Thursday, January 25, 2018

How much will America sacrifice for the Israelis?

Clifford D. May reminded us of what Richard Armitage said fifteen years ago.

This done, he took it from there and built on it to justify his message for the week. As it happened, it was the same old message: war, war, war –– but this time, the message came wrapped in a new package lest the readers discard it before reading it. Clifford May did all this in a column that came under the title: “The terrorist A-Team,” published on January 23, 2018 in The Washington Times.

When discussing Richard Armitage, Clifford May avoided mentioning that the gentleman was joined at the hip by two other characters: Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle. They were two prominent figures in the team that planned the dissemination of fake evidence, falsely accusing Iraq of producing weapons of mass destruction (WMD.) The two characters were also among those that planned the disastrous invasion of Iraq to rid the country of the destructive weapons it did not have. What deception can be more Jewish than that?

No, Clifford May is not calling that team the A-Team; he is calling someone else by that name. It happens to be a Lebanese militia formation that was forced into existence by Israel's repeated military abuses of that tiny country, and the inability of the Lebanese government to defend its citizens. The team called itself Hezbollah; a ragtag militia army that grew to become a well organized and formidable force. It proved itself capable of defeating all kinds of weapon systems America gave to Israel.

Clifford May says that Richard Armitage “regarded al Qaeda as less capable” than Hezbollah, but was confident that America's war on terror “would soon result in the defeat of both organizations.” Because this prediction was made fifteen years ago and the two organizations are still here, there was only one thing that Clifford May could do now. It was to complain: “We haven't yet.” He then warned that we should “expect to hear more from al Qaeda over the years ahead.” And he proceeded to do the very Jewish thing of ignoring past useless advice, and gave more advice on what to do next.

But in reality, he added nothing new of his own to the debate. All he did was describe the situation as it exists in the world today, and what the Trump administration is proposing to do to fight terrorism. And for now at least he gave his blessing to that. But when you compare the situation the way he described it with what the Trump administration is proposing to do, you wonder if these guys are serious in what they are doing.

Here is the situation on the ground the way that Clifford May described it: “Hezbollah has gone from strength to strength … Today, it effectively controls the Lebanese government … Hezbollah troops have been fighting in Syria ... Hezbollah has fought several armed conflicts with Israel”.

And here is what he says the new administration is doing: “U.S. Attorney General announced the creation of the Hezbollah Financing and Narcoterrorism Team … He said the goal is to ensure that all investigations are given the needed resources and attention to come to their proper resolution … We may not be winning what used to be called the war on terror but at least we're back in the fight”.

And dragging America into the fight has been the goal of the Jews both in Israel and America for several decades. Aware of the reality that you cannot go into a neighborhood, poke everyone in the rib that mind their business trying to get ahead, and expect them to remain passive, the Jews stirred things up in the normally quiet Middle East to awaken the locals and get them to respond. Simultaneous to that, the Jews nudged the Americans to get involved in the fight, hoping it will last to perpetuity.

The ultimate Jewish goal being to establish an Israel that stretches from the Nile to the Euphrates, America's involvement will have to be perpetual or last till America gets depleted … whichever comes first. Thousands of lives and trillions of dollars have been wasted so far, and the only tangible result there is to see, is the rise of a resistance movement led by Arab and Muslim youngsters.

The resistance is manifesting itself in different forms, but all forms have the goal of defending their people, convinced that the governments cannot or will not do it.

Fired up with idealism typical of the young, the militias are determined to fight fire with fire, prepared to sacrifice their own lives to save those of their people.

And this raises the question: How many of their sons and daughters are the Americans prepared to sacrifice to further inflate the already fattened Jewish moguls of Israel?