Tuesday, December 7, 2021

They can no longer get blood out of a stone

The downfall of the Jews has occurred so many times, there is hardly anyone in the world that didn’t notice the bizarre phenomenon, and asked: Why does it happen to them?


The answer is that some hundred and fifty generations ago, there were nomadic tribes that roamed the Middle Eastern deserts, and lived by raiding the people that had settled down in the fertile patches of land and farmed them. In time, those early farmers had built towns, cities and empires, which the nomadic tribes envied. They too wanted to have an empire of their own, but knew that the only way they can have it was to steal one … well, maybe not steal an empire that’s defended by a powerful army, but a nation of peaceful farmers that had turned their patch into the land of milk and honey.


That was Palestine, the land that the nomads coveted, and armed themselves to attack, rampage and steal. Now calling themselves Jews, the former nomads invented a story to justify the horrific terror they were about to inflict on the people of Palestine. They said that God told them they were chosen to be His favorite children, and they have His permission to massacre the Palestinians and steal their country. They also believed that God promised to bail them out if they get into trouble because His ultimate aim is to give them the entire Planet to rule over. And the Jews set out to live that fantasy, occupying Palestine for a short period of time before something happened that told them, they were mistaken.


Apparently, the Jewish lies and their fantasy did not sit well with the Almighty who may have inspired the Roman legions to kick the Jews out of Palestine, and make them wander all over the planet to eternity. This materialized, and during a period of two thousand years after that, the Jews had managed to make themselves despised by every human being that came into contact with a Jew. And no matter how high these people managed to go in the places where they settled, they always experienced a brutal downfall that took them back to square one. That was the constant replay of the bizarre phenomenon which prompts the people of the Earth even today, to ask: Why does it happen to them?


Well, it happens to them because when something breaks in their favor, such as the American politicos who betray their own country to suck up to them, the Jews take that as a sign that God has fulfilled His promise to bail them out, which also means it will not be long before He hands them the Planet to rule over. In consequence of this mistaken belief, the Jews act as if they already own the Planet, an attitude that well-adjusted and normal human beings find obnoxious and intolerable. Still, the Jews keep pushing their luck further and without respite till they trigger their own downfall.


You can see an example of what happens when the Jews sense that the end is approaching, by reading the article that came under the title: “A test of Biden’s strategic vision and character,” written by Jonathan S. Tobin and published on September 6, 2021 in the Jewish News Syndicate.


What you’ll detect in that article is the despair of a prince that has fallen from the privileged position where he had no right to be in the first place. Made to feel like the imposter that has been unmasked, he tries to project the look of a defiant face while weeping inside for the disgrace that he and his kind have brought on themselves this one more time.


What follows is the condensed version of what Jonathan Tobin has written on the subject of Iran’s rise to power, and Israel’s dashed dream of becoming the region’s hegemon. All of that resulting from America’s unwillingness to get into another Jewish-inspired adventure where it would have sought to destroy Iran so as to pave the way for Israel to move in and collect the spoils. Here is what Tobin wrote:


“The inability of the Biden administration to achieve their foreign-policy priority is frustrating. Their inability to influence Iran is deserving of scorn. If the administration seeks to appease the regime rather than ratchet up the pressure, then that will be a disaster. The world will accept that the regime’s quest for nuclear status has succeeded. So far, the response from President Biden and his team is far from encouraging. Nor does it appear that anyone is paying attention to the statements of Israeli Prime Minister Bennett or Foreign Minister Lapid.Bottom of Form The Iranians began increasing their nuclear activities getting closer to the point where the advanced program they have can race to create a weapon. Getting into an armed conflict with Tehran isn’t what the American people want. Yet the alternative, which is returning to Trump’s tough policies, isn’t something Biden is willing do. Letting Iran go nuclear would be disgraceful and unpopular. Stopping that from happening will involve a test of character and vision that Biden has shown little evidence of possessing in his first, largely calamitous year as president”.


The stench that reeks out of this decomposing piece of mental work has a signature attached to it. It is a full message that says: This is the kind of ingratitude you get from the Jews for having been good to them once. You invited them to your dinner table when they were paupers eating from your garbage bin; now they feel strong enough to command you as if you were their domestic servant.


In acting as they do, they are signaling they are ready for the next downfall, however brutal it may be.