Sunday, May 14, 2023

Those you plan to cannibalize, hide them first

 The mere expression of the word: “cannibal” provokes such a rattling in the body of listeners, it takes a fair amount of explanation to convince ordinary people that cannibalism done at the moral level, is different from the one done at the flesh-eating physical level.


In fact, the difference between the two is like that which exists among the primitive savages who get nourishment from consuming members of their own species, as opposed to that which exists among the ambulance chasers who seek to benefit materially by exploiting the blood-spilling mishaps suffered by the casualties of accidents.


In addition, physical cannibalism is a one-time affair that’s terminal and irreversible. Moral cannibalism, on the other hand, can be done repetitively because nothing prevents the ambulance chasers from doing it again and again to the same victims or to new ones. A moral cannibal may also abuse past victims by offering false advice on how they can alleviate their pain.


What will surprise you to learn, dear reader, is that moral cannibalism is the foundation upon which modern capitalism operates, and that you knew it all along. In fact, you have known it since the time you realized that you were living in a society where “dog eat dog,” and that to have your back scratched, you must scratch the back of others from time to time. And when you think of the system as being one that consents to mutual exploitation, you opt for lapping the competition at breakfast before being devoured at the dinner table.


All of these tendencies are so prevailing in the existing cultures, layers upon layers of equally repulsive but related phenomena have come to dominate the modern way of life. One of those ways, and perhaps the most cowardly of all, is that which seeks to hide the intended victim before starting the ritual of devouring it. And of all the cultures that exist on Planet Earth, no one has come close to being as cowardly as the Jews.


You’ll know why this is so when you read: “For the sake of Israel, Admit that a Palestinian Identity Exists,” an article that was written by Mike Konrad, and published on May 12, 2023 in The  American Thinker. But before we look at that opinion piece, here is the account of an eyewitness who was forced to live the horrible experience for decades. That eyewitness is none other than yours truly. Here is my story:


Unable to scare away the merchants who advertised their businesses in the smalltown newspaper I founded, affiliates of the Jewish inspired Toronto giants: Torstar and Thompson, pooled their efforts and devised a plan to hit me at levels they knew I had no means to defend myself.


They began at the business level by putting pressure on the headquarters of franchises, telling them to force their franchisees to stop advertising in my newspaper. Those that refused to do so were closed or the franchises given to someone else. The idea, of course, was to cause my newspaper to vanish, and when this happens, I vanish with it.


Despite all of this, I still managed to put out a newspaper containing enough advertising to pay my bills. But the newspaper contained something else that the giants did not like. These were the editorials I wrote. No, it was not so much the content of the editorials that bothered them — most of which they deemed to be kosher, anyway. What they could not stomach, however, was the fact that I had independent opinions. And having opinions of my own made it unnecessary to hitch my thinking to theirs and parrot what they came up with everyday.


I continued to survive the attempts to silence and vanish me because I still had politicians who advertised in my newspaper, and paid for the service. This is when affiliates of the Jewish inspired Torstar and Thompson responded by demonstrating how much power they had over the politics as well as the governance of the country. Here is what they did:


They allowed the politicians to continue advertising in my newspaper which was essential for them, but with the proviso that the cheques they sent me were no longer the official cheques of the office that requested the advertising. But because the politicians had to cover for the incurred expense, they decided week after week to send me cheques from a private female account — all that to pay for advertising they desperately needed to have while under orders to negate my existence.


If you think this is too burlesque already it could not get worse, wait till you read the rest of the story. It happened that the town covered by my newspaper was served by two Members of Provincial Parliament (MPP.) Both were conservative but competed ferociously against each other, outdoing one another to endear themselves to voters who called on both when they needed help and/or advice. Because of this, I always had at least one MPP advertising with me, and this was enough to keep me going for a while longer. So then, my dear friend, guess what happened next.


What happened was something that would not befit a primitive tribe living in a South American jungle. It is that affiliates of the Jewish inspired Torstar and Thompson, ordered the Government of Ontario to scale down the number of MPPs serving the Province from the existing 133 down to 103. And there should be only one member serving the town covered by my newspaper.


All these cockamamie ideas were unearthed and exploited when the Jews discovered it was becoming evermore difficult to rob people who are alive and willing to defend themselves. Thus, using the pretext that Jewish theft was the will of God, they responded to the changing times as follows: First, make the people vanish then take their possessions.


And that’s what the Mike Konrad article is all about. Read it and you’ll see how the Jews develop destructive ideas which they adapt to use against individuals, institutions and countries.