Saturday, November 19, 2016

Controlling the Policeman of the World

Imagine the leaders of Russia, China, Iran or North Korea making it the policy of their country to support every movement of dissent that forms in America. Imagine such leaders jumping in front of the cameras to encourage every protest that takes place in the streets of America against the government or the police or any other institution. Would you remain indifferent to this sort of behavior?

Well, you may at first find it hard to believe, but the reality is that such behavior is taking place today, and has been for some time. No, the culprits are not in Russia, China, Iran or North Korean; they are in Israel and in America. They do not personally jump in front of the cameras because they have sleeper cells that never sleep. They dominate the 24 hours news cycle as well as the weekly, monthly and quarterly cycles.

They are the Jews who control the American media. They are editors and pundits who spend their time and devote their resources to pitting the people against their government. They also pit the legislators against each other and against the Executive Branch of the government. Foremost among the outlets that engage in this sort of activities are Fox News and the Weekly Standard.

Hiding behind the two principles of press freedom and the right of the people to know, Fox News has been inviting instigators of the Israeli government to go on the air in America and warn the President of the United States to toe their line, or the Jewish voters will throw him out of office. As to the personnel of the Weekly Standard, they spend time and resources identifying those they call pro-Israel and those they call anti-Israel from among the legislators, the groups of citizens and the individuals who mind their business and go about living their daily lives peacefully in America.

Disguised as journalists, the personnel of the Weekly Standard write harassment articles about the legislators, the groups of people and the individuals they do not like. They do so under headlines that suggest those people are engaged in illegal or unethical activities. Below that, the body of the articles would be filled with innuendos, with speculations based on the innuendos, and conclusions based on the speculations.

Two articles written by Jenna Lifhits show how this is done. The first came under the title: “Dem Reps Met With Alleged Member of Palestinian Terrorist Group,” published on November 17, 2016 on the website of the Weekly Standard. The second came under the title: “Iran will Take Advantage of Obama Administration's Final Weeks, Top Lawmaker Warns,” published on November 18, 2016, also on the website of the Weekly Standard.

To better understand what fuels the harassment and incitement machine which operates such outlets as Fox News and the Weekly Standard, we must recall that after decades of laborious work, the Jewish leaders had managed to monopolize the public square in which ideas used to be exchanged freely. They pushed everyone out and maintained the semblance of free exchange by presenting two sides for each story. There was the Jewish side as told by the Jews. And there was the Arab side as told by the Jews. The principle of the Arab side being told by Arabs was turned into a taboo.

But then, it happened that the rank-and-file among America's Jews began to realize that their leaders were exploiting them as much as they exploited everyone else. They began to listen to the Arabs, and make room for them to tell their side of the story themselves. One way to do this was to invite America's lawmakers to visit the Arabs where they live, and see what's happening. The Arabs began to do that, and the self-appointed leaders of the Jews panicked. It is this state of panic that you take away when reading the November 17 article.

As to the November 18 article, the fear motivating the Jewish leaders is that after the election that put the White House and the two chambers of Congress in the hands of one Party, the Jews will have diminished opportunities to pit one Party against the other.

For this reason, they invented the concept of a “Top Lawmaker” worrying about the Obama Administration continuing to do the wrong thing even as it transfers the reins of power to the incoming Administration. This is to tell the incoming group never to forget how bad the losers of the election had been, therefore never to be magnanimous toward them.

This is to incite them to maintain the animosity so that the Jews may continue to exploit them for the benefit of Israel, always Israel and no one but Israel.