Monday, February 22, 2021

Time that you do the right Thing for the right Reasons, America

 It is human nature that when we speak of ourselves, we paint a picture that's prettier than we really are, especially if we believe no one knows of the dark side that we know exists in ourselves.


The same is true of organizations and nations. For example, spokespeople for an institution or a nation, only discuss the attractive side of what they represent while hiding the repulsive side. They do so even when they are confronted with questions concerning rumors that suggest there is more to the stories, they are telling than meets the eye.


Whereas this is normal, what begins to skew towards the abnormal, is the tendency of some individuals, institutions and nations to paint –– not the real picture of what they represent, or even a picture that's retouched and ameliorated but –– a completely reinvented picture of reality. A recent example of this tendency, is told by the following real story:


Evidence began to mount that the apparent rapprochement between a handful of Arab states and Israel, happened not because Donald Trump liaised between the two sides amicably, but because Trump saw the writing on the wall and feared losing re-election. To improve his chances at winning, he pressured Netanyahu of Israel to signal he'll accept the Arab Initiative that has been sitting on the table for nearly two decades. But none of that was told to the public. Instead, the fake story put out was to the effect that Donald Trump charmed both sides and made them love each other.


What really happened when Trump called Netanyahu, was that the latter detected Trump's panic and understood the urgency of the moment. He had no choice but to obey Trump's command without delay. However, the signal that Netanyahu sent out was done in bad faith, resulting in the suspension of activities in what they now call, “The Middle Eastern Realignment.” As to the suspension, it remains in force to this day despite the bribes that Trump has distributed among some Arab nations before leaving office.


Alarmed by the leaks that tell how the story has actually unfolded, the drivers of the Jewish propaganda machine changed the story they had been telling, lest they be labeled the lie machine. No, no, no, they now say, it was not Donald Trump who liaised between the two sides, it was Jared Kushner that mediated successfully between the two sides. And the machine does not explain how Kushner supposedly pulled the rabbit out of the hat.


This manner of handling the truth is such a prominent aspect of the Judeo-Yiddish culture, its American counterpart could not resist it––at least not in the political field––has adopted it and made it its own. You can see it utilized most poignantly in the places where the correct decision is taken for the wrong reasons. In fact, there is one such example we can parse.


However, let it be said at the outset that America and the world are lucky to have someone like Senator Chris Murphy who thinks as clearly as he does about the things that must be done to make the world a better place. He wrote an article to tell what America needs to do at this point in time, but as you'll see, while he is advocating the right thing, he is doing it based on stereotypes that have little or no resemblance to the situation on the ground.


The article that the Senator wrote came under the title: “America's Middle East Policy is Outdated and Dangerous,” and the subtitle: “A New Approach to the Gulf States Needs a Better Foundation.” It was published on February 19, 2021 in Foreign Affairs. You'll find that when it comes to the new relations America ought to have with the nations of the Persian Gulf, the Senator is advancing good and practical advice. The trouble is that he has an image of the region that is, in some of its parts, stereotypical and false. Here is a passage that gives an indication as to how off the mark, the Senator has been:


“Declining oil revenues mean these nations will need to make hard choices. Given the conflicts and state control of local economies, attracting foreign investment to the region is largely a fantasy. If the Gulf wants to attract international investment, it must address crackdowns on political dissent and the lack of the rule of law. Serious outside private investment is unlikely as long as these nations torture political prisoners, maintain a draconian guardian system, and constantly harass dissidents abroad. The long-standing social bargain of no taxation, but no representation either cannot last. As population growth outstrips oil revenues, royal families will no longer be able to afford that payoff. Once subsidies atrophy but repression remains, a disastrous storm of unrest will brew”.


It is apparent that much of what Senator Chris Murphy believes about the Arab regimes, is the product of the various propaganda machines that sought to paint the Arabs as a bunch of dupes (perhaps camel driving hillbillies) that found themselves sitting on a large pool of oil.


Senator Murphy sees them bathed in wealth, living the good life, and unaware that all this will someday come to an end. They are not doing anything to prepare for that day, which is why someone (most certainly an American) must whisper in their ears what will happen if they fail to prepare for a future, they are incapable of fathoming given their limited level of comprehension.


Too bad Ross Perot, who once ran as a third-party candidate, is not alive today because if he were, he would have told Senator Chris Murphy what he knows about the Arab rulers.


In fact, he was so impressed by their intellect, he described them as seeing several steps ahead before making a move. And that’s different from what Senator Murphy was told about the Arab leaders.