Thursday, July 7, 2016

Moral Pretenses of the Evildoers

The more you realize that Jewish haggling is no democracy, the more you understand that the Jewish narrative is not a solid monument made of steel and concrete but a fragile sand castle whipped up by kids.

This truism comes out clearly from studying the article that came under the title: “An immoral boycott,” written by Yossi Klein Halevi and published on July 5, 2016 in the Pittsburgh Tribune. The author is following the current trend of not calling Israel “the only democracy” because the Jews have learned the hard way that every time they make that claim, the world hears: Israel is the only terrorist entity in the world.

So now the Jewish pundits and opinion makers of the Halevi variety, point to the latest news event and do what schoolboys do when Johnny behaves badly. They run to the teacher and say: look how good I am because I don't do bad things like Johnny. And here is how Halevi has formulated this sentiment: “As the Middle East devours itself, an international movement seeks to delegitimize Israel, the region's only intact society”.

You try to find out if by “intact society,” he means the achievement of a harmonious coexistence between the Jews and the non-Jews who live on the same piece of land. And this is what you collide against: “[The boycott] ignores the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate education on which generations of Palestinians have been raised, an education that denies any place for a Jewish state in any borders.” And that’s what the Jews call intact.

So now that they have their “intact society” in place, what does he say is the problem that prompted the world to boycott Israel? Actually, he does not honestly say why the world is angry with Israel. However, he tells of the fears that motivated the Jews to behave in such a way that the world came to consider them not an intact society but a broken company. Here, in condensed form, is what he says in that regard:

“As the Palestinian media broadcast daily, the goal isn't two states but a single Arab-majority state in which Jews would be a tolerated minority. The Palestinian movement intends to destroy Jewish sovereignty through the “right of return,” the demand that descendants of Palestinian refugees from 1948, move to the Jewish state. That would create an Arab majority in Israel, undermining the state's Jewish identity. Israel would collapse”.

Thus, the fear of the Jews is not that Israel might lose its fake democratic status, but that it will become a real democracy representing all its ethnic and religious groups. In effect then, the Jews want to maintain Israel cleansed enough ethnically to perpetuate the Jewish majority rule that's now in place. Any way you look at it, they could not have expressed their supremacist fantasies more clumsily than this.

And because the author had to reveal this much about the Jewish intentions, he was compelled to justify the horror that results from such intentions. But guess what. Doing so, he revealed all about another horror. Look at this: “Boycott activists brand Israel a transplant in the Middle East. This erases 4,000 years of intimate connection between the Jewish people and the land … it also ignores that a majority of Israel's Jews come from the Arab world, descendants of the nearly 1 million Jews that came from Arab countries”.

He says, in effect, that a John Doe who eyes a promotion at CNN and kisses the rear end of Wolf Blitzer long enough to wear his lips but fails to get the promotion, can always convert to Judaism and claim to have a more intimate connection to the land of Palestine than those who have lived there continuously for the past 4,000 years. He can therefore go to occupied Palestine and occupy more of it by kicking a local out of his home. Well, it must be said that this is the kind of logic that has sent the Jews on a one way trip to the gas chamber.

And there is more. Halevi says that the majority of Israel's Jews are of Arab descent. So you'd think they are more prominent in government and public life than those who came from Russia or Eastern Europe or North America. But no; that was never the case. In fact, only one Moroccan Jew was appointed minister for a short period of time years ago. He then vanished never to be heard from again. Clearly, something isn't kosher in that submission; either Halevi is lying, or Israel is suppressing its Jewish Arab majority.

It is now clear that the Jews will be saved from the evil of their doings only if America were persuaded to let them forge a mode of coexistence with humanity. For this to happen, the world must mobilize and send a message to America similar to the one given during the Vietnam War. That's when people around the world used to demonstrate in front of the US embassies, demanding that America end its lunacy and get real.