Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Canalized Feeder Joining The Fox News Hive

Given that today is the future of five decades ago, we may consider the time in which we now live as posterity to historical events upon which we have the right to pass judgment. What started to happen then was that a handful of rabbis set out to “educate” the public as to the sensitivities of the Jews. The result of the process has been the creation of a politically correct language that people were obliged to master before they could address the Jewish subjects or anything related to them.

To be educated is to learn the rules. When it came to subjects that pertain to Jewish sensitivities, the rules have been infinite in number, ambiguous in meaning, absolute when necessary and relative when convenient. They are at the same time as dogmatic and trivial as having to list in the first instance what is Jewish, followed by whatever else. For example, the politically correct way to speak is to say Israel and Palestine. If you make the mistake of saying Palestine and Israel, you are as good as dead professionally, financially and socially. You go on a blacklist and find yourself tripped every step of the way without ever seeing who is tripping you.

That example would be the simplest of dogmas you need to learn if you want to function productively in an English speaking environment. A more complex dogma would be the ability to turn reality upside-down. That is, when you wake up in the morning, you check to see who is “our” friend today, and who will be the enemy for the day. You then look in the mirror, identify every ugliness in yourself and attribute it to the enemy. You follow that by looking at the enemy to identify everything attractive about him or her. This done, you attribute the beauty to yourself and your friend of the day.

By the time you internalize enough of these lessons to feel their grip at the visceral level; you would have become canalized in the direction of the rabbinical scheme of things. Ready to serve as feeder to the stream that promises to absorb you into the body of the chosen, you will be recognized as an honorary member of the Fox News television channel if not a contributor or even a full-fledged recruit. That is the place, the ultimate haven where up is down; down is up; right is left; left is right; front is back, back is front; good is bad and bad is good.

And this is where Victor Davis Hanson now stands as you can see by his latest article. Published on April 30, 2013 in National Review Online, it has the title: “The Obama Borg” and the subtitle: “How 'man-caused disasters' replaced Islamist terrorism in the Obama lexicon.” To explain the meaning of the title, the author begins the article with this: “In Star Trek lore, the Borg was a collective of servile drone operatives that sought to assimilate other species into its 'hive mind'”

Right after that, he speaks of “groupthink” which he says is a phenomenon that came about with the Obama Administration. But the fact is that the word was first coined by the commission that investigated the tragedy of September 11, 2001. It said Groupthink was a state of mind that existed before the tragedy; one that paved the way for it to happen. Knowing how the rabbis were educating the public in the decades that preceded the tragedy, and reading the commission's report with a critical eye, you could not fail but conclude that America slept in the bed made for it by the rabbis.

This done, Hanson goes on to speak about a bunch of freelance kids from the back-alleys of Arab and Muslim towns as if they were a Jewish style, organized group out to dominate the world. His mission which connects with the groupthink of Fox News is to use the words of the language in such a way as to imply that the act of one Arab or one Muslim kid would be the act of 300 million Arabs – many of whom are Christians – and the act of a billion Muslims around the world. Their mission would be to create a climate of distrust between the audience they reach and the Muslim world they hate to start a war between the two. It would be the war they hope will culminate in the Armageddon that has been the Jewish dream since the beginning.

Desperate to achieve a goal that is by definition unachievable, Victor Hanson does what Fox News has been doing for a long while now. He fantasizes about a victory that he does not call a wish but describes with words meant to deceive the reader about his motivation. This is how he put it: “Tragically, it may take another Boston-style bombing to send enough rogue voltage through the system to explode the circuitry and free the drones from the hive.”

No, he does not believe this would be tragic; he believes it would be “victory at last!” Someone should put this man under surveillance because he is liable to commit something horrible to frame someone innocent.