Monday, October 31, 2022

A story that need not be analogized to be clear

 Here is a story that speaks for itself loudly and clearly without the need to create the analogy that would clarify the most obscure nitty gritty of its functions.


It is the story of a country that was stolen by spiteful thieves. The story of a people who are continually traumatized by powerful tormentors who came under the spell of the thieves that stole the country. These are thieves whose ultimate goal is to destroy the owners of the country, thus leave no one alive that can challenge their possession of what they stole.


It is the story of Palestine, the Land of Milk and Honey that was so coveted by the dispossessed, yet envious Hebrew tribes that were roaming the deserts of antiquity, they schemed a multimillennial plan to acquire the enchanted land by hook or by crook—at times laboring alone; at times aided by accomplices who may or may not have understood what they were asked to do.


Having sickened the Europeans for centuries while sojourning throughout their continent, the Hebrew tribes caused the creation of a European frame of mind to the effect that they must wipe out those tribes (now calling themselves Jews) from the face of the Earth. Failing this, the Europeans resolved to create a Jewish-free Europe by shipping the Jews out of the continent. And so, despite a meticulously planned Holocaust that was designed to execute every Jew alive, the Europeans failed to achieve their primary goal. And so, they implemented plan B, which was to ship the Jews to someplace else.


That place turned out to be Palestine. In need of a big power to help them execute their diabolic plan for the stolen country, the Jews managed to lure the Soviet Union, then France and Britain who stood by them for a while but became so disgusted with what the Jews were doing, they dropped them cold. This is when the Jews turned to America, a regime of governance they discovered was like supervising a classroom of first-graders.


This is the sense you’ll develop as you read the article that came under the title: “Biden Must Give the Palestinian Authority a Wake-Up Call,” and the subtitle: “Although the Biden administration is justifiably focused on Russia and Iran, it must also hold the Palestinians to account and declare that deepening alliances with America's enemies and breaching U.S. law will have consequences.” The article was written by the Israeli Eitan Fischberger, and published on October 30, 2022 in the American publication The National Interest.


The first thing that happens—when you expose yourself to the reality of a country that was stolen by home invaders who labored for centuries at scheming and executing a plan of such magnitude—is that you wonder what else can happen on this planet that will not shock humanity enough to make it rise and stop the ongoing crime before it goes too far. The second thing that happens is that you wonder if what you see unfold in Europe and East Asia at this time, is not the direct result of America being treated by the Jews like thumb-sucking obedient toddlers.


In fact, here you have two societies at war against each other, the Jews having invaded the home of the Palestinians. So, what happens? The Jews order the Americans to increase their punishment of the Palestinians because the latter do not behave like the Swiss who live in freedom in their country with no foreign boots crushing their necks every time they wiggle as they try to free themselves.


But what exactly do the Jews want from America now? It is that the Americans have realized that the billions upon billions they ship to Israel overtly and covertly every year, serve to maintain the occupation of Palestine and the subjugation of its people by the invaders with a Stone Age mentality. As a result, America saw fit to contribute a tiny (absolutely tiny) amount of relief money to make life a little bearable for the Palestinians. And this is the humanitarian gesture the Jews are telling the Americans to end.


The following is the condensed form of passages excepted from the article of the Israeli Eitan Fischberger, commanding America to run its affairs in the way that serves the interests of Israel:


“Over the past year, the Palestinians have strengthened their relationships with Iran and the Assad regime in Syria. At the same time, the Palestinian Authority continues to aid the families in need. Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority (PA), met with Russian president Vladimir Putin. At the meeting, Abbas remarked that ‘Russia stands by justice and international law,’ a laughable contention considering Russia’s invasion of Ukraine [unless you take into account the Jewish invasion of Palestine.]” Adding insult to injury, the Biden administration gave $201 million for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. The administration should not ignore the Palestinians' decision to double down on ties with Russia, Iran, and Syria. The US should reiterate to the PA that it cannot allow Iranian influence to continue penetrating its territory. With President Abbas’ tenure nearing its conclusion and new leadership preparing to take the reins, this may be the Biden administration’s best shot at resetting its dynamic with the PA”.


Do you see how the vicious Jewish cycle works and grows, my friend? Here is how it does: Israel tells America to punish the Palestinians. America does that. The Palestinians have no choice but to seek friends where they can find them. Israel points to that reality and demands that America double down on its punishment of the Palestinians. America does that, and the escalation continues unabetted. Thanks to the childishness of the Americans, Israel wins and everybody else loses.