Saturday, March 17, 2012

From Seeds Of PC To Trees Of Incitement

He wrote this: “The camera did not answer, so I will.” This self-designated substitute for a camera is Clifford D. May who writes a column for the National Review Online. On March 15, 2012 he wrote a column under the title: “A Guide for the Perplexed Fareed Zakaria” to which I am not going to respond because what we have here is a debate that must be played out by the two antagonists, or end here if that is their choice. My interest, however, rests in the probing of the mentality that powers the contemporary Jew when he gets gripped by Zionist ideas. And because I have detected in the Clifford May article a facet of the mentality I never discussed before, I shall do so now.

What is shown in this article is how a demand for political correctness (PC) which starts small like a seed grows to become as big as a tree. In fact, the rabbis who decades ago used to whisper the supplication: “Please be aware of Jewish sensitivities” have managed to give to their successors a megaphone with which to blare the command: “bomb, bomb and bomb again, after that go ahead and bomb some more.” It was possible for the rabbis and their secular successors to accomplish all this because if you made a remark that was no worse than hint that the Jews were getting more than their fair share, you would be labeled an anti-Semite that is out to incite people against the Jews. And you would be accused of engineering a holocaust aiming to kill millions of Jews the way that Hitler incited the Nazis to do just that.

Because no one who wanted to respond to this sort of nonsense was allowed to, the Jewish approach of taking something as small as a seed and grow it into something as big as a tree became the vehicle by which the bellyaching crowd was able to portray any criticism of Israel as a call to annihilate the Jewish entity, and by extension annihilate the “Jewish people.” This trick then mutated to cover the international stage because the bellyachers latched on to every word that was uttered by a foreigner, and they said that it meant to advocate the annihilation of Israel and all the Jews. And this, in turn, is what started the practice of embroiling America in endless foreign wars.

Clifford May is a member of the crowd that never stops bellyaching. He quotes foreigners and howls the pain in his belly. He does it in his articles and, to give an example of what he means, he quotes the Iranian president. This is what he says the Iranian president has said: “We are in the process of an historical war between the World of Arrogance and the Islamic world...” There is a good reason at this point to ask: Where did that come from? There is a reason because the Muslim world -- which includes the Arabs, the Persians and dozens of other races – have complained about the notion that a “clash of civilizations” was said to exist between the Muslim world and the so-called Judeo-Christian world. And who was it that said such a thing? It was the Jews who had the temerity to call themselves historians.

It was, therefore, inevitable that the Iranian president should respond by characterizing his opponents as being the World of Arrogance. Nothing can be more rational, more civilized and more tame than this. And so, when Clifford May and his bellyaching crowd howl about that response, our response to them should be to display contempt and no less. But May does not stop here. He continues his quoting of the Iranian president with this: “...Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism? You had best know this goal attainable, and surely can be achieved.” This is no different from Khrushchev telling Nixon “we will bury you” when Nixon suggested there was a clash between capitalism and communism. Why then does the Jewish bellyaching crowd bellyache every time that someone responds to their challenge with a similar and equal challenge? Well, I have an answer for that. It is because they are who they are, and we allow them to bully us instead of saying to them: enough is enough; this far and no more.

To see why it is important to force these people to stop behaving the way they do, we only need to look at this passage: “One way to start would be for President Obama to speak directly to the Iranian people. He would say how much he regrets the suffering caused them by the economic sanctions implemented so far and still to come. He would make clear that the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of those who rule Iran...” What comes after that? you ask. This is what comes: “He would say without equivocation that he intends to do whatever is necessary to prevent Iran's rulers from resting their fingers on nuclear triggers.”

What the author is doing here is demonstrate, despite himself, that mission creep always starts like a seed of nice sounding words to then grow and become a tree of calamity. Look again at that passage and see how he asks President Obama to speak directly to the Iranian people knowing full well that no more than a handful of Iranians will listen to the speech, and none will give a hoot as to what is being said. And when this is all said and done, says Clifford May, the war on Iran should start because the Iranian rulers must be prevented from “resting their fingers on nuclear triggers.”

But how will we know that the Iranians have their fingers on the triggers? Oh well, he doesn't say how because if he did, the mission would not be that creepy, would it? You see, my friend, it is already known that while America says no bomb will be allowed, Israel says no capability to have the bomb should be allowed. Thus, the moment that the President will be finished saying what he is asked to say, the hordes of professional bellyachers will come out of hiding and howl in unison, as they always do, these immortal words: “You've gone this far already, Mr. President, it only makes sense that you go all the way to the end and launch the promised war.” It is mission creep after all; and it happens all the time. It happens over and over again, and America falls in the same trap each and every time. It is pathetic.

As an aside and just in case you wonder if someone named Clifford May can be a Jew through and through, look at this passage: “He [President] would add that he … looks forward to the day when sanctions can be lifted and Iranians can be helped to achieve peace and prosperity.” This is exactly what you see them do in Palestine. They have their boot on the necks of the unarmed people of Palestine, and when the world pressures them to lift it just a little, and the Palestinian economy starts to bloom as a result, the Jews rush to attribute the credit to themselves saying that they helped the Palestinians -- to which the world responds in unison: Shut up, you filthy dogs!

Clifford May is a Jew, alright, but this does not mean he is a Hebrew or a Semite. And so, he goes on to do something very Jewish in the contemporary sense of the word. That is to say, he goes on to make a mountain out of a molehill; to grow a good seed into a malevolent tree. Here is how he does it this time: “...he [President] would answer the question posed by the protesters on the streets of Teheran in 2009: 'Obama, are you with us or against us?' … Why would Obama not do this? And why, by the way, does that question not perplex Fareed Zakaria?”

Zakaria may or may not want to respond to that remark but I have something to say about the mentality that generates this kind of nonsense. I begin by citing the fact that a group of natives here in Canada have gone to the Iranian embassy in Ottawa and have asked for support – if only a moral one. There are also Jews who do not believe that Israel can be established before the advent of the Messiah, thus they view the existence of the state of Israel as an affront to the will of God even though they live in it. As to America, there are people in it who don't have the money to heat their homes, and so they asked for and they receive heating fuel oil courtesy of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez who did not take advantage of their plight to incite them to do anything illegal in their country.

The big point is that every country has its dissidents, which makes it so that every head of state who wants to mouth-fart the Netanyahu gas the way that the W used to do, has the opportunity to do it. But is this the world we want to live in?

Not me. Nothing is more sickening than watch grownups stand in safety miles away from a dangerous situation and encourage young people to keep fighting what in most instances are lost causes. These disgusting cheerleaders may look like grownups but they can only be incomplete men and women.

I hope President Obama never gets to be so diminished as to join them.