Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Journalism only good to serve as doormat

 What do you get when you cross the soul of Fox News and the spirit of Jewish News Syndicate? You get a doormat with an inscription on it that says, “Welcome to insidious hate propaganda”.


The reality is that Jewish News Syndicates is dedicated to publishing pieces written by Jews about matters that relate to Jewish and Israeli concerns. The writers were instructed not to go out of line by far when they mention non-Jewish ethnic groups because the publishers do not want to be accused of running a hate propaganda outlet. However, most of the writers are seasoned craftsmen, and they know how to say vile things about others without sounding too extreme. They occasionally do just that.


As to Fox News, it is owned by Jews but employs mostly Christians, the majority of these being Catholics. They know what they must do to keep their jobs, and they do it without being reminded of it all the time. To that end, the Fox employees have developed the safest way possible to give their Jewish masters what they want without putting themselves or the network on the firing line. What they developed were shows that rely on contributors to come and “freely” express opinions for which the network pays them well. What they do, in effect, is get Muslim contributors to trash Muslims on the air, Black contributors to trash Blacks, Latino contributors to trash Latinos and Asian contributors to trash Asians. But no White supremacists or fanatic Jews are ever invited to come and trash their own.


So then, what do you get when you combine those two tricks into one operation? You get, among other things, an article like the one that came under the title: “The Arab Spring at Ten Years: What's the Legacy of the Uprising?” It was written by Kali Robinson, and published on December 3, 2020 on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations.


You see, my friend, like it happened to all the think tanks of America, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has become a tool in the hands of AIPAC and World Jewry. That's because over time, those that did not profess their love for the Jews and Israel––whether they meant it or not––did not survive the massive purge that cleaned the institutions throughout the continent of their self-respecting, independent thinkers. Only the moral prostitutes and the pretenders were kept on staff. Today, no one who points out that Israel is an albatross around America's neck, can earn a living selling ideas anywhere in North America. In the sense that CFR tolerates only pro-Jewish articles, it has come to resemble the Jewish News Syndicate.


Moreover, when you look closely at Kali Robinson's article, you'll find it mimicking what the Fox contributors do. For this, you'll have to keep in mind that most of the populations that experienced the so-called Arab Spring, were North Africans. This tells you why it was important for the CFR editors and publishers to pick Kali Robinson, an African American, and ask her to associate her name with the article. The bottom line was to have an African trashing Africans the way that Fox News has been doing things while remaining shielded against any kind of criticism.


But what's wrong with the article, anyway? Well, the article sets 8 categories by which to assess the progress achieved by the countries that have experienced the Arab Spring. The categories are these: Democracy, Standard of living, Youth Unemployment, Freedom of the Press, Displacement, Internet Freedom, Corruption and Women Empowerment.


The article uses one short paragraph to discuss each category, exhibiting as much depth as a sheet of paper. Not only that, but you'll also find that all the paragraphs sound almost the same in that they begin with an introduction, then quickly reach one and the same conclusion. It is this: The Arabs have not improved a thing in this category since they had their Revolution.


Nevertheless, there was a moment when the writer seemed to deviate from the norm, she had set for herself. For an instant, what she did sounded like a refreshing change. Unfortunately, however, it turned out to be a teaser. This came at the end of the article when Kali Robinson mentioned the level of women participation in the work force of the Arab world. Here is how that went:


“Women took leading roles in the protests. Over the last decade, some countries have seen slight increases in female representation in government, but generally the region has done little to improve the status of women. Still, in countries including Egypt and Tunisia, women are speaking out against injustices they face”.


And this is how you can tell that whomever was behind this story, meant it to be biased against the Arabs. You know it when you see the writer reluctantly say something good, then uses the adjective “but” to quickly spoil it all by saying something bad. In this case, the writer used both the “but” and its synonym the “still” to quickly trash the miniscule good thing she had said about “some countries seeing slight increases in female participation…”


This kind of behavior on the part of what used to be a true think tank before the advent of the Jews, is such an abomination, it is no wonder America is tanking morally and culturally in the eyes of the world.


There is a tank alright, but the thinking is what’s missing.