Thursday, July 18, 2013

Strong Hints at Jury Tampering in Florida

The first thing that comes to mind when you look at the post-verdict performance of the jurors in the  Martin/Zimmerman case is the question: Could it be that jury tampering happened in this case? Could it be that the juror who went on television and spoke of Zimmerman in such glowing terms was a plant that tampered with the jury from the inside rather than the usual way by which juries are tampered with? Could it be that the child Trayvon Martin was murdered not only because he was Black but also because George Zimmerman is a Jew? Indeed, could it be that Zimmerman got away with murder because he is a Jew?

These would be the questions that someone endowed with natural curiosity would ask, having casually followed the post verdict events. It may well be that the four jurors who distanced themselves from the one that spoke lovingly of Zimmerman, have stories of their own to tell as to how that one juror came prepared with tricks and hocus pocus arguments she employed to put the other jurors at ease as to the simplicity of the case, and while so anesthetized railroaded them into reaching the not guilty verdict.

But you would have to reject this theory because to pull a feat of this magnitude, you would need the collaboration of a number of powerful people who do not believe in equal justice for all yet have deep roots and powerful influences inside the system of justice itself. Come to think of it, there is one man that fits this bill; the notorious Alan Dershowitz. But this guy operates out of New York while the case was unfolding in Florida, a different jurisdiction. This ends the speculation, and ends the story.

But then comes a hurricane that wakes you up and brings to your attention the reality that you missed out on something huge – something very huge. It is that Alan Dershowitz was into this thing to his eyeballs from the beginning; even from before the beginning of this case. His story is told in National Review Online, written by Ian Tuttle on July 17, 2013 under the title “Angela Corey's Checkered Past” and the subtitle: “Her Peers describe an M.O. of retaliation and overcharging.”

Alan Dershowitz made it his lifelong project to convince the world that Jews as well as Israel (which is full of Jews) are above the law. He has worked tirelessly to make sure that the Jews can go about doing what they want in the world, and never be prosecuted. But if for some weird reason, someone manages to prosecute a Jew, and he is found guilty of something, the verdict must be reversed no matter how mild it came down. Not only that but Dershowitz also wants the prosecuting side to publicly show remorse, and beg forgiveness for thinking that a Jew can be guilty of something.

Reading the Tuttle article, you realize that long before the case started, Dershowitz had it in for Angela Corey who ended up prosecuting it. Thus, beside a lifelong dedication to protect Jews from prosecution, Dershowitz had a personal reason to get involved in this case, and had the time to organize the things that needed to be done. He must have worked like the dickens to plant the bogus juror inside that jury, and he must have given her full instructions directly or indirectly as to what she must do legally and psychologically to pressure the other jurors to reach the fake verdict they did.

An America whose culture, media, legislatures and executive branches have been infested with moral syphilis, cannot now let its jury system be infested with that disease as well. I saw the fear in the eyes of prominent Jewish lawyers in Quebec when the Canadian Jewish Congress tried at one time to pressure the then Minister of Justice to tamper with the judicial system by doing things that would have stroked the ego of a handful of sick men at the helm of that joint.

Those prominent lawyers had lived in Europe at the time of the Holocaust, and they attributed the tragedy to the “criminal Jews” who tried to tamper with the system of Justice over there. They brought horror to all Jews at the time, and they should not be allowed to repeat the performance in Canada, said the concerned Jewish lawyers.

Apparently, Alan Dershowitz did not get that memo.