Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Collective Failure of American Individualism

Of the tens of thousands who swarm every issue that comes up, attacking it from every angle as if they were drones of the same beehive, not one of them in all these years was hit by the lightening bolt of wisdom that could have furnished the answer to their burning question: Why is America losing the competition for influence in the world? More importantly, might have answered their prayer: If only America could get back the amount of influence it once had in the world, especially in the Middle East.

You still see them dance around the same old question, but they are no closer to obtaining the answer they have been seeking for a time now; and you see them struggle with the same old prayer, but they are no closer to being granted what they have wished for during what feels like an eternity. You get a sense of all this in the John Bolton article that came under the title: “Obama's foreign affairs radicalism carries a heavy cost” and was published in the Tribune Review on November 9, 2013.

As shown in the title, Bolton is again doing what all the drones of the beehive do which is to speak as if the troubles facing America began only now, and that the responsibility falls on the shoulder of one man or one party. Being a Republican pundit, he lays the blame squarely on the governing Democrat who is now in the White House. On the other hand, the Democratic pundits who are out there, lay the blame on the Republican administration that preceded the current one. This sort of thing happens all the time because it is an American tradition to blame all the ills of the ship of state on the man at the helm; be that the current chief or the one that preceded him.

The truth, however, is that America's transformation took place gradually over a long period of time under several administrations. It happened as the nation left its long held traditions and began to follow several new tracks at the same time. Two of these tracks were closely related and tied together by the principle of causality. One track represented the gradual increase of influence that the pundits were gaining with regard to America's role in the world; the other track represented the corresponding loss of respect for America that the rest of the world was expressing. That is, the more that the pundits dictated America's conduct in the world, the more the world resented that conduct.

And so, it should not come as a surprise that Bolton begins the article like this: “Under Barack Obama, American influence in the Middle East has sunk … our friends are shaking their heads, wandering why we have taken leave of our senses.” But instead of doing the “mea culpa” and pledging to let the President conduct the foreign policy of the nation as stipulated in the Constitution, he attacks him for trying to get back on the right track, and warns that “Obama is far from finished.”

Bolton acknowledges that Obama has done a U-turn in foreign policy but falsifies the truth by saying that the consequence has been the creation of a vacuum – as he calls it – which opened up between America and the nations of the Middle East; a vacuum that Russia and China are moving to fill, he says. But all this is a Jewish style mutilation of history because the truth is that the Arab and Muslim nations began to show their displeasure with American foreign policy when Obama was still a small child. It was a time when the Arabs were forced to display their anger at America by instituting an oil embargo against it in the early years of the 1970s.

But rather than back off and let these people find their natural place among the nations of the world and fill it, America was turned into a chief meddler in their affairs. It happened because one by one, the print and the audio-visual media in America were taken over by agents of the Jewish lobby who nurtured the pundits that hounded America into moving away from its traditional track. They placed the nation on the track of serving the interests of Israel and World Jewry, all of which sealed the fate of America's decline in the Middle East with a cry that rang like this: “Zey know nossing about za damacracy of za Shamir.”

When the push-back began against America adopting a new track in foreign policy, the tradition of letting freedom ring was shredded in no time at all, and the nation was gradually turned into a Jewish tyranny where you could only say good things about Israel and the Jews, and say only bad things against their chosen enemy of the day. By the time that Barack Obama got elected, America was so much in the grip of the Jewish fist, even he could not free it from the murderous clasp around its neck.

Meanwhile, the Arab and Muslim leaders continued to drift away from America, but that was not fast enough for a younger generation that wanted to see a faster break with a relationship that looked more idiotic than it was useless. Alarmed by a development they did not see coming, the Jewish agents of Israel and World Jewry began to change their tune. Thus, while maintaining the American tradition of blaming everything that goes wrong on the man at the helm, they started to talk like this: “True, neither Egypt nor Saudi Arabia is a Jeffersonian democracy,” which is a far cry from: Zey know nossing about za damacracy of za Shamir.

But instead of mentioning the views of the Arab and Muslim populations, and urge America to take that into account, Bolton continues to distort the reality of what is going on in the Middle East. Thus, he concludes that America will be in favor with these people again if only it continued to serve the interests of Israel and World Jewry, which translates these days into “taking nothing off the table,” meaning be prepared to bomb Iran. Here we go again.

And only now, after five decades of badmouthing the Arabs, does Bolton and all the pundits like him admit that at stake are “the close relations between the Pentagon and many Arab regimes that for decades have been so important for America's interest in regional stability,” a far cry from: Why are we even talking to these people?

And John Bolton could not help but end with badmouthing Obama, which he does by attacking him both on the domestic scene and international one, because he believes that this is the best way to further the interests of Israel and the Jewish lobby in America of which he is an important member.