Saturday, July 30, 2016

Murdoch's Pornography as bad as Ailes'

Roger Ailes is no longer at Fox News and for now at least, Rupert Murdoch is said to run the show … whether in actual or titular fashion. Thus, Murdoch bears responsibility for what goes on at that network.

And if there is a remedial action that needs to be taken, Murdoch better not fail taking it at once lest he cement the notion that he is as much an “easy profit” predator as Ailes is accused of being a sexual predator.

One of the most cowardly acts of pornography that the politico-journalistic crowd has the habit of inflicting on its chosen enemies of the day is to make them vanish from the public arena. And this is what happened at Fox News during the fourth night of its covering the Democratic National Convention.

What happened was that the Muslim parents of an American-born army captain had walked onto the stage to tell the convention and the nation about the heroic act that was made by their son … the result of which was that he saved the lives of the men under him but died in the process. As to the act of pornography committed by Fox News under Rupert Murdoch; it was that the moment the Muslim parents appeared onto the stage, the network cut to a series of commercials.

When it returned from that mode, the father of the dead captain was telling what his son had done; an act for which he was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart posthumously. Instead of going back to the stage, and letting the audience see and hear a true story of Muslim heroism, Fox News conducted an interview in the studio. It did so and maintained this act of pornography till the Muslim family left the stage. Only then did Fox News return to the convention, leaving a home audience with no idea that Muslim American soldiers do sacrifice themselves so that their buddies may return to their families.

This is not the first time that the filthy hand of the Jewish Hate And Incitement Machine (JHAIM) made people vanish. It has been vanishing them for 50 years in the English speaking world … among the victims being a former president of the United States. The Jews also did it to the Egyptian Secretary General of the UN, Boutros Ghali. And they tried to do it to the head of IAEA, Mohamed Baradei, also an Egyptian.

But the most insidious of their acts, is what they did on two occasions in Canada. One act took place during the 2004 Olympics when during the opening ceremony of the games, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation would cut to a commercial each time that an Arab team appeared, not to return to the parade till the team had moved out of sight. Thus, anyone that didn't know better would have thought there were no Arabs on this planet … except for the awful Sudanese who were accused by the show’s politicized hosts of doing bad things in the province of Darfur.

The other act is one that came to my attention only recently. Having checked several sources, I am confident there is enough truth in what I heard to publicly reveal what I know. It was a time when the Jean Chretien team and the Paul Martin team (both Liberal) were knifing each other in the back to have their man or woman elected next prime minister of Canada. The Jews in the Chretien camp approached Paul Martin and told him that for a price that will not cost him or his faction a penny they would ditch their own team and help him become prime minister.

He asked what they wanted in return, and they said that President Sarkozy of France was planning to invite Egypt to join the G -7 meetings. They wanted to kill the idea, and the best way to do it, was to create another group containing 20 jurisdictions other than Arab or African. Well, they would not mind South Africa, they said, because it had received much acclaim already, and one more was not going to make much of a difference. And Paul Martin said: Yes Master Jew, I hear and I obey.

And so, while the Jews worked to ditch Jean Chretien and make Paul Martin prime minister, the latter started to work on implementing the Jewish orders to the letter. This is how the G -20 came into being. It is also why China has moved to remedy the horrible situation created by the Jewish messing of democratic principles.

Those were the principles in Christian hands that created greatness in the past; these are the tools in Jewish hands that create pornography now. How much the world has changed! How heavy a price the Jews will pay for what they do!