Thursday, November 8, 2018

It's Opium of the Masses, Stupid!

Karl Marx, who was raised Jewish, discovered that religions – like opium – were used as agents to keep the masses down and content with their lot, however dreadful that lot may be.

This prompted Marx to reject religion, opting instead to work on unifying the workers of the world under a philosophical idea they will want to embrace – not because they are under the influence – but because they find the idea attractive. And so, building on the Socialism that was sweeping the newly industrialized nations of Northern Europe at the time, Karl Marx invented Communism.

Almost a century later, the Jews who fled Europe to go settle in America, tried to introduce Communism to the country they adopted because Karl Marx had predicted that America will be the first nation to adopt Communism as a system of government. When this did not happen, the Jewish leaders, who were still enamoured with the idea of regimenting the masses and presiding over them, made a 180-degree turn, and used religion to achieve their goal in America.

The Jews had thousands of years of experience on how to make the rulers and institutions of various nations turn against their own people to serve the Jews, and were having a great success in America doing just that. But now, their goal was to have America serve the Interests of Israel, which is after all a foreign country situated thousands of miles away. How to do that? Well, Israel being Jewish whereas America was Christian, they had to fabricate an artificial nexus that would tie the two religions together.

They came up with the catchy locution: “Judeo-Christian” which, in reality is an oxymoron because Judaism is about the triumph of evil, whereas Christianity is its antidote: the triumph of the good. But religion being a drug for the masses, the Jewish leaders knew how to bribe and blackmail the weirdo televangelists of America at the time. They got them to preach a Christianity they said was rooted in Judaism rather than preach a Christianity that is a remedy to the ills of Judaism.

The preachers drugged their flocks with this kind of talk and told them a long story. They told them there is the old Jerusalem in Palestine and there is the Jerusalem that was up in the sky but came down to Earth and became America. They asserted that the time had come for the two Jerusalems to meet and become one and the same shiny city on the hill to stand as a beacon for mankind. The way to do this, said the televangelists, was to bring the two cities under the governance of one authority: the Jewish people. And the stoned masses, that had given themselves the name Evangelicals, chanted in unison: Amen. Glory be to our new Jesus, the Jew next door, his brother and his cousin too.

Because the Jews had already embarked on a scheme to use a subjugated America as their politico-diplomatic arm to go on the conquest of the world, they found it easy to use the Evangelicals as foot soldiers in their grand scheme. Much like the missionaries of old who paved the way for the colonization of the New World – bearing the musket in one hand and the cross in the other – the Jews trained the Evangelicals to go around the world and lay down the groundwork for them.

In fact, whereas the Jews had discovered it was difficult to make other communities bow to them even when they used America's military to frighten them, the Jews switched to the use of the Evangelicals to sweettalk those communities into voluntary submission. Thus, the Jews managed to transform the religious movement of quacks into their colonial arm, and employed it to go drug the nations of the world, and bring them into the fold.

An article that tells how the Jews are doing this, came under the title: “Brazil Is Moving Its Embassy to Jerusalem,” and the subtitle: “Evangelical voters throw their support to another populist pro-Israel president.” It was written by Walter Russell Mead and published on November 6, 2018 in the Wall Street Journal. Everyone should read this piece because it is loaded with important information.

The piece is about the newly elected President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro who is the newest crackpot to admit craving to shoot people on sight. The Jews are taking him into the colony of socio-diplomatic lepers which already boasts Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines as an inmate. This one did more than crave shooting people on sight ... he says he did it several times and would do it again.

As to Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, he too is an inmate of the lepers' colony, but he claims he's as clean as a whistle even if his pastime is to bomb innocent Palestinians by the thousands, and harvest their internal organs to use on Jewish patients or sell on the world market. And then there is Donald Trump who fantasizes about shooting someone on Fifth Avenue and getting away with it, which would prove he is loved by millions of Americans.

If you are faint of heart, do not project this information into the future and guess what kind of world is awaiting your offspring. Instead, hang on to the idea that miracles do happen as they did in Jonestown, Waco, Montreal and a California location whose name escapes me.

Cheer up, my friend.