Thursday, October 31, 2013

War Mongers Employing New Tricks

For centuries the Christians of Europe have understood that the Jewish leaders benefited from pitting people against each other, thus sparking the conflicts and the wars that made them wealthy and powerful. To escape detection in America – once they had decided to turn to it looking for new feeding grounds – those Jewish leaders made it a priority to outlaw the observation that Jews were responsible for starting this war or that one.

But because the First Amendment of the Constitution forbade them from legislating the notion into an actual law, they did the next best thing which was to call an act of antisemitism, the making of that observation in public. This being a defamation, a libel or a slander, they threatened people left and right with lawsuits, thus shut them up effectively – an exercise known as the chill effect and self-censorship.

This done, the Jewish leaders pulled another gimmick from their bottomless hat of tricks; to whisper hateful messages in the ears of the American legislators and executives, thus turning them against the enemy they chose for the day. After a period of time during which they set Christian against Christian, Protestant against Catholic an do so – the way the used to do things in Europe – they got another idea which they hoped will support their effort to outlaw Christmas and the Christmas tree with the view of replacing them with Chanukah, the Menorah and the Festival of Light.

While this was going on, the Jews remained true to their nature; that of working on several levels at the same time. Thus, while they had declared war on Christianity in America – pitting one Christian denomination against the other, and all against Jesus and his Nativity – they had in the pipeline other projects that would pit the Christians of America against two other groups that happened to live outside of America. They were the godless Communists and the Muslims.

The fall of the Berlin Wall took care of the Communists, and this left the Muslims standing alone in the Jewish line of sight. This prompted their leaders to come up with the idea of toning down the attacks on Jesus and the Christmas tree while promoting the idea that we all live by the values of the Judeo-Christian culture which is different from and superior to the other cultures, especially the Muslim one. Working in stealth, they started to put the blocs together which they hoped will fuse the idea of the Crusaders wars on Islam with the reorganization of the Middle East in the style of the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

To implement this plan required them to have effective control of the American military by infiltrating it at all levels, something they knew they could not do given their small number, and given the single-minded dedication to the American homeland they will be required to adopt but could not because of the divided loyalties that made them who they are. And so they came up with the idea of expanding on the notion of civilian control of the military. They gave Dick Cheney the powers of the presidency, filled his office with “children of Holocaust survivors,” gave them the power to dismiss off-hand the recommendations of the Chiefs of Staff, ordered the production of new weapon systems such as the infamous “Crusader” and prepared a war plan that will begin with the destruction of Iraq.

The war on Islam could not be kept hidden anymore, least of all from the eyes of the Muslims who knew they could not take on the American military, let alone the NATO alliance that was under American control, therefore Jewish control. But the bombing by cruise missile of a baby food factory in Sudan, and the failed bombing of the hotel where a Muslim conference was held in Baghdad, convinced such people as Bin Ladden and his young followers (whom the Americans recruited to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan and later double crossed) that the time had come to do to America what America had trained them to do to the Soviets in Afghanistan. If the Arab armies cannot stop Jewish America, they said, we'll try. And so they did on 9/11 of the year 2001.

This gave the Jews the excuse they needed to come out in the open and announce the start of the war on terror which they meant to be a war on Islam. Now more than twelve years later, the American people have had it up to here seeing their superpower motherland being pulled into the Jewish sewer of hate, blood, horror, death and national bankruptcy. They want out despite the Jewish cries of war, war, war.

As the American voices got louder while the Jewish voices got fainter, the leaders of the Jews employed new approaches to keep the appetite for war alive. The latest being the idea that a war on Christians is ongoing; conducted not by the Christmas hating Jews, but by the Muslims for a reason that the Jews cannot explain.

This being the case, they had to find new and creative tricks to be effective at stirring the hatred of the American people whom they abused so badly, they could no longer move with anything traditional they say to them. You can see this in the National Review Online interview published on October 30, 2013. It has the title “Exposing 'The Global War Against Christians'” and the subtitle: “Considering anti-Christian persecution in the 21st century.” The interviewer is Kathryn Jean Lopez, and the interviewee is John L. Allen Jr., who is correspondent for the National Catholic reporter.

Lopez introduces the presentation by quoting something that Pope Benedict XVI wrote on the occasion of World Day of Peace. He said: “Many Christians experience daily affronts … because of their pursuit of truth, their faith in Jesus, and their plea for religious freedom.” To me, this sounds like he was telling the Jews to get their hands off the Christmas tree and the Nativity scenes. But that's not what Lopez wants us to believe, and so she tries to mislead the readers by employing a dirty trick that is very much in the Jewish style, and never in the Christian style. What she did was quote the Pope as saying another thing after which she wrote “he continued,” and right after that wrote down what John Allen had said. And that was something that had nothing to do with what the pope was saying. Thus, Lopez who is a Catholic, put the words of Allen into the mouth of the Pope, and this is a sacrilegious act for which she should be excommunicated.

And so it goes with the rest of the interview, paid for and sustained by the likes of National Review Online, once a respected publication but now a doormat for the Jewish boots that forever seek new opportunities to march on someone else's ground.