Monday, November 16, 2020

The bitter losers are licking their wounds

 Known for their knack to constantly pile a new absurdity on top of the previous, the editors of the New York Post seem to have come up with the penthouse of all absurdities. It is one that might cap their treasonous tower; the construct they dedicated to sabotaging America's interests and boosting Israel’s.


This time, the editors of the New York Post came up with an editorial under the title: “Will Joe Biden undo President Trump's progress toward Middle East peace?” which they published on November 14, 2020. You'll see in this piece the blocks they have been putting together throughout the years; constructs of absurd lies and deceptions they piled on top of each other in a tower-like erection that serves as a monument reflecting what they want the world to believe are Donald Trump's seminal achievements.


So, we comb the editorial to identify the blocks that make up the Trump Tower, and discover a few. One of the blocks is a veritable expression of the upside-down logic of the Jews. It is that to create a narrative that will not collapse under its own weight, the editors of the Post found it necessary to proceed on the understanding that the armed Jewish house invaders are considered victims, whereas the unarmed Palestinian house owners are considered the aggressors.


With this, the editors made it possible for themselves to attack Vice President-elect Kamala Harris for something she promised to do. And so, they pleaded with president-elect Joe Biden to reject what she promised. Here is how they put it: “Kamala Harris vowed to renew ties with the Palestinians and restore their funding. If Biden agrees they'll go back to making impossible demands.” They being the Palestinians.


First, you bear in mind that the struggle in occupied Palestine is between the armed to the teeth and well-funded Israel standing on one side, and the disarmed Palestinians who are kept weak and on the verge of starvation by the efforts of America, which happens to be the one that’s arming and funding Israel. You then rack your brains trying to figure out how the Jewish lobby was able to convince the country's political elites that their stance in supporting this situation, will make future generations see America as having been a just and noble self-appointed policeman of the world.


You find a clue to that absurdity in the editorial, and it guides you to astonishing answers to many of the questions you might have. It happened that under a previous administration, America was arming and funding Israel while maintaining the Palestinians in a disarmed but not in a starvation state. Something was said then that displeases the editors of the Post today. Here is how they expressed their displeasure: “Then Secretary of State John Kerry insisted there could be no peace with the Arab world without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace”.


And here is how the Post editors responded to Kerry's remarks: “Trump has proved that's just not so –– he let the Palestinians stew,” by which they mean to say this was a good thing in their view. The astonishing part is that they said so, but the gates of hell did not open or dump fire and brimstone on the human race. And so, you are reminded of an equivalent saying that would have opened the gates of hell, and done worse. It is this saying: “Hitler proved that was a good thing –– he let the Jews bake in the oven.” Now, my friend, let an editor say as much today, and you'll see the gates of hell open wide, and smother the planet with molten volcano lava.


But what does it mean that in America, the Jews and no one else, can get away with saying something like that? It means that the Jews have put the chains of ethnic dictatorship around America's neck, and they are dragging her through the swamp of those whom history intends to damn for an eternity.


As if this were not enough, the Post editors took up the subject of the Iran nuclear deal and discussed it in a way that indicates they root for a serious conflagration in the region. This being what the Jewish leaders have always wanted as they mistakenly believed it will serve Israel's interests. What follows is a condensed montage of what the editors said in this regard:


“Will Joe Biden betray US allies to chase after the goodwill of the Iranian regime? Many retreads from Team Obama will want to bribe Tehran back into that nuclear deal; a slap in the face to Israel. Bucking conventional wisdom, Trump worked hard to shore up traditional US alliances across the Middle East, building on common interests in facing Iran. His [Trump’s] withdrawal from the Iran deal put renewed pressure on Iran. Will Biden give away the store to restore the Obama accord?”


Despite the fact that Iran got stronger under Trump's regime of maximum pressure instead of collapsing, which goes to prove that conventional wisdom was correct and that the Trump Team was wrong, you see the Post editors praise Trump for “bucking conventional wisdom.” How can they say something like that?


They are saying it because their goal is to create a discord in the region. Ultimately, they aim to escalate the chicanery till Armageddon comes thundering in fulfillment of the prophecy which says that when this will happen, the Jews will get to own, not just the Middle East, but the whole world.


And that’s the bottom line.