Sunday, November 20, 2016

A new Category for ‘the socially Handicapped’

This discussion is about a situation in the Middle East that's so contorted, you may think of it as representing a load of Jewish ambiguities wrapped with immoral Jewish clarity. To help clarify the story as much as possible, I need to begin by telling the true story of a student I once had in my school.

It happened in Montreal, a large metropolis in the French Canadian Province of Quebec where the social safety net is one of the most generous in the world. What's heartening about it is that people in need are looked after very well. What's disheartening is that some people take advantage of it, thus live at the expense of others. I had a student of the latter kind in my school.

He was in his early thirties when he registered for a one year course in electronics. It looked to me from day one that he was well versed in the subject, so I asked him if he took a similar course previously and he said he did. I asked how far he got and he said he took all of it but skipped the final exam, and was not going to say more. As time passed, however, he opened up to the other students, to other teachers and to me.

His story is that he considers himself socially handicapped because he discovered he cannot get along with anyone at work … and so he decided never to work. To live the good life, he took advantage of the social programs extended by the Province. One of those was the student grant he received as long as he was in school. He was also getting welfare to live on even though he was “renting” space in his parents' home. He fathered a child with a girlfriend he broke with as soon as the baby was born, and got the mother's consent to let him have full custody. He thus got extra welfare and the regular child support from the government even though his own mother was raising the baby.

Because he was not supposed to have more than 2,000 dollars in the bank, he opened an account in his father's name but kept the checkbook in his pocket. As for investment, he had gold rings studded with diamonds in several fingers, and had a gold bracelet that would make a Jeweler's head spin. He bought jewelry when the prices were low, and sold when they were high. After that, what I never guessed would happen did happen. It is that when I set the date for the final exam, he dropped out of school. A few days later I received a note from another school asking me to forward his dossier because he had registered with them for the coming year.

And that's also the story of Israel as it plays the role of a socially handicapped entity living on Palestinian property and getting donations from everywhere. Exempted from the rules that apply to everyone else, it is openly violating the most important rule of all. Even though no government can deliberately engineer the ethnic or religious makeup of the jurisdiction under its control, Israel made that engineering the centerpiece of its legal system. Worse, it periodically feeds its mouthpieces around the globe with news about the government's fight to maintain a Jewish majority in occupied Palestine for the mouthpieces to spin and propagandize the news, and celebrate Israel's demographic successes.

Two articles published on two consecutive days show exactly how this horror story unfolds in full view of the world. The first came under the title: “Jewish, Arab fertility rates in Israel on par for first time,” and the subtitle: “Arab rate drops, Jewish rate rises, and women in both groups now give birth to an average of 3.13 children, highest in OECD.” It was written by the staff of Times of Israel, and published on November 15, 2016. The second article came under the title: “Israel's Population Bomb is Disappearing,” written by Elliott Abrams, and published on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations the next day, November 16, 2016.

The Times of Israel staff says that the Israeli Bureau of Statistics released figures about the fertility rates of Arab and Jewish women to mark International Child Day. The figures show that the rate of Arab women has been dropping whereas that of Jewish women has been rising. Where there used to be a wide gap between the two rates, there is none now.

The staff of the publication did not comment on those figures for obvious reasons. Instead, they left it to the self-appointed leaders of the Jews in America to draw the conclusions that suit them, which is what Elliott Abrams did. The trouble is that what suits him is not what suits human beings anywhere in the world.

Instead of seeing the phenomenon as being the result of policies put down by Israel and by wealthy American Jews who pay large Jewish families to go settle in Israel – at a time when the Israeli army is blowing up Palestinian homes and stealing their food and water – Abrams did something else.

He began his article by mocking those who “know that Arab population growth rate in Israel exceed Jewish ones.” He quoted a few of the figures cited by the Times of Israel, and ended the article with this: “What are the political implications? The debate must begin with facts about population growth.” That's his way to take a victory lap and celebrate the Israeli and Jewish policy of slow motion cultural genocide.

Well, my friend, not even the socially handicapped should be permitted to do that. But then again, the rot begins with the policeman of the world that's encouraging and protecting this ongoing crime against humanity. When will America wake up to this reality, and put an end to it?