Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Two Clowns One Funny The Other Boring

What is America afraid of, Islam or Judaism? What should America be afraid of? We have two articles published in the National Review Online that may help us answer these questions. The first article came under the title: “Coexisting with Sharia” and the subtitle: “A trial involving child sex abuse in England sends a warning.” It was written by Karen Lugo and published on May 25, 2012. The second article came under the title: “The Facebook Caliphate” and the subtitle: “Liberal democracy cannot be tweeted.” It was written by Mark Steyn and published on the next day, May 26, 2012.

Let us begin with the second article. It discusses the Egyptian presidential election about which Steyn reports that the early count indicates a member of the Muslim Brotherhood has a good chance of winning. Steyn then warns that such development will be dangerous to the West which includes Europe and North America. In fact, the author has made it a career to issue this sort of warnings, and has been at it for many years. The implication of the title in his newest article is that as a consequence of the Facebook Revolution in the Arab World, a Muslim Caliphate has come this much closer to conquering the world and to ruling it. This being the author's nightmare scenario, he could not go to sleep that night or wait till the morning to see how the count had gone before writing what he had on his mind, and apparently had on his chest too. This is how he expressed it all: “As I write, they're counting the votes … by the time you read this the pecking order may have changed.”

But what does he say his problem is with Islam? He answers this question somewhere in the lower half of the article. Speaking of the youngsters who started the “Facebook Revolution,” he laments: “If they supposedly embody the forces of progress and modernity, then they've just taken an electoral pounding from guys who haven't had a new idea since the seventh century.” This is to say Steyn believes that progress and the march toward modernity in the Muslim World stopped the moment that Islam began. And this, in turn, means that the splendors of the Muslim Civilization which extend from Southern Europe to Eastern Asia were not accomplished between the seventh century and the nineteenth century like say the history books but were there already before Islam began in the seventh century. It also means that as a result of the advent of Islam, progress and modernity came to an abrupt end. Wow! I tell you this is really something, my friend. I've seen the deliberate rewrite of history before but there is nothing deliberate about this one; it is simply pure ignorance. And for someone to be this careless about historical events when he can so easily check them out, demonstrates that when it comes to measuring levels of IQ, you will find a higher level in the skull of a bird than the skull of Mark Steyn.

I go over the rest of the article several times to see what else is in it that may help improve the image of the guy with bird brain but find nothing more than the description of a non existent world. Needless to say I read Arabic and I have remained in touch with the Arab world, especially Egypt, for the past fifty years. What I read about these people here and what I hear that is said about them in English, is nothing like what they write in their own publications, and nothing like what they say to each other. In fact, the Jewish organizations here have blacklisted people like myself and have shut us out to give the Jewish propaganda machine free range to create a fantasy world where no one was allowed to scrutinize it; to fact check what it reported or push back against the claims it made. Those organizations and the people running them did all this because their aim was and still is to consolidate the Jewish grip on North America. And this is something they succeed in doing by accusing the Muslims of scheming to take over the world, thus divert attention from the fact that they are the ones doing so.

Consequently, you get to read a passage like this in the Steyn article: “Ideas on liberty, free speech, property rights, women's rights, and all the other things conspicuous by their absence in the philosophies of Egypt's new political class.” It should not have surprised me to read this but it did because even a bird brain should have known better. I happen to follow the Egyptian debates on these topics and the other topics which are urgent to them at this time such as the economy, health care and education; and there has been some writing about it even here. How could he have missed that? I stopped for a moment to try and understand why he would say such a thing. I thought of several possible scenarios and settled on the one that expressed it best. Actually, it's a neat little analogy that isn't even mine. I came to know about it because it happened one day that I read something false about Egypt. I took it to my good friend who happened to be a prominent Jewish lawyer and asked him why they would choose to say this when the truth is that? He thought about it for a moment then asked me: If you place the complete works of Shakespeare and a basket of bananas in front of a monkey, which of the two do you think the monkey will take? I did not need to answer because the example said it all. Likewise, Mark Steyn does not see the great value in the Egyptian debates because he is fixated on the bananas. The bird has suddenly transformed into a monkey. Quite a clown/magician, this one.

Keep up the good work, Mark; it saves me having to go to the zoo and look there for cheap entertainment and a good laugh watching the antics of the birds and the monkeys.

We now turn our attention to the equally goosey but less funny article of Karen Lugo. The subject of her piece is the trial of a horrible gang of boys in Britain who committed some very bad crimes. She finds in the story a marker or two she could latch on to argue that the boys did what they did because they were Muslims. From there, she goes on to say that we cannot coexist with Islam or the Sharia law it brings with it because it allows the Muslims to behave this badly, and because it will make such behavior a permanent feature of the European and American cultures.

Karen Lugo is a California clown that is so incompetent, she could not bring a smile to the face of small children at Disney World if she tried harder. Her motives for doing what she does are so pointless, it is difficult to think of her as being capable of committing something that is extremely dangerous. There is, however, something about being a “Judeo-Christian” American, and continually attributing to Islam what a gang of delinquent boys do whether they are homegrown boys or they are imports.

