Friday, November 1, 2013

Looking at the Perpetual War of the DNAs

Watching the intellectual jingoism that John R. Bolton has been displaying over the years, you could tell that he is at heart a supremacist who has not yet formulated a clear definition as to what makes one person or one society more supreme than the next. Despite this reality, however, you could also tell that he firmly holds to the belief that America – and those who are in its orbit at any given moment – must continually fight to win and to maintain the highest position in every aspect of human interactions, and every aspect of international relations.

John Bolton has now written an article which pushes that set of observations a little further along. The article has the title: “A Nobel for Good Intentions” and the subtitle: “The OPCW did little to merit the Peace Prize,” and was published on November 1, 2013 in National Review Online. On the surface, the article is about the Nobel peace prize that was awarded to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). But at the root of the notion rages the battle of the DNAs that is engulfing Bolton's mind, heart and soul.

Speaking of international organizations, he writes this: “Their principal dysfunction resides in the very DNA of the OPCW and U.N. bodies, which see members states as fungible, one being pretty much like another.” Come to think of it, this is the message that is constantly being disseminated by the Jewish organizations, and all the think tanks they have set up to promote their brand of democracy. It is that in their view: “All animals may be equal, but some must be regarded as being more equal than others,” to paraphrase George Orwell's Animal Farm. This is what these people have in their DNA; it is what clashes with the rest of humanity.

We may smile at the thought that in the twenty first century, there still exist people who think in terms of legalizing inequality, who seek to institutionalize it and work to have it implemented, but there is a practical dimension to this drive that is not funny. It is a drive that, in the end, must be of great concern to all of us. Let's begin with the fact that there is a move in the Congress at this time to divide the world into categories of nations with the view of placing Israel into a special category all its own. Once in there, Israel cannot be singled out for criticism or punishment no matter what it does, but must be singled out for reward each time that someone else is rewarded even if Israel did nothing to merit the reward, and the other did. That is their notion of fairness.

Let us be honest with ourselves and admit that whatever the Jews want, the American Congress will eventually come around and give to them. Thus, in one form or another, that insanity will someday become reality. Luckily for the rest of the human race, however, that measure will only apply in America and so, it will be up to the American people to deal with it in the way that will suit them. As to America's effort at the UN and the other world forums to make sure that Israel is treated in that manner, the truth is that the approach has been America's posture for a while now, and all it has managed to do is turn America into a joke to be sneered at; not even one to be laughed at.

But the danger that must be of great concern to all of us remains imperceptible as of now. It is that the beast will eventually mutate as do all DNAs, and America will find itself faced with the notion that its Constitution must be altered at its most fundamental level to harmonize with the Jewish philosophy. The chances are real that there will be a drive to adopt the notion that all the states in the Union are equal but that some states are more equal than others. In consequence of this, it will be advanced that each state can no longer be represented by two senators in the upper chamber, and that the Senate should either be abolished or be made to look like the House of Representatives.

A political civil war may result, the dimensions of which cannot be predicted at this time, and the outcome, especially at the economic level, remains unclear.