Monday, March 20, 2023

What did not kill them made them stronger

 Imagine a Rambo kind of character standing on the dead bodies of the innocent multitude he and his clan massacred. He tells the world how magnificently virtuous his clan has been and will continue to be whereas everyone else in the world has been rotten to the core, and planning to get worse. So you ask, who is that character?


He is the Jewish American who succeeded in hypnotizing America’s elites, especially those in charge of governance, be they in politics and having their hands on the levers of power, or be they in journalism and having the leverage by which to pressure the politicians, and tell them what to do.


 America’s triumph in World War II gave the Jews  the opportunity to dominate that country in a way that was not foreseen at the time. It is that, elated by victories in Europe and the Pacific, the Americans felt so confident, they dropped their guards not thinking that the enemy within will turn out to be more destructive than the enemy without whom they just defeated.


Sure enough, the Jews proceeded to infiltrate America the way they did other nations over the centuries, and started to work on preventing the elites from working to serve their own people, devoting their attention instead to serve the interests of Israel — the occupied land of Palestine that the so-called Jewish people stole and turned into a base of operation out of which they work to realize the dream of conquering the world.


But while the Jews got busy working to build Israel into a fortress that can realize the dream for them, the world that used to be bipolar and became multipolar began to turn bipolar again. This happened when the war in Ukraine brought the Western Alliance tightly together on the one hand, and brought the opposing forces of Russia and China together into an Eastern Alliance on the other hand. Other nations, such as Iran, that were mistreated by the West, began to rally to the side of the Eastern Alliance.


Clifford D. May teamed up with Walter R. Newell to offer a shared point of view with regard to those developments. They wrote an article that came under the title: “China, Russia and Iran,” and the subtitle: “Axis of Tyrannies presents enormous challenge to free nations.” The article was published on March 14, 2023 in The Washington Times.


After a short introduction that invoked historical events having to do with the birth of the word “axis”, Newell and May concluded that: “Today, a new axis has emerged. We might call it the Axis of Tyrannies.” And they went on to report that The Russian and Chinese leaders signed an agreement tying their countries into an ironclad strategic cooperation.


But given that this is a mirror image of the Western Alliance — in fact, one that was prompted if not necessitated by the emergence and strengthening of the Western Alliance — what’s the beef according to Newell and May? Well, we look for an answer to that question in their article, and find the following passage, reprinted here in condensed form:


“While differing, these tyrants subscribe to an authoritarian and collectivist vision of society. They are hostile to America and to Enlightenment values of individual rights and democratic governance. Modern tyrants, like ancient tyrants, wage war to win glory. But modern tyrants also have an ideological mission. They require the submergence of the individual in the collective through the progressive transformation of human nature. That is why Mussolini, a fascist dictator, praised communist dictator Vladimir Lenin as a ‘sculptor of men’”.


But beside being a hollow diatribe attacking those who are hostile to America, what does that say to enlighten the readers on matters that pertain to “authoritarian and collectivist vision,” to “individual rights and democratic governance,” and to “submergence of the individual in the collective”? It says nothing. These are pompous words meant to impress without informing.


Without elaborating on what those stances in governance do to the citizens that live under them, Newell and May went on to tell what they suspect such leaders as Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping seek to accomplish. Here is what they wrote in this regard:


“For Mr. Putin, the goal is the ‘new world’ of a Eurasianist empire; for Mr. Xi, the ceaseless extension of his totalitarian ‘social credit blueprint and the replacement of the American-led liberal international order with one that is illiberal and whose rules are made in Beijing; for Mr. Khamenei, the restoration of a powerful new Islamic empire. We believe today’s Allies have no more important mission than to stand up to today’s Axis and prevent it from achieving its goals. Whether Allied leaders and those who vote them into office will see that as their priority is difficult to predict”.


The Newell and May discussion is a typical example of the Jewish haggling that’s done with a captive audience. It allows the presenters to empty what weighs on their chests while ignoring the audience’s concerns. Thus, instead of addressing the many problems plaguing America today, Newell and May took up the favorite subject of the Jews: Iran.


But all that the coauthors could do in the rest of their long article, was to show that it was Israel’s antics that forced Iran to transform itself into a technological and military colossus.