Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Taking the usual road to repeated insanity

 If there is one thing that remains constant in what the self-appointed Jewish “campus watchers” project, it is that no matter what problem they take to the regular media, their presentation of it ends up with the Jews whining loudly: Look what those others are doing to us.


Without telling what they did that caused those others — mostly students but at times also adults — to react the way they did, the Jews describe at length their side of the story without once hinting that there might be another side to it. Still, they always conclude that they were done wrong, wrapping their pain inside a package that drips with victimhood, self-pity, and a prayer for the higher-ups to give them relief if not compensation, as well as punish the students and/or adults they accuse of doing them wrong.


You can see that pattern play out in the article that came under the title: “College leftists expand campaign to silence all talk of Zionism and Israel,” written by Melanie Notkin, and published on October 15, 2022 in The New York Post. Here is how the article begins to tell the Jewish side of the story:


“On college campuses across the nation, progressive activists have accelerated their efforts to silence and ban any talk of Zionism. Nine progressive law groups amended their collective bylaws to exclude speakers that support ‘Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel, and the occupation of Palestine’”.


What’s missing in that description is an account of the reasons why the progressive groups are pushed to take the actions that they do. In fact, those of us who spent a lifetime watching and studying the propaganda antics of the Jews — including their despicable behavior on campus — remember a time when the indoctrinated Jewish students used to run to the regular media and complain about two things:


First, the Jewish students complained that they were silenced by other students when they tried to correct the professors who did not praise Israel enough while lecturing on the Middle East. Second, the Jewish students complained that they were kicked out of the safe-spaces for gentiles when they barged in on the latter, ordering that they stop doing what they do, and listen to the Holocaust stories which the Jews came to tell them about. And the Jewish campus watchers thought they had two solid cases of antisemitic discrimination against them.


Had Melanie Notkin told the two sides of the story—the Jewish behavior and the responses to it—she could not have gone on to repeat the Jewish talking points that falsely paint the Jews as being morally superior yet victimized by the morally inferior aggressors whom, Notkin asserts, the university higher-ups are duty bound to stop and punish but fail to do so. Here are those infamous talking points that Melanie Notkin saw fit to propagate:


“Woke ideologues have decided that freedom of speech is only for those who agree with them without the possibility for debate. And this impacts Jews — particularly those who are Zionist. How has this happened? The campus debate is pitting the ‘oppressed’ vs. ‘oppressors.’ In this case, oppressed Palestinians must be advocated for and kept safe from their pro-Israel oppressors”.


Now, let me ask you this question, my dear reader: Did you detect something weird in that last paragraph? It is that on behalf of the Jews, Melanie Notkin, as well as her editors and publishers, openly complained that the woke ideologues (of Palestinian origin) are negating the possibility of having a debate on the subject. Hell, the Palestinians do not own or run the New York Post. The Jews do, and they are the ones who blacklist the people that do not agree with them. I know that for a fact because I am on that list, and have been for more than half a century. Who are these Jews trying to con?


Having dropped a lie the size of a whale, Melanie Notkin went on to play the Jewish game of tying together all the issues of importance to Jews, making them look like a continuously developing chain of links; one that will lead to the annihilation of the Jews if not stopped early on.


Usually, the progression of the chain goes something like this: To question the officially published number of Jews who were killed during the Holocaust, will lead to the denial of the Holocaust. In turn, this will lead to the rise of antisemitism and the possible election of a dictator who will want to annihilate the Jews. It happened before, it can happen again.


And here is how Notkin began to lay out and string the newest chain of links:


“Along the way, pro-Palestinian groups have the right to share their views, but pro-Zionist groups – not so much. And this leaves many Jewish students unable to defend themselves against increasingly hostile campus attacks”.


And here is how new links were added to the chain, making it progress to its absurd conclusion:


“David L. Bernstein, author of the book ‘Woke Antisemitism: How Progressive Ideology Harms Jews’ has studied how anti-Semitism has been rebranded as anti-Zionism. ‘Oppressor v. Oppressed is always the default orientation of the woke left, whose ideologies equate power with depravity, and powerlessness with virtue.’ This ideology has become so pernicious and so widespread that mainstream Jewish leaders have little chance to move the needle on progressive attitudes to Jews and Israel, writes Bernstein”. 


In fact, the rest of the article goes on to catalogue the incidents in the various colleges and universities of America, making that piece of writing sound like a replay of the insane but familiar Jewish cry which goes like this: Look what they are doing to us.