Thursday, November 14, 2013

Self Indictment by Demonic Defense

Imagine a pedophile rapist who is defending himself in a courtroom full of the parents whose children he raped, and in front of the cameras which are broadcasting the case to the whole world. He looks the judge in the eye and promises that he has a defense so powerful, he the judge, they the parents and the whole world out there will want to praise him, not condemn him for what he did, and what he wants to continue doing.

And so he takes a deep breath and confidently tells the judge that he did not rape the children. What he did, he goes on to say, is that he made love to them. He nods, smiles to the judge and adds that the judge himself can ascertain this truth by asking his own little boy to whom he did the same thing. Yet, the boy has not denounced him. And why is that? Because he must have liked being made love to. “I am a hero” says the rapist of children “not some kind of monster taking advantage of innocent children.”

And that is the closest metaphor which comes to mind when reading the article that was written by Daniel Schwammenthal who is the director of an outfit in Brussels calling itself the AJC Transatlantic Institute. The article has the title: “The New Face of European Ant-Semitism” and the subtitle “The 'Elders of Zion' are out, but demonizing Israel is mainstream.” It was published in the Wall Street Journal on November 13, 2013.

He begins by telling of the incident that took place three quarters of a century ago in Germany known by the English name Crystal Night, and by telling of the current “rise of openly anti-Jewish parties in Greece and Hungary.” Being an average human being, you experience the normal human reaction of asking yourself: What is it about these people that keeps evoking this kind of responses from human beings everywhere on the planet, now and at every moment in history?

And you think this will be the question that the author will address. He might have an answer, you hope, that will once and forever put an end to what has come to be called antisemitism which, in reality, has nothing to do with hating Semites because of who or what they are. I can tell you this because I am of Egyptian origin, therefore an authentic Semite, and I don't feel hated because of my ethnic affiliation. What gives me the creeps are the self-appointed leaders of the Jews who have been badmouthing me for nearly half a century because they could not beat me in any argument, and so have been trying to shut me up ever since.

And that's the same sort of thing that Schwammenthal is trying to do in the first paragraph of his article instead of addressing the question squarely by asking: “What is it about us, Jews, that keeps evoking this sort of responses from average human beings, and what can we do to change that?” No, he does not ask this question, and he does not try to answer it. What he does instead is say the following about the current developments: “this remains a problem that authorities and civil society must confront without equivocation.” In other words, he wants the governments and civil societies everywhere in the world to shut their own people up.

So let me pause here for a moment to say a word to Daniel Schwammenthal about something I do not like to talk about but must do so now. Listen to me, kid, and listen carefully because you'll never be given this lesson again. Canada is a country whose GDP has surpassed the trillion dollars. If you add up all the goods and all the services that were produced and consumed in this country over the last 50 years or so, and if you convert all that into current dollars, it will amount to well over 50 trillion dollars.

And there is not one level of government – as rich as they are – or one civil society that the Canadian Jewish Congress did not mobilize at one time or another in the effort to shut me up. Millions upon millions upon millions of dollars were spent to this effect, and you know what Danny my boy, they all failed – and they failed miserably.

And so, my advice to you is that you bite your tongue when the time comes to whining. Instead, tell your self appointed leaders to stop raping humanity and stop heralding that you are targeted because God placed you on this Earth to love humanity and make it better.

Keep doing that and you'll keep being gassed and cremated, sometimes even alive.