. This will have a better outcome for America, for the world and for all the innocent Jews out there who deserve better than the dogs of AIPAC and the pissing dog from Israel.