Friday, November 30, 2018

A foolish Gamble only America would take

You may be old enough to remember “Lassie” and/or “The Littlest Hobo.” Or you may be too young to remember them, but were lucky enough to have seen reruns of the two-TV series. They featured dogs that helped human beings save lives or helped solve mysteries of criminal nature.

That's pure fiction. It is because in reality dogs do not have the ability to engage in the kind of judgment that's the exclusive endowment of human beings. In fact, you can run a thought experiment and you'll reach that same conclusion. So, I ask you to imagine someone seeing the unattended toddler of a neighbor fall into the backyard swimming pool. The neighbor jumps over the fence to go save the child, but the pit bull that's guarding the house, tears into the flesh of the would-be savior. It's because the dog cannot reason that the neighbor is trying to save the life of its owner's baby.

This is the reality that runs contrary to any fiction they put on film about dogs having exceptional abilities. In our story, the dog was trained to do something that did not involve engaging in human-like reasoning. It was all that the dog could do, even if the outcome ran afoul of its trainer's wishes. But could the dog have been trained to do better? Well, it could have been trained to do something different, but not necessarily something better. In fact, whereas it is impossible to train dogs to rise to the level of human beings, it is easy to train human beings to descend to the level of dogs. This is what the Jews seek to do to every American that enters the politico-journalistic field. The Jews employ every trick they learned during the centuries to promote Israel and the Jewish causes no matter the consequences.

Very few Americans remain unresponsive to the Jewish attempts. Unfortunately, the majority of them succumb to the Jewish tricks that ensnares them into a mafia-like spider's web from which they cannot escape. What happens to someone in politics that holds a high position (such as the chairmanship of a congressional committee, for example) and he fears being exposed as a stooge of the Jewish syndicate — is that he quits politics altogether. Those who are steeped in politics and have no other skill, run to fill a position at the State level. In fact, most run to be governor of their State.

As to the poor souls that get trapped in a journalistic position, having no skill to do something else, but having a family to feed and children to raise — they go through hell. Their fate is to live day after day holding their noses while writing the kind of pieces, which they know will sicken their readers. Having no choice but to do what their Jewish masters command them to do, they hold on to the hope that their audiences will forgive them.

You can see an example of this in the article that came under the title: “Europe Loves the Mullahs,” and the subtitle: “The EU's faith in Iran is foolish, dangerous—and a mystery.” It was written by the editors of the Weekly Standard and published on November 28, 2018 in the Weekly Standard.

Having negotiated a nuclear deal with America and five other powers, the Iranians are sitting pretty, watching their American nemesis wilt like a rotting fruit that got afflicted with a disease for which there may not be a cure. What happened was that America reneged on the nuclear deal, and tried to pull the other signatories to its side by threatening to sanction them along with Iran.

But instead of knuckling under — as predicted by the mob of Jewish pundits — the other signatories to the nuclear deal started the process of stripping America of the tools it has been using to punish anyone it did not like … for good reasons and for bad.

Like the dog that attacked the neighbor who tried to save a drowning baby — “believing” it was doing the right thing as per training — the editors of the Weekly Standard reveal what credence is behind their descent to a level of judgment that puts them at par with canine intelligence.

Speaking of America's menace to sanction its allies for standing with Iran, here is the sentence that reveals the editors' diminished intelligence: “The Europeans appear fully aware of these risks—but don't care”.

What the editors are missing is that America got itself in a tug of war where it stands alone on one side. Meanwhile the world—including the five signatories to the nuclear deal—is standing on the other side.

The stakes are such that if America wins, it will only win this one round. But if the world wins, it will have kneecapped America never again to threaten someone with sanctions.

Is America “fully aware of these risks—but does not care?” Or have the Jews drained America of the thinking matter that's supposed to fill the cranial cavity between its ears?

We’ll soon have the answer to this vital question.