Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The frequent Coat-Turning Neoliberal Neocons

 The American Federation is composed of 50 sovereign states which are nevertheless associated with each other, and have a Constitution that puts a central (federal) government in charge of issues common to all the states, such as interstate commerce and foreign policy.


Each state has a national guard to defend its interests. It is an army from which the central government can borrow to defend the federation against domestic and foreign enemies. It means that the national guard of any state can be deployed abroad at the whim of the federal president, provided he obtains permission from the federal Congress, which has the sole authority to declare war.


What happened in America that caused an unusual sort of commotion in this realm, is that an ill-wind of lazy cowardice began to sweep the land, overturning every precept upon which stood the American colonies of yesterday, as they strove to become the superpower that America is today. But, when they were hit by the ill-wind, the governing elites of the superpower began to slouch like tired old men in search of someone to relieve them of the burden to govern the nation.


This may not have been an unusual occurrence except for the fact that those who came to relieve the tired old men, turned out to be the neocons who were the blowers of the ill-wind in the first place. They took over the helm of the ship of state, trampled all over the American Constitution, and started governing America like they would a banana colonial plantation. 


A plank in the grand scheme of the Jewish neocons, guides them on how to start the takeover of the world using a plan they call Pax Americana. It begins by getting America involved in endless wars abroad. In fact, this is what the neocons set their sights on, once President Trump, who opposes the idea of endless wars, will be out of the way next month. To counter this diabolic scheme, one State legislator from among the thousands who swarm the nation, has finally developed the courage to tell it like it is. And so, he worked out a plan to push back against the Jewish idea.


He is Stewart Jones, a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives. He wrote an article to explain to the nation what he plans to do, and he urges other state legislators to do likewise. His article came under the title: “States must take the lead to get US out of pointless and endless wars,” and the subtitle: “Why state legislators should follow the example set by South Carolina's Defend the Guard Act.” The article was published on December 14, 2020 in The Washington Times.


To understand what Stewart Jones is saying, it must be noted that “neocon” means new conservative. These were the Jews who came out the Communist world and started life in America as liberals. Once they became well established in their new home, they felt bored again and so, turned coat and became conservatives. This would be “new conservatives” as opposed to the old conservatives who are still there, but were muzzled by the neocons, except for a handful, such as Stewart Jones, and his two friends, Senator Rand Paul and Representative Thomas Massie, both of Kentucky who are voicing their discontent.


It looks now like the cycle has completed its full course, returning to the starting point, and the neocons have become bored yet again. And so, they began the process of turning coat to become neoliberals once more, the way they must consider were the good old days for them. To that end, they teamed up with the hardcore neocons that did not flip, to start working on maintaining America at war abroad for an eternity. Here is how Stewart Jones explains this part of the story:


“It appears the neocons and pro-war left will soon regain the levers of federal power, plunging America into another four years of stupid, pointless, endless wars abroad. With America's armed forces soon to fall under the control of a Congress that will, in all likelihood, do everything they can to keep our troops overseas, it's time for the states to step up. This is why I will soon be filing the Defend the Guard Act in South Carolina, a bill that would allow the governor to withhold national guard troops from being brought under federal control”.


Whatever the fate of that bill, there is no doubt that Stewart Jones has started a movement that will go far. It may experience the inevitable fits and starts along the way, but it is a movement of the kind that cannot be stifled for long, much less crushed for good. In addition, Stewart Jones has a compelling story to tell that should motivate others to join the effort, and work on liberating America. Here is that story in his own words:


“In 1950, my grandfather was drafted into the Korean conflict. The problem with American involvement in Korea was that it didn’t follow a declaration of war, but a UN decision to get the US to intervene. Undeclared war plunges our country into foreign quagmires based on the whims of politicians, rather than American interests. In the US Constitution, Congress is given the authority to declare war; history shows that this check on war is critical to the survival of our republic”.


So, let the Jewish neocons argue against the survival of the American Republic, and you’ll see the tired old men who abandoned their posts at the helm of the ship of state, return as fast as eighteen-year-olds would run to catch a love boat full of single women on their way to Fantasy Island.