Monday, October 28, 2013

Open Ended Plan that Swallowed America

On October 25, 2013, the Washington Post published an opinion piece by John McCain and Lindsey Graham under the title: “Obama is failing the Middle East, and U.S. interests there.” The next day, the New York Times published a report by Mark Landler under the title: “Rice offers a More Modest Strategy for Mideast.”

The McCain Graham piece is a rehash of the Jewish talking points we have endured for several years with not a single word that is new in it. Thus, the trashcan would be a good place for it. As to the Landler report, the “Rice” in the title is the name of Susan Rice who, when Condoleezza Rice (no relation) was a rising star in the Bush administration, Susan was made to feel very jealous, and was brainwashed into going on television to do something that would upstage Condi – as she was nicknamed.

To that end, Susan (but never a Susie) was made to utter the demand that America bomb the oil installations of Sudan, an old dream of the Jewish leaders who believed that were it not for the oil wealth of the Arabs, the Jews would have convinced the Americans to turn all of Arabia into a hellish ball of fire that the Jews could then walk in and take over from the Moroccan shores on the Atlantic Ocean to the shores of the Persian Gulf near Central Asia. Well, nobody listened to Susan because even the Bush administration was not retarded enough to be that primitive or that savage.

Before you read the McCain and Graham opinion piece, and before you read the Landler article – if you have not read them yet – it would be helpful for you to read the following backgrounder so as to acquaint yourself with the history that got us to this point.

The self appointed leaders of those who call themselves Jews never had a plan to achieve what they wanted for themselves because they thought that a plan had been determined for them since the day of creation by none other than the Creator Himself who chose them to be His favorite children. All they had to do was wish for something, go for it and never worry about the consequences of their action because, no matter what they do and no matter what the result will be, God will fix things for them in the end.

The followers of those leaders bought this line when they still believed that God was talking to the leaders high up on the mountain where they could not see what was going on. They truly believed that God was conferring with the leaders, that He gave them instructions and told them what He expected of the foot soldiers that waited down below. But then one day, the foot soldiers got tired of obeying instructions from a God they could not see or hear, and so they told the leaders to find someone else who will obey the commands they bring down from the mountaintop because the foot soldiers were not playing the game anymore.

And this is when the leaders of the Jews began to think of tricks, and to devise new ways and new means by which to fool the unguarded from among the non-Jews, to get them to do for the Jews what the Jews would no longer do for themselves. Over the centuries, they went through Western Asia, North Africa, Eastern Africa, Eastern Europe and Northern Europe where they convinced the local leaders to support the Jewish masses financially, and have their own people fight the Jewish wars while the Jews sat back and collected the benefits without lifting a finger in their own behalf.

One by one, the local people of those regions eventually woke up to the realization that their leaders were betraying them by selling out to the Jews who became the effective masters of their homes. And they dealt with the matter, each in their own way according to the level of civilization they had attained. Those of Asia and Africa put a limit on how far the Jews could go before they were told to stop here or leave the community. Those of Eastern Europe rioted against the Jews and mounted violent pogroms against them. Those of Northern Europe burned individual Jews in their homes or in public; later gassed them and incinerated them wholesale.

That was the time when the Jewish leaders went to America in search of a new feeding ground where they were able to pull their tricks on the local leaders, thus discovered the ways by which they could make the masses pay for their upkeep as well as fight the Jewish wars for them near a place they called Israel where they established a so-called homeland; one they claimed was promised to them by God since the beginning of time.

And because that act was the expression of an incredible savagery directed against all of humanity, not just the local population which happened to be Palestinian, the Jews who settled in the land were never able to conquer it fully or effectively despite the help they received from America which kept Israel afloat as an economic concern, and despite the wars that America launched to exterminate everyone around it who may someday rise up and seek to put an end to Jewish savagery and American complicity.

The Jewish leaders got that far because they were able to convince the American leaders to drop everything they were doing for their country and for their people, and devote their attention and the nation's resources to Israel and to other Jewish demands instead. The Jews managed to do all that because they came up with an open ended strategy with no exit and no plan B; a strategy that ended up swallowing all of America.

The strategy was made of two parts. The first part was to tell the American leaders: “Give us the tools and we'll do the job” by which they meant to say that they will do all the killing they can do by themselves. The second part was to tell the American leaders of the necessity for having a “division of labor” whereby the Americans will do the killing that the Jews cannot do by themselves.

The strategy has been in effect for something like a quarter century, and all that America got from it is a descent from the level of admired superpower to the level of a joke that is not even worth a chuckle. President Obama is aware of this and wants to change it. McCain and Graham are too backward to understand any of it. Susan Rice may have a PhD but like my friend used to say: They are ignorant and have their PhDs to prove it. She can try to prove otherwise but I doubt she will succeed.