Sunday, August 4, 2013

They Made Them Strong. Now They Fear Them

There is the old saying: What does not kill me will make me stronger. If you do not believe this is true, just look around, see what's there, and marvel at the wisdom of those who first uttered that saying. To be sure, you will not have to go too far for a list of where to look because Josef Joffe is offering you one.

He wrote an article under the title: “Exploiting Obama's Foreign Policy Retreat” and the subtitle: “Why did Vladimir Putin thumb his nose at the U.S. in the Snowden affair? Because he could.” It was published in the Wall Street Journal on August 5, 2013.

Having told you in the title that the article is about the consequences of Obama's retreat, Joffe wants you to know that you must not take him seriously because he is only clowning around. He tells you this in the first paragraph with these words: “Washington is now looking at the greatest counterintelligence failure since the Rosenbergs betrayed nuclear know-how to Stalin some 60 years ago.” Do you realize what he means by that, my friend? He means to say that this sort of thing has been happening since before Obama was born, and so you cannot fault him for that.

Now you want to know what else Joffe is doing to entertain you? Well, what he did was make a list of the things he dislikes about Mr. Obama's decisions, then summed it all up like this: “Mr. Obama's America seems to be withdrawing from the great-power table in favor of 'nation-building at home.'” Why is this a bad thing in his eyes? you ask. You look for an answer and find it in his writing. He says this: “Putin has it in his hands to endlessly embarrass the U.S. by releasing choice bits and pieces from the Snowden trove, or threaten to do so.” Does that mean Obama must abandon nation building at home and … and do what?

Joffe answers that question by telling you not what Obama must do but what he must not do. Here is how he put it: “Traditionally, the might of nations was hemmed in by others in an endless game of pressure and counter-pressure. Now, the reigning superpower is proposing to neutralize itself – no foes needed.” And this is where you decide you must pause for a minute to assimilate what he has given you so far.

He says that Russia's Putin has a way to endlessly embarrass America or threaten to do so. That's putting pressure, alright. But why is it that Russia can play this game now – whether or not Putin will actually play it? Is it not true that Russia is the offshoot of the Soviet Union; the one that pulled back when it realized it was preferable not to play a game it cannot win? Yes, this is that same Russia, but having done nation-building at home, and having regained its strength at a time when America was weakening, why not assert itself now and reclaim its old glory? This is what Putin is doing for his country. No more and no less.

The Russians knew when to withdraw and when to stand up for their right. This is wisdom; it is what gave Putin the excellent hand with which to play the game the way he is playing it now. Just imagine what would have happened if Gorbachev or Yeltsin had tried to play the game when Russia was at its weakest point. Well, my friend, this is what Joffe and all those like him are trying to have President Obama do. They want him to play a hand that is so lousy, he will make America fall flat on its face.

In a sense Putin is a lucky man because there are no Joffes to bark in Russia the way that he and the other Jews do in America. This is why Russia grew tall again, and why it is starting to look up at a time when America's nose is being pulled down and rubbed into the Jewish-Israeli mud.

But how exactly did the Jews and Israel manage to diminish America this badly this fast? They did it by attacking the people they could not kill, which made these people grow stronger. Furthermore, given that the Jews and the Israelis have conflated themselves with the image of America, everything they did rubbed on America, and dragged it into the mud. This is why no matter how hard Mr. Obama worked to polish the image of America; he could not erase all the Jewish mud off its face.

Joffe complains about Hezbollah, but there was no Hezbollah before Israel attacked Lebanon; there is now. He complains about a nuclear program in Iran, but there was no nuclear program – civilian or military – till Israel attacked the civilian station in Iraq, and then bragged about the ambiguity of a program it may or may not have. Now Iran has a nuclear program.

These developments are a monument to the failure of the policies that were advocated by the Jewish lobby in America, and pursued by Israel in the Middle East for more than half a century.

Yet, they are what Joffe and those like him wish to hand to America, and have it continue the futile struggle of imposing the Jewish will on others. And they want this done before America has had the chance to do its own nation-building at home.

In short, these people want America to abandon doing the self-healing that Russia did successfully for itself. Instead, they want to see America pursue the self-defeating policies that made Israel fail, and made it call on America to hurry up and come to the rescue.

But who will rescue the rescuer when America will fall flat on its face? This is something you can bet will happen as certainly as the sun will rise tomorrow because a foolish act is always paid for by the sucker who shoots himself in the foot on command from a perennial loser such as the Jews were proven to be.