Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bolton, Fox, Hanson, NRO and a House of Horror

The time has come to stop funding the house of horror they call United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. At a million dollars a week wrung from a struggling American taxpayer, its mission is to cement in the mind of people, especially the schoolchildren, the notion that some evil thing out there poses an existential threat to them and to all of humanity.

As to who or what the evil thing may be, it depends on who is designated as enemy of the day by the likes of John Bolton who practically lives in the house of horror as well as the set of Fox News channel. Bolton is not alone, however, because there is also – among many others – Victor Davis Hanson who writes for National Review Online (NRO). These people choose an enemy for the day, the year or the era, and they affirm with every argument they make that the enemy poses an existential threat to all that is good and dear to us.

Existential threat means that the enemy is out to kill you – period. Thus, the principle of self-defense gives you the right to kill them first – period, no question asked. For this reason, people like Bolton and Hanson have formulated the demonic doctrine of self-defense by preemption. The idea was adopted by the Israelis and put to use by them. In accordance with that doctrine, they send American built warplanes and helicopters to bomb women and children asleep in their bedrooms in the middle of the night. The reasoning is that the children may grow up someday and dislike the Jewish occupation of their land. This would pose an existential threat to the Jewish settlers and to all mankind. Thus, self-defense by preemption gives the Israelis the right to kill innocent women and children in their bedrooms simply for being innocent and defenseless.

But Israel is only a small parasite living off the giant host that is America. It does so with the use of sucking tentacles such as Bolton, Hanson and the organizations they represent – one being the house of horror called United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. To spread their message everywhere and to extend their tentacles throughout the world, they saw the need to take complete control of America. They started on this project by designating as existential threat the politicians who would serve the people that elected them rather than serve the interests of Israel and World Jewry. And they attacked these politicians as they would a mortal enemy.

You can see how this works when you read the article written by Victor Davis Hanson, published on May 13, 2013 in National Review Online. It comes under the title: “Terrorism as Therapy” and the subtitle: “The Obama administration is intent on downplaying the Islamic roots of contemporary terrorism.” As can be seen already, the author is attacking the American administration for not mobilizing the nation and not setting it on a warpath to fight to the death what he calls in the first paragraph of the article: “terrorists who harbor an existential hatred for the West.” To better understand what Hanson, Bolton and all those like them are doing, we need to develop a definition for the word evil.

Much has been said about that word but no one has offered a definition that is universal enough to ring true to every ear. Perhaps this is due to the fact that a definition is an artificial construct created by a human mind that is no match to the natural process. The mind may treat information faster than nature but when it comes to the creation of something new, nature puts it together in a way that is so robust it withstands the test of time.

And what is being created by the natural process at this time is a universal resentment to what is becoming the most fitting definition of evil. It is the entity calling itself the Jewish State of Israel. Bit by bit, one by one, group by group and nation by nation – in fact, the whole world is standing up to voice disapproval of what Israel has become and what it is doing. More and more, humanity is seeing Israel as being the very definition of evil. It all came about by a process as slow as nature itself; one that gave Israel ample time and many opportunities to reform itself and change its ways, but all that Israel did was take advantage of those opportunities to consolidate its doings and become even more diabolic.

To be sure, the dismissal of an opportunity is a trait that is common to all human beings; we all do it at one time or another. It has to do with the fact that the human species must obey the laws of inertia like everything else. That is, when human beings are set on a given path, they find it difficult to change direction ... but they do it eventually by shedding some old habits and acquiring new ones. Not everyone is the same, however, and some people find it a lot more difficult to change direction, thus take a lot more time to do it.

In the meantime, these people take advantage of the incentives given to them to change but do otherwise. Instead of changing right away, they buy as much time as they can before reversing direction and starting the process of self-reformation. Harder than them are people so entrenched in their old ways, they only respond in bad faith to what is offered to them in good faith. These people never change and they never reform; they are the ones who truly represent the definition of evil. This is where Israel stands today, the evil that it is, the one that is rooted in the Jewish religion. And this is why Judaism itself has become synonymous with the word evil after the state of Israel was established.

The main characteristic of evil being that it operates by motivating the others to do bad things, you see the Israelis, their Jewish comrades and their non-Jewish followers go to all the places where they have the chance to move this one, motivate that one or incite that other one to do bad deeds, mount horrible acts or commit atrocious crimes. They spread the message by writing it in the print publications like does Victor Hanson, and they spread it by repeating it on the air like does John Bolton. They do so in English and do it in any language that would persuade someone out there to join their movement and follow them to the gates of hell each time that they decide to go there.

Their feeding ground at this time is the United States of America where they descended in the form of a swarm of journalists, politicians and functionaries who quickly occupied every high position in the land, denying it to someone more qualified. They came with a plan that was bubbling in their heads, and a method by which to implement it. They also came with no exit strategy and no plan B should the one in their heads turn out to be a dud which, in fact, is what it turned out to be each time they incited an adventure that was tried.

They pushed America into one clash after another, one misadventure to outdo the previous, one losing war to follow the last. They bankrupted the nation, caused the death of its young by the thousands, and the injury of many more. But nowhere during that time did they see a reason to think that enough was enough. They never thought it was time to pull back at this point, change gear at that moment or exit here. Instead, they saw to it that America become the paralyzed giant; the one fallen on its back, the giant on whose flesh they fed and still do like a swarm of parasites that never have enough.

They got to this point not in one swoop but working on it over several generations. To sound crisp and recent, they wove their arguments with those of contemporary American politics. They started small and let the process of escalation take its course. In time, sharp arguments and counterarguments developed. They continue to this day, and you see the effect in the Hanson article where he pits the current administration against the previous, that of George W. Bush. Here is an abridged passage: “The anti-Bush narrative was that reactionaries had cooked up a war against nonexistent enemies. Or maybe they even goaded moderate Muslims into terrorism by their protocols: Take away Guantanamo or Iraq and, presto, Islamic-inspired terrorism wanes. Almost every time Barack Obama traveled abroad, he evoked Guantanamo. It became a verbal tic, intended to denigrate his predecessor. Alas, U.S. popularity in the Middle East is as low as it was under Bush.”

But the truth is that Guantanamo is a situation that diminishes America by pulling it down to the level of savage Judaism, the sort that you read about in biblical times. For this reason, very few outside America give a damn about it, and that includes the old comrades of the detainees. As to the reason why U.S. popularity is low in the Middle East, it is because time after time, the likes of Hanson, Bolton, Fox News and NRO remind those who live in the region and suffer the effects of American weapons that there is no daylight between America and Israel, and that America will make sure Israel always has the weapons that will overwhelm the defenses of the neighbors. Thus, take away Guantanamo and presto, nothing will happen unless America stops being an accomplice in the war against the women and children who go to sleep every night innocent and defenseless in the bedrooms of their homes.

To get to this point, the American Congress will have to be convinced that America is more important than John Bolton, Fox News, Victor Hanson or NRO. And this will be achieved by ending the funding of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, an act that will diminish its influence or kill it entirely.