Thursday, November 19, 2020

This Institution houses only one Inmate

 We are lucky this time in that we don't have to imagine how the inmates of a mental institution could have taken over the institution. That's because what we have this time, is an institution in which the former inmates have been cured and discharged with the exception of one who believes he is the only one sane, in a world that's full of crazies.


That inmate is referred to by the initials JF as in Jewish Factor, and he happens to have many who speak on his behalf, and they are not institutionalized. They may or may not be crazy like him, but that's of little consequence because the important thing is that he is the big kahuna around whom orbit the millions of minions who bow to his wishes whether they are sane wishes or of an insane variety.


A most dedicated minion of the big kahuna, is Clifford D. May who just spoke on behalf of JF to reiterate that his boss continues to be the only one sane on a planet that's full of crazies. To explain himself, Clifford May wrote: “UN and other international organizations hijacked by despots,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “Now bloated and corrupt bureaucracies.” It was published on November 17, 2020 in The Washington Times. Here is how Clifford May attacked the UN Human Rights Council:


“The UN and other organizations have become corrupt. Evidence supporting this conclusion has been abundant. Start with the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). It is dominated by violators. China and Russia demanded that America root out racism and police violence. Cuba called on Washington to provide equal access to health care. Iran and Venezuela chimed in as well. North Korea expressed grave concern over violations committed by the US at home and abroad. Allies too joined in. France called on the US to halt executions, close Guantanamo Bay, and guarantee women and girls access to their rights and sexual and reproductive health. Britain called for ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health services”.


And this is how Clifford May attacked the World Health Organization (WHO):


“Move on to the World Health Organization. Its inquiry into the pandemic is to be led by Helen Clark that has close ties with Beijing. The WHO named Peng Liyuan, wife of Xi Jinping, as goodwill Ambassador. Its annual assembly spent hours beating up on Israel for violating the health rights of Syrians”.


And this is how Clifford May attacked the UNESCO:


“The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has designated Peng Liyuan as a special envoy. Earlier this month, 138 member-states approved a resolution referring to the Temple Mount as an Islamic holy site. Among the countries supporting the resolution were America's allies: France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Britain and, yes, Germany”.


And this is how Clifford May attacked the International Criminal Court:


“Another organization working on American cases, is the International Criminal Court (ICC). Its prosecutors are targeting US military and intelligence personnel for war crimes in Afghanistan. Israelis are also in their sights. The German Ambassador declared: By giving our full support to the ICC, we defend the progress we made towards an international rules-based order”.


So, that's where it's at, my friend. The loony believes that the whole world––which includes all his friends and all his foes––has gone mad, and he is the only one sane. But let's be careful now because using the word loony in this context may give the impression it is used affectionately. Far from it. The situation is serious considering that the Jews have been at it for centuries, and have been responsible for countless deaths and immeasurable misery to our species. We must not allow them to repeat their signature tragedy one more time. We have to do something about it.


Here is what we can do. The concept of “responsibility to protect” has been around for a while, and has been used already. Its use may not have been a great success, but that should not deter us from using it again, and try to make it a great success this time.


Here is the idea. Two things are happening simultaneously at this time. For one, a young generation of Jews see their self-appointed leaders as bloodthirsty monsters who work to start a war and have them carted away to the proverbial gas chamber and incinerator –– and they want no part of this game.


Concurrently, the Jewish leaders are sweet talking the state and federal governments to create “findings” and make “laws” that seem innocuous when looked at separately, but will be combined to ambush and trap America into a state of paralysis when a future president that may be unstable, will order the wholesale jailing of teachers. Why would the Jews wish to do that, you ask? They'll want it when the teachers will fail to “properly” inculcate their pupils with the newly minted definition of antisemitism, for example.


It is time for the media, the Congress and the incoming administration to speak openly and clearly about this growing menace, and about the responsibility to protect the world, the American people and the young Jews who want nothing more than the chance to live a normal life like everyone else.


Tell it loudly that from now on, no request made by the self-appointed Jewish leaders will be accepted for consideration at the federal or state level.


It is the only way that Human Civilization will progress normally. It is time that we make it happen.