Tuesday, January 16, 2018

A Culture metastasizing like a virulent Disease

If you ever thought that the Judeo-Yiddish culture was anything but a virulent disease, you now have the proof that it is. You'll find such proof in an article that came under the title: “Trump Must Follow through with His UN Threats,” written by Brett D. Schaefer, and published on January 14, 2018 in The National Interest.

But how do you measure the virulence of a diseased culture? To answer this question, we must differentiate between two realities. There is the polemical reality and there is the engagement reality. When a group of people feels it is mistreated, and lashes out verbally “at the whole world,” its behavior can be interpreted as blowing off steam. Call it idle polemics. Or the lashing out can be seen as the symptom of something more ominous. You'll know which it is if and when the agitated group acquires the power to respond to the mistreatment; be it real or imagined.

What comes out the Schaefer article is that the Jews feel they are mistreated, and have been lashing out at the whole world for some time now. What has changed for them at this time, however, is that they have an attentive ear in the White House. This gives them the opportunity to recommend translating the polemics into active engagement. In fact, that's what Schaefer is attempting to do in his article. He is explaining what he wants to see America do for the Jews and for Israel. And what he says he wants is exactly the thing that can be used as a yardstick to measure the virulence of the Judeo-Yiddish disease.

To see how this works, we recall that the world is made of something like 200 jurisdictions, and that America has a complex set of relationships with each of them. In turn those relationships extend into fields that cover a vast array of subjects; one being the occupation of Palestine. This is an important issue for a world that views America as being responsible for maintaining the occupation. And this is the inescapable reality given that America arms and finances the Israeli military as well as the savage settlers who kill and loot Palestinians under the watchful eyes and protection of the military.

But what kind of responsibility should that be? The world says it must be full responsibility for ascertaining the well being of the Palestinian people. On the other hand, the Jews of America and those of Israel say the responsibility must be to punish the Palestinians for refusing to accept the legitimacy of the crimes which are inflicted on them on a daily basis.

The Jews demand that the Palestinians sign away ownership of their patrimony to the Israelis, and forfeit the right to have their case heard in a court of law. Either that – say the Jews – or the Palestinians must be subjected to an American led regime of starvation designed to force them to flee Palestine, and leave their properties to the genocidal hordes of savage Jews and their obedient American enablers.

Amid all of this tumult, you'll observe that whereas America sings the praises of the rule of law till Israel rejects it––at which time America treats the subject the way that Harvey Weinstein treats young actresses––the world respects the rule of law and seeks to enforce it no matter the circumstances, and without favoritism. It is that the world operators doggedly adhere to the principle of the law being supreme despite the clowning that's done by their American and Jewish counterparts, and despite the dancing around the issues that the latter do to cloud and confuse those very issues.

Aside from all that, the various jurisdictions around the world made it clear they wish to maintain the good relations they have with America on all matters, but reserve the right to differ on the issue of Palestine. Brett Schaefer's response to this idea has been the following: damn all the issues, America must preoccupy itself with Israel's needs and only that.

And this, my friend, is what makes of the Schaefer response a perfect yardstick by which to measure the virulence of the Judeo-Yiddish culture. In fact, the absoluteness with which Brett Schaefer is asking America to countenance Israel's crimes at the exclusion of everything else, says that the culture is absolutely virulent.

But if we accept that the Judeo-Yiddish culture is virulent, is there anything that says it deserves being labeled a disease? The answer is yes because the culture is highly corrupting. Not only that, but the corruption it brought to America's politico-Journalistic establishment, has metastasized so rapidly and so deeply, it can only be likened to a disease.

There is no escaping the conclusion that the Judeo-Yiddish philosophy of life is neither a religion nor the cultural expression of a group that can be identified by a uniform ethnicity. It operates more like a worldwide organized crime syndicate because that's what it is.