Saturday, January 27, 2018

Naftali Bennett did it to himself again

Naftali Bennett is Israel's Minister of Education and Diaspora Affairs as well as a member of the security cabinet. The thing to know about him is that every time he opens his mouth, he stiffs himself real hard.

He did it again in an article he wrote under the title: “My Country Bars Enemies From Entry. Yours Would Do the Same,” published on January 27, 2018 in the New York Times. His point is that the people and organizations that support the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel (BDS) do not simply object to Israel's policies; they object to Israel's existence. And this gives him the right to ban them from entering Israel.

The argument he put together to justify his logic begins with the article's title. The points he makes are contained in the part that says: “Yours Would Do the Same.” It conveys the idea that if you do not see thing his way; it's because you are pursuing a double standard. In effect, you would be denying Israel the right to do what everyone else does. And this, in his view, is what defines the double standard.

So you go over the article to see how he develops that argument. What you discover instead is that in the same way the rabbis of old started the intimidation of America by accusing those that criticized anything Jewish or Israeli of being antisemitic and working to start a holocaust – Bennett is now accusing those who support BDS of trying to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. However, whereas the rabbis succeeded in achieving their goal five decades ago; Naftali Bennett isn't doing as well today.

Look at his problem. He says that “BDS is a new name for an age-old strategy: demonizing and delegitimizing the Jewish people ... The movement aims to make the case that the Jewish state doesn't have the right to exist in the Middle East.” But why is there such a movement to begin with? Good question. Well, he says that the movement was started by the Palestinians in 2005. This happens to be 38 years into the occupation of their country by Israel's military.

But in case you did not catch Bennett's logic, he means to say that instead of loving the occupation, having lived under it for 38 years, the Palestinians decided to ask the world for help to end it. He is suggesting that this act does not mean the Palestinians have had enough being occupied by the military of a foreign entity; it means they are so evil as to have adopted the age-old strategy of demonizing and delegitimizing the Jewish people.

But deep down, even he suspected this might be reasoning that's funky enough, he must explain it. And so, he said this: “The logic behind this policy is sound: We won't welcome enemy soldiers into our territory. If you actively work for our destruction, you can't come into our home.” He thus made it so that instead of the Israeli military being the enemy that invaded Palestinian homes, it was the Palestinian farmers, carpenters and doctors who were the enemy that refused to welcome the Jewish invaders when the latter went into Palestine riding tanks and armored vehicles.

And the long term effect of that 'sound policy' has been that every piece of Palestine the Jews grabbed became a piece of Israel. In fact, after fifty years of occupation, what was Palestinian West Bank became Israeli Judea and Samaria. That's the name Bennett and the gang making up the Israeli government gave it. In the end, the reality on the ground exposed the intent of the Jewish policy as being a plan to make the Palestinian identity vanish from the face of the Earth. This was the latest idea that the Jewish leaders came up with to deal with the Palestinian question, having failed to demonize and delegitimize the Palestinian people.

And so, we now have the Orwellian situation of a Tom, Dick, Harry or Naftali coming from anywhere in the world, deciding to expel the indigenous Palestinians “out of my country,” having turned the Palestinians into foreigners in their own Palestine.

And Bennett wants the world to understand that even if Israel has not yet annexed the entire West Bank, the fact that the Jews covet that piece of real estate, means it is in theory a piece of Israel. This is why he says the Jews can treat the Palestinian population that remains on it as foreign slave labor producing the goods that the Jews are trying to sell to the world and pocket the money. It is also why, in the logic of Naftali Bennett, to BDS those goods, is to commit an antisemitic act aimed at the destruction of Israel itself.

But the world saw through this turning of reality upside down, and considered it a double standard pursued by the Jews while falsely accusing the world of pursuing a double standard against them by practicing BDS. And this is how Naftali Bennett shafted himself once again.