Monday, June 12, 2017

Israeli Pearl Harbor killed Americans

Do you want to know why for thousands of years, humanity around the globe has felt no compunction about inflicting pogroms and holocausts on the Jews? If that's what you want, read on.

On his first State of the Union Address to Congress, the newly elected President of the United States condemned the threatening phone calls that were made to Jewish organizations, and the vandalism that was done to Jewish cemeteries. He did so even though it was clear by then that the Jews had done it to themselves as usual, in order to garner sympathy for themselves and claim compensation. Alas, the truth of what happened was covered up, and will continue to be hidden … unless and until something drastic happens.

This is not surprising, however, considering that coverups of this kind happen all the time when it comes to Jewish and Israeli matters. One of those is the fact that not only did the Japanese surprise the American navy and dealt it a severe blow at Pearl Harbor – an event that is discussed all the time – but so did the Israelis in the waters of the Eastern Mediterranean. Shamefully, however, the story has been covered up for half a century with no sign it will be told … unless and until something drastic happens.

The American ship that suffered the cowardly and treacherous Jewish attack was the USS Liberty. It was a reconnaissance ship monitoring the 1967 Israeli attack on Egypt when, on the third day of the operation, the Israelis still feared that America might give Egypt information it could use to protect itself or counterattack. And so, the Israelis attacked the Liberty with the full intention of killing everyone on board and sinking the ship.

Fifty years later, the survivors of the ship, now connected under the name Liberty Veterans Association (LVA), are called antisemites and neo-Nazis every time they try to get their story out to the public. They want this to happen because they want the known facts to be given out, and want an inquiry set-up to answer the remaining questions. To add insult to America's flag, and add injury to its Constitution, a standing order forbids the mention of Israel as the attacker, and threatens the survivors with fines and imprisonment if they tell what happened on that calamitous day.

Add to this the avalanche of subversive tricks and parliamentary sleights of hand as well as the end-runs that the Jews pull every hour of the day on America, and you'll be convinced that something is bound to happen; one that will put a drastic end to a madness that is as banal as it is abusive. The Jewish intent is to turn America into a constitutional and judicial banana republic they can play with … and the pot is about to boil over.

Are there signs this is about to happen? Yes there are. A simple way to find out is to read the article that came under the title: “A New Tolerance for Antisemitism,” written by Alan Dershowitz and published on June 7, 2017 on the website of Algemeiner. It is a long article that lists too many names, but a number of passages give a feel of what it's about. Here is a compilation of those passages:

“All over the world antisemites are becoming mainstreamed. It is no longer disqualifying to be outed as a Jew-hater. In the US hard-right antisemitism came into public view, as did bigotry of the hard-left, prevalent on many university campuses. Extreme right-wing antisemitism continues to be a problem in many parts of Europe. The same trend is detectable among the hard-left in Europe, particularly in Britain. Increasingly, antisemitic discourse is also seeping into the arts and academia. Likewise, the marketplace of ideas on college campuses and within academic institutions has seen an embrace of antisemitism often disguised as anti-Zionism. The growing tolerance for antisemitism by both the extreme Left and Right is quickly becoming mainstream”.

Jews such as Alan Dershowitz like to tell why antisemitism flourishes. What they say boils down to accusing humanity of having a defective gene that cannot be cured, therefore, must be suppressed. They believe they stand on valid ground when calling for the suppression of truths such as the sinking of the Liberty and the vandalism they did to their cemeteries. To that end, they recruit gentiles who spread their false gospel for them.

These would be feeble minds, cowardly characters and spineless operators such as Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, John McCain, Ted Cruz and Ed Royce who would stab the veterans of Liberty in the heart, insult the flag of the United States and injure its Constitution rather than stand up to a Jew and say: enough is enough; I have developed the necessary self-respect to want the truth getting out even if it means losing your pat on my back, and the fake smile you flash in my face. The gentiles will only do that if and when something drastic happens.