Sunday, November 25, 2018

It's not Saudi Arabia, stupid –– it's Israel

If there is a lesson the Americans should take away from what is transpiring on the world stage at this time, it's that they are not as good as they believe they are, and they don't have the influence they fantasize they do.

Had this been known to the Americans, Fred Ryan who is publisher and chief executive of the Washington Post, would not have written the piece that he did. That piece came under the title: “Trump's dangerous message to tyrants,” and the subtitle: “Flash money and get away with murder.” It was published on November 21, 2018 in the Washington Post, of course.

Speaking of the role that the press is purported to play in America's so-called democracy, Fred Ryan's article condenses down to the following text:

“Our mission is public service. We will continue to expose the truth. Trump doesn't advance the United States' interests. He places commercial deals above American values of respecting liberty and human rights. Security is a US interest. We do not make the world safer by setting a double standard or by abandoning our values for anyone that offers to buy enough weapons [or buy enough votes.] Congress must stand up for America's values. It should press for an independent inquiry, and use its powers to suspend the sale of weapons to the Saudis. From John Kennedy to Ronald Reagan, presidents took courageous stands for human rights. The world has come to know that America's power is derived from America's principles. We live under a Constitution that ensures the rule of law”.

Even though Fred Ryan has been around long enough to have seen the transformation that America has gone through during the past few decades, his article shows not a hint that he is willing to take into consideration the forces that changed America to what it has become … what he feels is unbecoming of a superpower. For him to come now and complain that America should not abandon its values to those that buy American products––in this case weapons––but not those that buy American votes, is to commit an act of intellectual dishonesty that is truly unbecoming of a publication that was once the flagship of American journalistic excellence.

Look at the difference between two situations, one that's approved by Fred Ryan, and one that's not. And then judge for yourself if that man, Fred Ryan, deserves to be taken seriously.

Situation number one: Saudi Arabia sells its oil resources and uses the money to create a diversified economy that will be self-sustaining when the kingdom will have run out of oil. Because external threats challenge the country, Saudi Arabia allocates a budget to buy weapons and get training for its troops, thus have them ready to defend the country should it be attacked.

Situation number two: Sheldon Adelson is a Jewish billionaire that piles up his fortunes through the avails of gambling. His passion is breaking American and international laws by financing the illegal settlement activities in the West Bank of occupied Palestine. Since money alone does not guarantee the success of what he has in mind, he spends hundreds of millions of dollars buying the kind of American Congress that will keep the entire United States of America ready to go in and assist the savage beasts that gather from every corner of the globe. These beasts, in human form, come to rob and kill the unarmed people of Palestine who bother no one but live quietly on their land as they have done since the beginning of time.

So, you have Fred Ryan looking at these two situations and feels motivated enough to call on the Congress of the United States to stop the sale of whatever to Saudi Arabia because he considers Saudi money to be dirty money, while closing his eyes on Sheldon Adelson's gambling money buying up the US Congress because he considers gambling money to be kosher money. Now, my friend, ask yourself this question: Is this an intellect that's capable of flashing a scintilla of honesty?

The reality is that America's relation with the rest of the world is not going to change now because of what Saudi Arabia has or has not done. It is that America's relation with the rest of the world has changed long ago because of what America did and has failed to do with regard to its relation with Israel, and with regard to how it continues to respond to the Jewish manipulation of its affairs –– both internal and external.

Thus, if Fred Ryan wants to get the world to respect America again, he must focus on the Jewish question rather than waste his time working on the Saudi question.