Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Their ageless War against Humanity must end

 Do they know something we don't know? This is the question we cannot help but ask when we see the Jews respond the way they do to the calamities that repeatedly befall them at a time when they have alternative responses that could end those calamities, and give them the peace of mind they say they seek.


Sometimes, when you have a question for which you cannot find an easy answer, a good way to proceed would be to imagine a fictitious situation that's close to the one in which the Jewish leaders operate, and let the main character help you write the script. When you're done with that, you might find that you stumbled on the answer to the question: What do they know that we don't? Or is it what do we know that they don't?


So, we give it a try after reading yet another article that discusses the report issued some time ago about the rise of anti-Semitism in the United States. This time, the article came under the title: “Anti-Semitism in America,” and the lengthy subtitle: “The new AJC report shows growing and broadening anti-Semitism, but also broad recognition of the trend.” The article was written by Armin Rosen, and published on November 1, 2020 in Tablet Magazine. Here is what Rosen has said basically:


“The world's oldest hatred never totally disappeared even in places where Jews are assimilated. Members of Congress support the BDS movement, and the president mentioned Jewish money and political power. The AJC commissioned a poll to understand how American Jews perceive the various threats against them. They overwhelmingly believe that America is becoming a more anti-Semitic and physically dangerous place for them to live, work, and study. However threatened Jews may feel, they shouldn't count on the rest of the country to sympathize with their predicament. Among Jews, there is little disagreement about the extent of anti-Semitism in America. The challenge resides in convincing the 98% of Americans toward whom the country's Jews are growing ever warier”.


And here is how the fictitious scene we imagine could be made to unfold:


You're walking by the mountain where you take your usual morning strolls. You see a man half-way to the top of the mountain, play a game that looks strange. You approach the man and speak to him:


YOU: That's not the way to do it, Sisyphus. You're pushing the boulder up the mountain and let it roll down over you. Legend has it that you push the boulder up, then step out of the way, and let the boulder come down safely.


MAN: But I am not Sisyphus. My name is Moses, and I am being punished for lying to my people. I told them I went up the mountain where I met God who told me he'll give them the Earth and all of its content. But in truth, I never went up the mountain. I lied to my people, and this is my punishment.


YOU: What good will it do, being punished in this manner? Is it not enough that you will not see the Promised Land of milk and honey?


MAN: That's okay with me because I'm diabetic and don't consume honey. Also, my stomach does not tolerate lactose and I don't consume milk. But that's beside the point. I am being punished so that my people won't get punished yet again as they have been for thousands of years for holding on to false beliefs.


YOU: When will your ordeal end so that you can get back to having a normal life?


MAN: My ordeal will end when my people reach the promised land that isn't there.


YOU: Why do you say that?


MAN: Because there is no promised land of milk and honey. There is a highly fertile land called Palestine, and there is a religious fantasy that speaks of a promised land.


YOU: Does that mean you'll be here, doing this for all eternity?


MAN:  I'll be doing it so that my people remain safe till they realize that I lied to them, and start living like everyone else on a planet that's not their property, and a Palestine that's not theirs either. Only when they become a normal people, will this curse be lifted off me.


What this tells you, my friend, is that the Jews have been at war against the human race for thousands of years, believing that God is on their side, and that they will triumph in the end.


They also believe that when this day will come, the human race will treat them with the respect they have never seen before.


And so, unless the Jews are made to understand that the religious fantasy to which they adhere is the source of their recurring calamities, nothing will change for them who will suffer severely when the day of reckoning will come, and humanity will once again shake off the chains of Jewish tyranny.