Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Anatomy of a Peace Maker's Crucifixion

The American Secretary of State, John Kerry said something mild about a situation in Palestine that is in reality far worse. And a volcano of molten lead that is in the belly of every fanatic Jew exploded in rage. The lava poured out their mouths calling for Kerry's hide when all that he did was warn that if Israel continues to sabotage every effort to end the occupation of Palestine, it will become an apartheid state.

The reality, however, is that Israel is now and has always been a terrorist state far worse than anything the planet has ever seen. Israel is that and only that, being the product of a murderous ideology that has been disguising itself as a religion for thousands of years. It is headed by a god they describe as a general of war; one that gave them a book of history and worship soaked in blood from cover to cover.

After the last of the holocausts that humanity has inflicted on these creatures to protect itself from their evil deeds, they developed the strategy of erupting like a concerted bunch of volcanoes every time that someone came along and tried to show them the way to a peaceful existence. But in the way that they crucified the first of peace-makers, they tried to crucify everyone that came after him. In modern times, Jimmy Carter, the former President of the United States, and now John Kerry have become targets.

The people who followed that history during the past few decades could tell it will all come to that, having witnessed the way that the Jews reacted to the Palestinian women and children who tried to protect their homes from being demolished. The Israeli army had sent its American-made tanks to demolish those homes, and the women came out accompanied by their children to do the only thing they could, which was to throw stones at the tanks in the hope of stopping them.

But unlike China during the Tienanmen Square uprising when a single man forced a column of tanks driven by human beings to stop, the Israeli tanks, driven by animals disguised as humans, moved ahead and demolished the homes to begin the process of confiscating the land. And those animals, now calling themselves Jews, sent their emissaries to New York where they erupted their abdominal volcanoes with the cry: “They throw stones at our soldiers … oh pity me, pity me.” And the Congress of rats in America pitied them and sent them more money and more tanks. And the Jewish mayor of New York at the time called the Palestinian women and children the scum of the Earth.

It is no wonder, therefore, that on April 27, 2014, the Boston Globe published a column by Jeff Jacoby under the title: “Kansas killer a throwback, but anti-Semitism still thrives.” And the next day, Jonathan S. Tobin wrote a piece under the title: “Kerry's Apartheid Slur Sabotages Peace” and had it published in the magazine Commentary.

Talking about the Kansas incident and comparing it to the “Shoah of 70 years ago” when Europe staged its latest attempt to exterminated the Jews, Jacoby says nothing to recall a book that was published a number of years ago in which it was demonstrated that Hitler was not alone but that the entire nation of Germany – reflecting all of Europe at the time – was full of “Hitler's Executioners.” That is, all of Europe was happy to see the Jews vanish. Why?

Instead of doing some serious thinking, Jacoby dismisses that history with the characteristic Jewish trivial quip: “Hitler's purpose in exterminating the Jews was for the Jews to be exterminated.” Do you now wonder why this sort of thing keeps happening? Here you have a John Kerry trying to start a serious conversation in search of profound conclusions, and here you have those things – calling themselves Jewish thinkers and leaders of the Jewish people – flush the entire conversation down the tube with silly little things which, in their minds loom large like a mountain of Jewish wisdom.

As for the Tobin piece – after calling Kerry's remark a slur, as he did in the title, and saying for the trillionth time it is what sabotages the peace process – Tobin delivers his most glorious example of Jewish thinking. Guess what that is. In case you could not guess, here it is: “Kerry exploded the notion that he is an evenhanded broker since he is effectively rationalizing, if not justifying the next intifada as well as the continued effort to sanction Israel.” Intifada being the revolt of the Palestinians to free themselves of the occupation; and the effort to sanction Israel being a worldwide movement, Tobin says that for America to finally stand on the side of history turns it into a biased broker.

And so you ask a very serious question: How many on this planet will shed a genuine tear the next time that a Shoah is inflicted on these people? I guarantee you it will not be many because this time, most of humanity will have become honorary executioner of that man 70 years ago with his picture tattooed on every shoulder and every chest.

You are begging for that day, Jacoby. You are begging for it, Tobin.