Monday, April 11, 2016

The bottom Line is the Control of America

Dozens of groups called non-state actors are fighting in the Levant, all being Muslim. There are some who rank as good guys, some as evil, and a number of others who sit at one point or another between the two extremes of the good-to-evil spectrum.

In addition to fighting each other, there are three coalitions of nations fighting against those actors. There is the American, the Russian and the Arab coalition. The reality that cannot be skirted, however, is that each coalition views the non-state actors through a different lens, ranking them differently on the good-to-evil spectrum.

The worry has been that one coalition may find itself fighting or supporting a non-state actor that's viewed and treated differently by another coalition. This would effectively put the two coalitions into a state of war against each other. But because they all profess to be fighting against ISIL, the most menacing of the non-state actors, the coalitions have devised rules that help them avoid coming into contact with each other when going against the same target at the same time.

This is the situation on the ground in the Levant at this time. All indications are that the coalitions are making significant progress fighting against ISIL. They are taking back chunks of territory that the non-state actor was planning to turn into a bona fide state flying the flag of a duly instituted and universally recognized caliphate.

This being the case, you would think that people are rejoicing while expressing the view that they cannot wait for the day when ISIL will be completely defeated, and the Middle East – indeed the whole world – will have returned to its normal state. Well, rejoicing is what's happening around the globe … except in two places. It is not happening in Jewish America or in Israel.

It is that the Jews adhere to a dogma of supremacy that runs afoul of every system of beliefs on the planet. As it happens, every culture uses the “idea” as tool to achieve tangible results. By contrast, the Jewish culture mandates the spinning of “tangible results” in such a way as to formulate ideas that reinforce the supremacy dogma. It is a rigid and self-reinforcing closed loop.

Now, given that the most effective way to achieve supremacy is to make everyone believe that the Jew is supreme, the way to accomplish this is to have the reputation of the Jew precede him everywhere he goes. When this happens and he gets there, he needs only to collect what he came to take. For example, if everybody is made to believe that the Jew never gives up when bidding for an item in an auction, the moment that the Jew starts bidding, everyone else stops bidding. He thus gets the item he came for at a dirt cheap price.

That's what happens at the personal level to the Jew in America. It is the place where he never loses because his reputation is such that nobody dares to challenge him anywhere he goes because his reputation has spread everywhere. And of course, the corollary to that is to demonize the enemy of the Jew so as to make everyone avoid him anywhere he might be, everywhere he might go.

As to what the Jews seek to accomplish at the global level; it can be seen in what they advocate. An example of that is found in the article which came under the title “See no evil,” and the subtitle: “Obama refuses to utter 'radical Islamic terrorism' amid 800% terror spike,” written by Madison Gesioto and published on April 7, 2016 in The Washington Times.

Having neglected to mention that ISIL is taking a beating where it counts the most, Gesioto points to the terrorist and criminal gangs that were in place around the globe before ISIL came into existence, and pledged nominal allegiance to ISIL when it used to score spectacular successes. Thus, Gesioto makes the false claim that ISIL is winning, and then complains that “Mr. Obama continues to insist, 'ISIL is not Islamic'”.

She goes on to paint the picture of an evil force that will not be defeated because, “how can we possibly defeat an evil that our country's leader refuses to name?” And she concludes: “We cannot eradicate radical Islamic terrorism if we cannot acknowledge that it exists”.

So we ask why the Jews are adamant at having the President of the United States utter the two words 'Islam' and 'terror' in the same sentence. And the question brings us to the dogma of Jewish supremacy where we find the answer.

Now that ISIL is certain to be defeated, and that the caliphate will not come into existence, the Jews and their friends are panicking. They are because the tangible result of a world in chaos will not materialize, and without it, they will have no tool by which to formulate the ideas that would have given life to their supremacy dogma. Their four thousand years old dream will have vanished into thin air yet again.

And so, before the defeat of ISIL is made official, the Jews want to permanently demonize Islam by associating it with terror. If this happens, the corollary of the Jew being supreme and invincible will remain intact in America, and he will remain in control of a superpower that can be used again to try and take over the world. And that's their bottom line.