Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Argument That Secured The Liberation

When, in the decades of the Sixties and Seventies of the Twentieth Century, the women's liberation movement was in full swing, an abundance of images and arguments describing the lamentable state of women at the time were made and purveyed by the leaders of the movement.

These women had two main goals. The first was to motivate the women who sat on the sidelines waiting for their sisters to win the fight so that they may reap the benefits. The second goal was to motivate the men of goodwill who wanted to help but were bewildered by the whole thing, and did not know what to do. And so, the leaders of the movement worked to jounce those women and those men hard enough to see them shed their apathy and stand up in support of the movement. And they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

I am of the opinion that the most powerful argument ever made was the one that got the least attention. It did not get the attention it deserved because it rested on a sexual metaphor at a time that was so prudish, sex was barely mentioned when the conversation was public, and discussed in whispers when the conversation was private. Oh yes, the sexual revolution was on, but the people who revolted had not figured what to do with the tools they were endowed with. And so, the argument that got less attention than it deserved was to the effect that men viewed women as rings they wore around their penises. The more rings a man wore during his lifetime, the more manly he felt, and the more his peers considered him to be so.

This image has slowly faded over the decades but not without leaving behind a gamete that is now developing into a freakish monster; a creature that is so horrible, it should give everyone the creeps. An example of this is Pete Hegseth who must have taken to heart the word of television pastors teaching him that the Jew is a God, someone he must worship as the equal of Jesus Christ. And so, while the women who still believe in their movement aim to add to their independence and expand it to full equality with men, many an American male – such as Pete Hegseth – seek to replace the women as rings around the penis of a Jewish male.

And what the Jewish leaders in America normally do with men who show a disposition to ring themselves, is that they give them a task to fulfill over a period of months or years, promising to reward them in accordance with their performance at the end of the period. Hegseth was given the task of recruiting veterans of American wars for the purpose of getting them to work as foot soldiers and as propaganda purveyors for the causes of World Jewry and Israel. He passed the test with flying colors, proving himself to be truly capable of operating like a ring master of the phallic kind. And so, they sent him on a junket to Israel so that he may describe from there the joy of being impregnated with the splendors of the local Jewish culture.

He wrote three articles for National Review Online that were published on May 24, 28 and 29, of the year 2013. To those of us familiar with the Jewish propaganda machine, they sound like run-of-the-mill talking points. You already see this when examining the titles and the subtitles. The first article comes under the title: “Israel's sense of purpose” and the subtitle: “In Israel, a sense of historical importance is palpable, and the U.S. can learn from it.” Well, be aware, my friend, that when someone utters words to the effect that America or anyone can learn from Israel or a Jew, you know that this ring has hugged the penis very tightly. After that display of his true colors, Hegseth went on to write: “Securing Israel Today” which also came under the subtitle: “It's hard to overstate the threat from fanatics who want to annihilate the country.” And finally: “Stopping Iran's Bomb” which also came under the subtitle: “The fallout from military action would be terrible – a nuclear-armed Iran would be worse.”

By now you will have gotten a sense of what these people want from America at this time. You are not surprised to see that they want America to send its boys and girls to die for their Jewish and Israeli causes yet again; this time in Iran. And so you go over the three articles once more to see how they tried to suck the readers into this frame of mind. You find that they got Hegseth to convince a number of US veterans to go to Israel with him. Once there, the group met an Israeli officer who did not waste time conflating the purposes of America and of Israel. He told the American veterans that when he visited America: “I felt like I was in Israel” to which Hegseth comments: “He was heartened to visit a country where patriotism and reverence for freedom's sacrifices were still demonstrated.” This is to say that freedom is both an American pie and a Jewish matzah bread.

Well, the English saying that applies to this situation goes like this: Flattery will get you everywhere. The French have another way of expressing this thought. It comes from a fable of Lafontaine “The Raven and the Fox” and goes like this: May you learn that every flatterer lives at the expense of the one listening to him. To add power to the conflated image, they got Hegseth to contrast the America/Israel conflation against what America could become if it goes alone: “That is in sharp contrast with his feelings about Europe, which he describes as a 'giant museum,' slowly fading into irrelevance.” But if America can avoid this fate, he goes on to say, it will be rewarded by becoming like Israel: “Two days into my trip to Israel I [get] insight into what makes Israel such a dynamic and special place.” The ring is really hugging it now. He keeps going like that throughout the first article to end with this: “Israel is living on the front lines of freedom, and Americans would do well to remember that we are too.”

But – and there is a but – Israel is in danger because it is surrounded by enemies, which is the theme of the second article. In the same way that they got Hegseth to paint an America that shines bright when compared to irrelevant Europe, they now get him to paint an Israel that shines bright when compared to the rest of the Middle East, a tough neighborhood where it finds itself. He ends the second article by saying that if this were not bad enough, there may be worse to come because those bad neighbors may acquire weapons of mass destruction. And that's how he prepares for the third article.

This one is about Iran's bomb and the question on how to stop it. Hegseth begins the article by tying Iran to the unflattering picture he painted of Israel's immediate neighbors. In addition, he repeats the lie that was made about an Iranian official threatening to wipe Israel off the map if Iran is attacked. And so, Hegseth asks: “Can Israel afford to hope they're bluffing?” And right away, he answers: “Israel cannot. And neither can we.” This is where you see how conflating America and Israel comes handy for the Israelis; they call on America to do the dirty work they cannot do themselves.

But to make a strong case, he must show that Iran is a danger not only to Israel but also to the neighborhood as bad as it is, to Europe as irrelevant as it is, and to an America that must never become like Europe. And this is why he ends the article and the series with a flattery. This time he quotes Winston Churchill who said: “Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all other possibilities.”

And so Hegseth repeats what the Israelis and their mouthpieces have been repeating for 15 years: “Time is running out.” And he calls on America “to do the right thing – for our sake, Israel's sake...” This is like praising rape for the sake of virginity except that Hegseth has lost his virginity already. Next time he goes to Israel maybe he should ask Eric Cantor to show him the way to the lake where he can strip naked and jump to cool his ass when done with.