Thursday, February 18, 2021

WHO & UNHRC rid of the world's only colonial despotic regime

 Under normal circumstances you'd rejoice if the difficult child you begot would leave home as a teen, thus relieve you of having to spend countless years turning a little demon into a big angel.


For complex reasons, however, the United Nations (UN) that begot Israel, cannot bring itself to rejoice seeing its creation drift away like a wayward child who relishes the vagabond life. It is that we live in a hypersensitive epoch where the nerves of the system that allows us to function as a single organism, are exposed and liable to react destructively to the slightest provocation.


Still, the UN came into existence to fulfill a task that was dictated by the events which marred the first half of the twentieth century. It was to offer a forum for everyone –– regardless of who they are –– to be at the table as equals even if A thought that B was a charlatan who shouldn't be there, and B thought that A was a charlatan who shouldn't be there.


Of course, this does not preclude the nations of the world from dealing with each other anyway they see fit, once they are outside the halls of the UN. But the iron rule has been that the delegates must check their prejudices at the door before entering the building where one system of governance cannot pretend to be superior to another. And neither can one member reprimanded another while praising the self.


That mentality being the disease that turned the first half of the twentieth century into a bloodbath, to bring it into the halls of the UN would be to defeat the purpose for which the world organization was created. And yet, despite the fact that it was the UN that created Israel out of pity, it was Israel that started to point the finger at others, accusing them of being unfit to remain members of the UN agencies. Worse, Israel has tried to drag others into its demonic schemes, and has succeeded in dragging America some of the time. This happened during the moments when that country was administered by a braindead zombie.


But how did Israel convince even a braindead to go along with its schemes? We can see how this was accomplished when we read the article that came under the title: “Despots dominate the WHO and the UNHRC,” and the subtitle: “American engagement alone cannot fix the UN agencies.” The article was written by Clifford D. May and published on February 16, 2021 in The Washington Times.


You'll find that the writer has used a good part of the article at the start of his discussion to accuse, insult, put down or denigrate the nations which are on Israel's blacklist. He did so, having ignored those that used to be on the list for not being “liberal enough,” even though they haven't changed one iota since that time. Well, to be accurate, it must be specified that they did change, but only in the sense that they are now willing to shake hands with a Jew whereas they were not in the past.


And so, it is with that level of intellectual knavery that Clifford May moved on to the second part of his presentation. Mindful that President Joe Biden has made the decision to rejoin WHO and UNHRC and that he will not back off, Clifford May began that part of his presentation with this question: “Why not demand reforms in exchange for American participation?” And he elaborated on the idea as follows:


“Why not insist that the UNHRC stop treating Israel as its whipping boy, year after year issuing more condemnatory resolutions against the Jewish state than any other country? The UNHRC aims to de-legitimize Israel, even as Iran's rulers threaten and incite genocide against that nation –– a violation of international law about which the UNHRC is silent”.


What you see in that passage are the four steps the Jews utilize in one form or another to impress the feeble minds of the American political establishment, causing them to dance to the tune of the Jew who comes singing to them contrived rhymes of endless flattery.


The first step consists of complaining that Israel is being treated differently from the others. The Jews do this to hide the fact that Israel is behaving differently from everyone else. Their ultimate aim is that they want the world to ignore the reality that Israel has revived the abhorrent practice of colonialism, and the Nazi practice of annexing the lands of neighbors.


The second step is to throw into the conversation a meaningless concept that distracts the already enfeebled minds of the Washington Beltway, causing them to fall into a state of stupor, thus become susceptible to believe that the UN which created Israel, is trying to delegitimize Israel ... whatever that means.


The third step it to put out lies of the kind that accuse others of what the Jews see when they look in the mirror. Thus, whereas they are the ones who constantly talk about bombing Iran, and the ones who constantly incite the Americans to maintain all options on the table, the Jews falsely accuse Iran of issuing threats and incitements.


Fourth, they accuse Iran of violating international law when the reality is that it is Israel that’s swimming in a sea of law violations.


Clifford May ends his discussion by asking this question: “You think most people around the world see through the lies?” It seems he is worried people around the world might see what he and those of his ilk see when they look in the mirror.