Saturday, March 18, 2023

Canada’s rape of a powerless citizen continues

Canada’s rape of its citizens will continue as long as the Jewish hypnosis machine will remain in operation telling it what to do. It is therefore important to understand how that machine rose, and how its demise can be brought about, thus end the rape and make Canada a normal country worthy of membership in the family of nations.


It all begins with surveillance. From Campus Watch to watching Canada perform on the international scene, Jewish Central has eyes on every rookie that has the potential to rise within the group or the institution with which he or she is affiliated. Getting detailed information about the individual, Jewish Central puts together a program to recruit them or destroy them if they reject being recruited by the Jews.


I know this to be true because it happened to me both at the journalistic and political levels. In fact, when I first wrote a letter to the editor of a major newspaper, I was visited at home by a member of the Jewish Congress who warned me against contacting the media. And when I continued to do so anyway, my case got involved in the kind of politics that renders everything unworkable.


When much later on, I started a newspaper in a small town, I was visited by a Jew who made sure I understood he was speaking in the name of a rabbi. In fact, he told me that if I got into trouble I could contact his organization, and it will bail me out. But for this to happen I must write him a letter as soon as possible asking him to design the layout of my newspaper to make it look professional, and print it for me. I never contacted him, but got praises from everywhere for my own design of my newspaper.


After 15 years of blogging on this site, I sent out articles to various publications to see if their editors were still obeying the Jewish order to keep me on the blacklist — and I found them to be as complying as a well trained dog whose sole purpose in life is to make his master happy.


Whereas most of the publishers say they will print the article in a week or so if they are interested, otherwise I’m free to consider another publication, there were two exceptions to this rule. One responded by telling me never to contact them again because they are not interested in my work. Another publication considered me a potential donor, and spammed me with their articles at the end of each of which they asked me to donate money. But they never commissioned me to write an article for them to publish.


In addition, during the time that I had the newspaper, I was both visited by Jews who didn’t know who I was, and I visited Jewish business owners who were advertising in other newspapers. They too didn’t know who I was at first and so, we discussed doing an advertising campaign for them. Having heard from other advertisers about the added business they were getting from advertising in my paper, they took the deal on the spot or promised to discuss the matter with their partners, and call me back later.


What they all did right after talking to me, was contact the rabbi in the nearest synagogue to check if it would be kosher to do business me. They were told absolutely not. Those that had not agreed on anything on the spot did not call back, whereas those that had agreed, called to cancel the agreement. This reminded me of what happened years earlier in Montreal, but that’s another story to be discussed at another time.


And so, while my name remains on the blacklist, the wall of silence is maintained by those who describe themselves as being defenders of free speech. That would be the venerated journalists who ring out the alarm about the sounds of distress they say they hear coming from victims in foreign countries, yet hear nothing but lovely music when their ears are pierced with the groaning of local victims.


This is when the politicians run to cover their asses. Instead of working to solve the problem from which they are trying to protect themselves in case it becomes a cause célèbre, they start blaming others, which they did in my case by kicking the Israeli ambassador out of Canada, and by firing the Commissioner of the RCMP. They also worked to embellish their image. In fact, this is what they have been doing since I broke the story inside the loop where I am trapped.


As to the big honcho who goes by the name Justin Trudeau – the one supposed to run the Canadian Government – he is still going around touting Canada’s superior Human Rights record when in fact, it is nothing more than a cadaver killed by the Jewish magots who feed on it now.


Thus, Trudeau announced that he earmarked billions of dollars to compensate the native tribes for what Canada has done to them. And he told of the new projects that were to open soon in Mississauga, a region that encompasses the district where I live. But nothing was said about what he is doing or will do with regard to my case.


One recent development: It was announced that President Joe Biden of the United States will soon visit Ottawa and speak to the Canadian Parliament. If this is a stunt meant to mimic what the late Queen of England had done when she tried to coax Jean Chretien to end the madness, Joe Biden will have made a great service if he convinced Trudeau to end the madness before he gets to Ottawa. But he will have given his blessings to an ongoing criminal act if he gave the speech and nothing happened. The Queen avoided falling into this trap by cancelling her appearance in Parliament and going home.


Where does Joe Biden stand? Promoting crimes against Human Rights? Or standing for morality?