It is that when such attribution is made and repeated over and over, there comes a time when someone in the Arab or Muslim world will look to see what the Americans are saying to each other. And those over there will conclude from what they see and hear over here that because the Christians attribute to Islam every crime that is committed by a Muslim, it must be that every crime that is committed by a Christian is due to their Christianity. In consequence of this, the Arabs and the Muslims will deduce that every Columbine type shooting is a Christian crime. That killing women, cutting them into pieces and selling that as pork chops is the Christian way to add to one's income. That beheading a fellow traveler on the bus and eating from his flesh is a Christian delicacy. That tying mentally challenged people with chains and keeping them in a boiler room to collect their social security checks is a Christian habit. And so and so on and so on. And we, North Americans of Arab origin can try all we want to explain to them that these are isolated incidents, but we fail to find the right words or the right approach that can help us overcome the activities of Karen Lugo and the other fools like her. It is simply that their actions speak louder than our words each and every time.

And in the same way that she and all the other boring clowns of her ilk keep warning that the Muslim boys are but a fifth column who will use the Sharia law to bring to Europe and to America the crimes which are peculiar to them, there will emerge a clown or two in the Arab and Muslim worlds who will want to do the same thing. They will reason and will warn that the Christians who live among them in the Arab and Muslim countries are but a fifth column using the faith as an excuse to bring to their countries the Christian crimes which are peculiar to Europe and to North America. And this is how Christian Arabs will end up suffering not because of the evil they commit or because their Muslim countrymen are bad but because the evil would have originated right here and exported to them over there.

What is not surprising about Karen Lugo is that sitting in California, she should try to second guess the assessment that was made of the situation in London by both the chief superintendent of detectives and the assistant chief constable over there. It happened that the first has refused to get “hung up on race and ethnicity issues,” while the second has observed that it was happenstance “the demographics were that these were Asian men.” Obviously these two professionals know something she does not. They know that any big time organized crime or any small time gang of thugs will eventually be defeated by regular law enforcement. This is what happened in America to the Italian, Jewish and Irish mafias; it happened to the Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian and many other mobs, and it happened to homegrown gangs doing all sorts of bad things for profit or for the thrill of doing something forbidden while getting away with it.

But something good can still come out of all this. The fact is that Karen Lugo fancies herself as being an expert on constitutional law. So maybe she ought to read a little history whereupon she will discover that while groups of lawbreakers may cause havoc where they operate, their activities never go beyond the neighborhood. On the other hand, the groups that manipulate and distort the administration of justice end up causing so much damage to the nation that the whole society eventually descends on them to administer a pogrom style justice. When Lugo will be convinced of this, she could then look closely at what is happening in the office of Cyrus Vance Junior, the District Attorney of Manhattan.

What she will find there is that a man widely known in his country of France for being a retail rapist, a gang rapist and a prostitution ring master was let go by Cyrus Vance Junior for committing a similar sort of crime in America because he was Jewish. As a result, it is getting to be known in some legal circles that Vance was given a list of acts that the Jewish organizations want him to commit. These are acts that will subvert the American system of justice and will certainly provoke reactions similar to those that happened in Germany -- reactions that were instrumental to the rise of a dangerous ideology in that country.

If Lugo wants to know why Junior is doing this, she can look into the history of what happened to his father, the late Cyrus Vance Senior. He was Secretary of State to President Jimmy Carter when the latter decided to rescue the American hostages that were held in Iran. Vance did not like the idea, believing it was too risky and so he resigned. He later founded the American-Iranian Council, an organization that seeks to push back against the venom which is constantly pouring out of the Jewish hate and incitement machine. After the passing of the old man, Junior was told by the Jewish organizations to do as they say or the memory of his father will be dragged in the mud, having associated himself so closely with the Iranian causes. The kid had no choice but to knuckle under in order to save the name of the family and save his own career.

The list of subversive activities he is asked to commit is a long one but two areas of interest to the Jewish organizations stand out. Junior is to revise and whitewash anything that may reflect a true picture of the Jewish existence in New York beginning in the late Nineteenth Century. This is when the Jewish Mafia was helping to establish and to organize the Italian Mafia in New York. And he is to minimize the role that was played by Jewish individuals and organizations – be they corporate or otherwise -- in the financial crimes that were committed on Wall Street and elsewhere.

Thus, if Karen Lugo would leave the business of law enforcement to the professional law enforcers and concentrate instead on the administration of the law and the preservation of the American Constitution, she will do her country a big favor because America is not in danger of being taken over by a bunch of young thugs who break the law for the thrill of it; America is in danger of being destroyed by those who team up with a foreign power to chew on its foundation and consume it like critters from hell. These creatures, it must be said, are the most damaging and most persistent evil force that has plagued the human race since the beginning of time.

They did it to others many times before and they are doing it again to America because they cannot help it -- it is in their DNA.