Sunday, November 6, 2016

They wish to double the Horror they created

The Jews, who have been in direct control of America's foreign policy since 1967 (indirectly since before that,) wish to continue doubling and tripling on the horror they created in the Middle East.

The Jewish leaders have revealed that desire on many occasions by flashing their calling card. What would that card be? With the sense of shame displayed by a dog that jumps on the dinner table and craps in your plate, the Jews are blaming the horror they created on Barack Obama. This is what Lee Smith is doing in the article he wrote under the title: “Presiding over Chaos” and the subtitle: “The meaning of Michel Aoun's election,” published on November 5, 2016 in the Standard.

It was the Jews who grossed one European community after another throughout the centuries, causing what they call antisemitism, and seeing it culminate in the Holocaust. It was the Jews who illegally migrated to Palestine and took it over by force of arms. It was the Jewish terrorist gangs that created millions of refugees out of a Palestinian nation that had lived peacefully in its homeland for thousands of years. It was the Jewish thieving terrorists who stole Palestinian properties and renamed them Israel.

It was Israel that caused the creation of Arafat's Fatah Movement. It was the French equipped Israeli army that destroyed Lebanon in an attempt to dislodge Arafat from there. It was this Israeli aggression and the subsequent occupation of Southern Lebanon that caused the sectarian civil war, the call for the Syrian army to come in and restore order, and the creation of the Lebanese defense force named Hezbollah. All of that started to happen when Obama was only a teenager. The entire cycle was completed before he was elected to any office.

Concurrent with those events and after them, there were Jews in America who lobbied for the stationing of American troops in Lebanon and for the relentless shelling of the country by the USS New Jersey. It was the Israeli army, now equipped with American weapons that went on a rampage throughout the Levant. And it was the Jewish Neocons who planned for and then ordered the destruction of Iraq. It was this event that turned Iran into a political and military colossus.

Think of what can happen to a tiny dot on the map (a place called Lebanon) when it is subjected to whirlwinds of this magnitude inside its borders and around it for half a century. And yet ‘nothing happened,’ Lee Smith seems to say because nothing should have happened that can spoil his mutilation of history. Take that away, and you'd kill the narrative that is meant to help him incite America to go into the Middle East and do the dirty work that is too dirty for Israel to do alone.

This is why Lee Smith has swept that history under the rug and started his mutilated narrative not in the 1970s or before when it all started, but on October 31, 2016 when “the Lebanese parliament elected Michel Aoun president.” He flashes back to points in the past that help him construct his version of history, but he never goes to the moments that transformed Lebanon or the Levant into what they are today.

Like the dog that craps on your dinner plate, Smith wants you to believe that the trouble started when Barack Obama treated Iran nicely instead of harshly. Not only that, but he does the very Jewish thing of rejecting the earlier mutilated versions of history that he and his cohorts fabricated to steer America in the wrong directions. Now that he wants America to go in yet another wrong direction, he says this: “Here is the source of a significant misunderstanding. Many observers believe this election signifies that Lebanon has now come fully under Hezbollah management. But this has been the case already for years”.

The reason why he wants to re-mutilated what he mutilated previously is this: “What the election shows is that Hezbollah has replicated the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” He goes on: “...for Iran to export the revolution means not forcing veils on women or anything like that. It's about replicating the Islamic Republican system.” That's the big worry, says Lee Smith, and he blames Obama for making it possible. To convince you of that, he says he knows what goes inside the heads and hearts of the Saudis. They are dismayed, he says, because they “found that the Obama administration had taken Iran's side.” Are you now convinced?

He goes on to say this is creating all sorts of problems for the Christians and the Sunnis in Lebanon, which is the way that the Jews begin the process of inciting America. And he ends on the pessimistic note that this situation is unlikely to change even if America elects a president that knows what he or she is doing … an adroit use of reverse psychology to incite America even more.