Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Hailing badge of honor for House Representative Ilhan Omar from unlikely source

It is inconceivable that anyone who speaks English doesn’t know what the word “revolution” means. Of course, everyone knows that it means uprising of the masses against a tyrannous ruler. It is a kind of upheaval if you think about it. But does everyone know how the definition of that word came to be?


Well, for the benefit of those who may not know, let me tell the story. Do you remember who Cleopatra was? She was an Egyptian queen whose ancestors had migrated to Egypt from the Greek province of Macedonia, at least three centuries before she was born. They came as conquerors but loved Egypt so much, they decided to make it their home. They even fused the two cultures together, creating a mix that came to be known as the Ptolemaic period.


The fusion of the cultures created such an explosion of knowledge, the City of Alexandria became the center of learning in the known world at that time. One of the subjects most studied was astronomy. At the time, the astronomers didn’t know as much as we do today, and so they created a system that put the Earth at the center of the universe, and had the stars go around it in several concentric circles. This was the Ptolemaic model; one that was as cumbersome as it was complex.


The accumulation of observations and knowledge over the following 16 centuries cast doubt about the validity of the Ptolemaic model. Clearly, a new model was needed to make sense of the new observations that had accumulated over that period. A mathematician named Nicolaus Copernicus was the one who gathered all the known data and fit them into a theory that was simple to understand. He stated that the universe was not going around the Earth. It was the Earth that was revolving around the sun as do all the planets that were known at the time.


Because much of the philosophical, cultural, ideological, religious beliefs and rituals of the time were based on the Ptolemaic model, the revelation of Copernicus set the world of the Church, the sages and the gurus on fire. It was an upheaval that required a name to identified it. Since the upheaval happened as a result of the Earth revolving around the sun, it was given the name “Revolution.” From that time onward, the tendency has been to call every serious upheaval, a revolution.


Now, let me ask you a question: What do you say is the most expressive sign that would tell a revolution has occurred or that it is in the process of unfolding? Let me answer the question for you: It is when you see the king reduced to sweeping his own floor. And that, my friend is what’s happening in the kingdom known as AIPAC, which stands for American Israel Public Affairs Committee.


Let me explain. In the same way that an insurance company has salespeople who go around selling policies, in the same way that a political party has “foot soldiers” who run up and down the ridings talking to voters, in the same way that a hotel has a bunch of floor sweepers dedicated to keeping the hotel floors swept clean, AIPAC had a bunch of advocates whose job was to solicit Benjamins from those that have it and those that don’t.


The banknotes were swayed side to side near the eyes of the hypnosis-prone zombies running for office. It is how those braindead things were taught to repeat the refrain: I love Israel more than I love America. I love Israel. Love Israel. Yes, Israel, Israel, Israel.


But then it happened that King AIPAC lost his Benjamin soliciting helpers who used to sweep the ridings for him, and he was forced to sweep his own floor. Yes, my friend, it happened that AIPAC has announced it was going to do the work that others used to do for it. If anything, this is indicative of a modern day revolution now in the process of unfolding.


You can read all about it in an article that came under the title: “Can AIPAC help lead a new bipartisan surge of support for Israel?” and the subtitle: “The question isn’t whether the pro-Israel community should support candidates; it’s whether those contributions will make a difference if one of the two parties is being led by leftist foes of the Jewish state.” The article was written by Jonathan S. Tobin, and published on December 2021 in Jewish News Syndicate.


So the question to ask is this: What are these people trying to accomplish now, and how are they planning to go about it ? Well, the following is a condensed form of what Jonathan Tobin had to say about this subject. He answers that question loud and clear:


“To casual observers of Washington politics, the news that AIPAC was going to be contributing directly to candidates by forming two political action committees came as a surprise. The lobby was focused on mobilizing activists throughout the nation to influence their local representatives and senators. The model, sought to build a consensus that stretched across party lines. And for a long time, it worked. AIPAC activists were mobilized by the group to lobby Congress; however, the fundraising was someone else’s job. Why is AIPAC now getting directly involved in the business of contributing to candidates? In the current hyper-partisan era in which it is difficult for members of Congress to work across party lines on any issue, the old model isn’t working that well. The key question is not whether pro-Israel groups should be actively seeking to help those who are willing to stand with the Jewish state. The essence of democracy is holding those in power accountable, and the only way to do that in American politics is by supporting those who are pro-Israel and doing their best to oppose those who undermine it”.


Think about it, my friend, if it were not for Representative Ilhan Omar, King AIPAC would still be king, and he would still have thousands of servants serving him. Instead Omar reduced him to sweeping his own floor.


This makes Ms. Omar a killer of giants, which is why she’ll go down the history of America, not as the one who revolved around AIPAC, but as the one who made AIPAC revolve around her.