Tuesday, April 5, 2016

If that's the Tip, imagine the full Iceberg

Like a pyramid, an iceberg is wider at the bottom than it is at the top. The part that's below the water can also be ten times as tall as the tip that's observed. This means that the total volume of an iceberg can be as much as a hundred times as massive as the observed tip.

Now imagine a freak natural phenomenon producing an iceberg whose tip alone is as massive as the normal icebergs we are accustomed to seeing. Can you visualize how massive that iceberg would be? By now you must be anxious to know what this is about. Well, my friend let me tell you it is a metaphor.

For half a century the Jewish propaganda machine has been portraying the Israelis as reasonable negotiators despite the fact that they hold all the trump cards. The machine has also portrayed the Palestinians as being unreasonable in their demands despite the fact that they sit at the negotiating table deprived of even a shirt to cover their backs … having been robbed of it.

Believe it or not, that horrifying situation is maintained by a government of the United States which says it adheres to a system of checks and balances in everything it does and everything it controls. Really? Many in the world do not see that when it comes to matters pertaining to Jewish and Israeli interests. But that's why the American public, which ultimately pays for the crimes against humanity that result, cannot begin to fathom the size of the horror story that's ongoing in occupied Palestine.

As it happens, a parallel story started to unfold over the past few years with elements that resemble the situation in Palestine. Whereas the players are more or less the same, the dimensions of what's observed and what's hidden differ greatly in the two stories. A metaphor exists because the negotiators are the Jews who supposedly sit with the Palestinians at the negotiating table … also appear to publicly advise the Americans on how to negotiate with the Iranians.

Whether or not the Americans are taking the Jewish advice is beside the point. What matters is that the Jews are making their presence felt, and thus reveal a great deal about themselves. You can see that much in the article which came under the title: “Still More Sanctions Relief for Iran's Ayatollahs,” written by Ilan Berman and published on April 4, 2016 in National Review Online.

Here is what the Jews are complaining about: “allowing Iran limited access to the U.S. financial system for its continued compliance with the terms of the deal.” Terms of the deal my ass, says Ilan Berman, because the understanding of the Jews is that “regardless of the provisions of the new nuclear deal, the administration was committed to keeping existing, and extensive, trade restrictions in place”.

The truth is that no such commitment was made unconditionally by the administration. The promise was that if Iran violated the deal, “Iranian banks will not be able to clear U.S. dollars through New York, hold correspondent account relationships with U.S. financial institutions, or enter into financing arrangement with U.S. banks”.

Having lied about what happened, Berman whines in true Jewish fashion: “Now, however, the secretary and his colleagues are singing a different tune: 'Since Iran has kept its end of the deal, it is our responsibility to uphold ours, in both letter and spirit.'” What offends the Jewish sensibilities is that “the message is abundantly clear: For the administration, allowing Iran access to the U.S. market has become an article of good faith.” Good faith? Did you say good faith? My goodness, can you imagine that? Can you imagine someone uttering the words good faith in the presence of a Jew? This is like flying the Swastika inside a Holocaust memorial.

What Berman is promoting here is the Jewish religious adherence to the principle that the Israelis have been using in their fake negotiations with the Palestinians. It boils down to asking the Palestinians what they would give up if Israel did A, B and C? The Palestinians would say they would give up X, Y and Z. Upon this, the Israelis use the weapons given to them by superpower America and go take X, Y and Z by force without giving up A, B or C.

They do that under the pretext that “everyone knows X, Y and Z will remain in Jewish hands in case of an agreement. So why wait for that elusive agreement, we'll expedite things and take possession of X, Y and Z right now. Come to think of it, why have an agreement at all. Things are just fine the way they are at this point”.

When it comes to Jewish bad faith, the Palestine situation seemed like the tip of an iceberg. The Israelis got away with nonsense for half a century because a power imbalance existed between a fully armed Israel and a fully disarmed Palestine.

But now that we have the parallel of the Jews telling the America that is arming them to adhere to the same Jewish philosophy of negotiating in bad faith – the entire Palestine iceberg is reduced to looking like the tip of the full Jewish iceberg of bad faith. And you can imagine how massive the entire iceberg of Jewish horror must be.

No wonder the human race has been rejecting this ideology for the past four thousand years, and punishing those who convert to it.