Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The AIPAC Politico-Guerrilla War On America

The difference between a guerrilla warrior and a regular army warrior is that the first is a short term tactician whereas the second is a long term strategist. The guerrilla sets out to destroy a chosen enemy believing that good things will follow an attack on him. In contrast, the regular warrior is keen to maintain the continuity of his nation after the encounter. He thus conducts the engagement with this in mind.

You see this reality repeat itself over and over since the beginning of time when the ancient Hebrews chose to organize themselves as an eternal band of guerrilla warriors. They set out to attack tribe after tribe, nation after nation on one continent after the other, against this race or that one, against this religion and that one. Attacking people by surprise in their own homes, the Hebrews made gains at the start of each campaign but then lost the fight and were rendered destitute time after time.

The Hebrews and those who came after them to use the collective name of Jews, attacked their chosen enemy physically with the use of real weapons of war when they thought they could inflict serious damage. They attacked psychologically where they deemed they could not take the enemy by surprise and win at least the initial encounter. And they attacked politically when they found themselves inside welcoming societies that allowed them to mingle or assimilate with the locals.

This is where they stand at this point in time. Grouped in a guerrilla band calling itself the American Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC) they are engaged in a psycho-political guerrilla war against America itself, the superpower that is hosting them. Their aim is to force its people to accept being engaged in a global war that will serve an artificial creation of theirs; the one they call Israel. To this end, they claim that the fight is only directed against what they have called political Islam, but in reality they fight against all of humanity which is why they saw the need to harness, control and have on their side the superpower that is America.

To be effective politically and psychologically when conducting a war that has an internal dimension and an external one, they needed to develop the ability to put their slogans in the form of a bumper sticker. To do this, they needed to have an icon against which to generate and canalize the hatred of the American people by calling it the enemy of the day and treating it as such. They found the icon they were looking for: a political party in Egypt called Muslim Brotherhood.

Once a member of that Party, a man called Mohamed Morsi broke off with it and ran as an independent in the Presidential election. He won the election and became President of Egypt, but the Jewish collectivity continued to view him as an affiliate of the Brotherhood. Whether he can or cannot be viewed as a true icon representing that Party does not matter at this stage because what we have now is a Morsi that has been matched against an authentic icon of Jewish terrorism: Yitzhak Shamir.

That is the man who participated in the founding of the Haganah and Irgun terrorist organizations, and later became Prime Minister of Israel. He was the one that went to America and uttered in a Yiddish accent: “Zey know nossing about za damacracy,” the shout that triggered the American war against the Arabs, Islam and the rest of the World.

There is more to this part of the story. While Shamir was taking his band of terrorists in guerrilla style campaigns against the Arab civilian population of Palestine and against the British colonists – some of whom were civilians and some in uniform – there formed in Egypt an organization called Muslim Brotherhood. Its aim was to deliver humanitarian assistance to the unarmed civilians of Palestine – both Christians and Muslims – that the Jews were slaughtering using advanced weapons they brought with them from Europe, a continent that was at the time as militaristic and savage as told in the sadistic stories of World War I.

Never did the Brotherhood of Egypt commit an act of terrorism during that time, and never did it use violence against even the Jewish terrorists of Shamir. It was much later that the Brothers used violence, and did so only once against President Nasser of Egypt who saw them as a threat, and sent his forces to do battle with them. The best part of all this is that Morsi, the current President of Egypt, was not even born when these events were taking place.

Thus, we have in one corner of the rink the legacy of an authentic Jewish terrorist who has managed to launch superpower America on a quest to annihilate the Arab and Muslim worlds; and we have in the other corner a Morsi of Egypt, the man who offered his people a long term vision on which he started to work since the first day that he was in office. It is a strategy to rebuild the country, a long term plan that will require something like 200 billion dollars in foreign participation to implement.

Morsi immediately started to travel around the world to drum up the support he will need from the nations that have the wherewithal to take on such projects as financiers, consultants or builders. In fact, he is at this moment in Brazil doing just that while the Jewish media in America known as HAIM (Hate And Incitement Machine) is conducting a savage psycho-political war on what is left of the superpower they have managed to turn into a nation of Jew-worshiping sissy boys.

You can see this clearly in the article written by the very Jewish David Horowitz under the title “How Obama Betrayed America” and the subtitle: “Obama's support for the Muslim Brotherhood belongs at the forefront of our political debate.” It was published on May 7, 2013 in the once respected National Review Online, now a rag serving as a doormat at the entrance of the Jewish temple of ignorance and self-delusion.

It is a long article but worth reading because it shows how these people go about chipping away at America at the same time as they demand that the people worship them.