Monday, April 10, 2023

Infinite perils of the self-serving advisers

 Who do you think had the power to ruin Europe in some ways and America in other ways, and did so in spades? I’ll tell you who that was. It was the Jews.


Pretending to be the know-it-all, “envy of the world” the Jews persuaded the Europeans and Americans they should appoint them advisers to work on solving their intractable problems because there exists no one but the Jews who can do it. And the Europeans as well as the Americans fell for the fraudulent pitch.


The Europeans appointed the Jews to advise them on policies pertaining to energy matters. The Americans appointed the Jews to advise them on policies pertaining to both high technology and energy matters. And guess what happened to the Europeans and the Americans, my friend. They got screwed royally in the fields where the Jews advised them.


The trouble is that even after the facts were revealed, and the pitiful truth had come out, the Jews continued to play the game of working to persuade Europeans, Americans and still other folks that they were the know-it-all, “envy of the world,” and must be appointed to advise — not only Europe and America — but the whole world on anything and everything you can think of.


Having failed to sell Jordan on the idea they can turn the Kingdom into the Saudi Arabia of bituminous oil, the Jews ran to East Asia where they tried to persuade the locals they can turn their countries into the leading producers of steel and aerospace industries. When the locals kicked them in the pants, telling them to run away and never show their faces around here again, the Jews ran to Africa where they told the locals tall stories about making their cows produce several times more milk and calves than normal.


Told to get the hell out of there, the Jews did what they did each time they got kicked out of a place. They ran to the Arabs, tears in their eyes, begging to be given shelter if only temporarily, and the means to sustain themselves till they can stand on their feet again. This time, however, what the Jews had their eyes on more than shelter and substance, was the Arabs’ advanced technologies — from the aerospace research that’s done in the United Arab Emirate (UAE) to the nanotechnology that’s done in Egypt — developed locally to great success in fields such as water desalination and other green technologies.


In view of the Jewish sordid history, shown to have repeated itself through space and time, the pressing question that comes to mind is this: Why would the Arabs take pity on the Jews yet again, and give them another chance after all the damage that the Jews have caused them, and caused humanity? Well, let me assure you, it is not that the Arabs are suckers. It is that they know how to handle the Jews. They did so for hundreds of years without kicking them out or pogroming them or holocausting them once. The Arabs simply made clear to the Jews what their boundaries were, and what the consequences will be if they breach them. The Jews understood, behaved accordingly, and all went well. The Arabs did it then, they can do it again.


The same cannot be said about the Jewish sojourn in the West. It may be the European character or the system of liberal democracy that allowed the Jews to project a clean image of themselves at a time when the real image of the Jews was that of the gutter. Amid all this, the Jews exploited the situation, and made it work for them and for Israel. They did so by erecting a tower of self-serving lies that helped Israel and themselves prosper in the process, and do so at the expense of Europe and America who were brought to the current state of dysfunction.


We have two recent articles that show how this came about. One article came under the title: “Lessons of the energy crisis,” and the subtitle: “American and European leaders haven't learned them.” It was written by Clifford D. May, and published on April 5, 2023 in The Washington Times. The other article came under the title: “Intel Is Reeling: Why Should the Government Save It?” It was written by Kevin Klyman, and published on April 6, 2023 in the National Interest. Here, in condensed form, is what Clifford May wrote about energy:


“Energy policy is national security policy. So when political leaders get energy policy wrong, they get national security policy wrong. [Under Jewish advice,] German energy policy for almost a decade has aggressively promoted solar and wind power while disinvesting from hydrocarbons. This has led to the collapse of many energy-intensive industries in Europe. President Biden has adopted similar policies. It provides enormous subsidies for renewables. But for industrialized economies to function when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing, there must be a baseload or a stable source of energy. Currently, only hydrocarbons or nuclear power can provide that. Current American and European policy — attempting to eliminate hydrocarbons and force a transition to renewables — is weakening national security, causing serious economic dislocations, and making people poorer. That’s the most important lesson of the energy crisis. European and American leaders are refusing to learn it”.


And here, in condensed form, is what Klyman wrote about high technology:


“Gordon Moore co-founded Intel and grew it into the most powerful company on the planet. His law was pivotal in putting chips in every electronic device. But according to Intel’s January earnings call, the company is far from its heyday under Moore. The company has started the process of laying off thousands of employees and has cut its employee base pay by 5 to 10 percent. The company’s inability to deliver new products on time and its severe over estimate of demand for personal computers are responsible”.


There was a time when the Jews bragged about there being an Intel chip in every computer, and an Israel in every Intel chip. Those of us who knew the capabilities of Israel and the Jews in high technology, predicted the demise of Intel. That time has come, and we mourn what happened to Intel.