Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Tribune's incessant bashing of the UN

At one time or another, a publication or another had a feature that watched a person or an institution. The common element tying these features was that all the things being watched were hated by the Jews.

At this time, the Pittsburgh Tribune is the publication that's carrying on with that tradition. It has a feature called U.N. Watch where bashing the United Nations is the specialty.

What has become somewhat safer to say that could not be said previously, is that these activities never happened randomly or spontaneously but were designed and managed from a central point. Their purpose was and still is to bring the democratic jurisdictions under Jewish control. There was a time when writers who brought these realities to light saw their characters assassinated by the Jews, and were made to vanish from the public square for life.

This kind of horror is not new to the planet. Thanks to Alexander Solzhenitsyn, we know of a time when writers who did not toe the line imposed by the established authorities in the old Soviet Union, were sent to a gulag. That era has now passed for Russia and its old satellites. But what used to happen in the authoritarian countries – now liberated of old tyrannies – is happening with a vengeance to the democratic countries that fail to protect their freedom from the despotism of the Jewish ideology.

It must be said that the situation in the democracies was turning increasingly despotic even at a time when the communist countries were moving in the direction of perestroika and glasnost before the fall of the Berlin Wall. True there were no physically constructed gulags to which democratic refuseniks were sent, but the Jews had managed to create virtual gulags in the hearts and minds of those who ran the Establishment. And it is in those hearts and minds that the free writers were buried never to be seen or heard from by the public at large.

The importance in remembering this history lies in the fact that some Jewish leaders have not given up the old habit. They continue to try vanishing the people who do not toe the Jewish line – be they commoners or a former president of the United States … and there is more. Having conquered America and other democracies, the Jews have set their eyes on the world. It is the final frontier they plan to conquer using America's dwindling power and prestige as a springboard.

You can see how they go about doing this when studying “U.N. Watch: Palestinian pitch,” an editorial that was published in the Pittsburgh Tribune on April 24, 2016. The essence of the plot they are hatching is crystallized in the first paragraph. Here is how it reads: “the Palestinian Authority is drafting a U.N. resolution condemning Israel's settlements … This time, the Palestinians hope that a lame-duck U.S. president won't use the U.S. veto to quash the measure”.

Two observations need to be made here. First, a connection was made between the U.S. and a U.N. resolution concerning Israel. Second, a connection was made between the U.S. president being a lame-duck, and him not using the veto to quash that resolution.

What's the significance of all that? Well, America has been making a fool of itself on the world stage, vetoing every UN resolution that condemns the savage behavior of the Israeli Jews who live emotionally and mentally in the Stone Age of biblical times. And yet, America continues to equip these savages with warplanes, bombs, tanks and attack helicopters free of charge … and they continue their savage behavior.

That situation has existed for a long time. It continues to exist because the Jews were able to devise and maintain a savage grip on America's Establishment. It is a grip that's solid enough to threaten anyone who dares to oppose the Jewish line … and that includes the sitting president of the Republic.

But a lame-duck president that is not running for reelection; one whose party is facing an opposition that's melting like an ice cube on a hot stove – is not likely to be intimidated by the Jews or by anyone. Thus, he may try to help America save face before he leaves office ... or so the thinking goes. If this happens, he may set a precedent for future presidents to follow in his footsteps.

That will mean shattering the Jewish grip on America's Establishment. If this happens, the Jews will lose the means by which to plot the control of the United Nations. And if this happens, it will mean the melting of the centuries old Jewish dream to take control of the world.

The world will heal eventually, and the Jews will want to vanish their murderous ideology once and for all.