Thursday, April 3, 2014

History Is Repeated only when Duplicated

If you want to visualize the mental processes by which an evil man constructs an edifice for causing eternal anguish and maximum horror, you have that opportunity now. All you need to do is visit the April 3, 2014 edition of the New York Post, and read in it the article that was written by John Podhoretz under the title: “Why John Kerry's Mideast peace push collapsed.”

You will see in your mind's eye how a horrible man walks up and down the landscape picking up pieces of construction material, gathers them in one place and builds an edifice in two parts. One part will end up looking like a gas chamber; the other part like an incinerator. When finished with the construction, the evil man will drop down to his knees and pray to his satanic spirits, begging them to make sure that millions of people will soon be going through this building.

Unable to find another cockroach of the homo erectus build who will accept a million dollars to go to the occupied land of Palestine and state something to the effect that the Palestinians could not build a nation of their own and rule themselves as well as the Jews can do, Podhoretz has decided to make a statement of that kind himself. But he chose to do it in a more elaborate way because he has other fish to fry in the same pan, so to speak. Here then, in a condensed form, is how he put it in words:

“it's been clear that they [Palestinians] have no interest in statehood. They prefer outright war and cold war … They don't want to bear the responsibility of designing a relationship between neighbor[s] on issues like the use of water, natural resources and air space … That is why the new option of establishing a virtual Palestine – a state that exists only in the corridors of international institutions but not on the ground – is so alluring to them.”

That passage comes at the end of the article which is the time when the reader will begin to realize what many wise and fearful Jews have been saying for a long time, mainly that young, irresponsible and moronic self-proclaimed Jews are running around begging for someone to come along and design a full proof final solution that will be implemented quickly and more efficiently than the previous.

To get to that point, Podhoretz surveys the landscape, finds the material he will need to build the edifice, gathers it and starts the construction. What he has is a peace process that Jew after Jew after Jew has proclaimed year after year after year to be dead, dead, dead. He also finds a John Kerry that is not prepared to accept the notion that the process is dead because it would mean the return of the Jewish/Israeli demand of: Give us the tools and will do the [genocidal] job of [annihilating] the Palestinians – a crime against humanity that America no longer wishes to sponsor or be associated with closely or from a distance.

And so, Podhoretz takes it upon himself to reiterate the same old Jewish saying, and takes the opportunity to also stick a vengeful jibe in Kerry's rib for daring to push the matter this far along. Like the other Jews before him, he says that the peace process has collapsed, and adds that John Kerry has been embarrassed and humiliated. As usual, he blames the collapse of the process on the Palestinians; a happening he believes will justify Israel maintaining the occupation, stealing more Palestinian lands and – one way or the other – getting rid of the people that lived there for thousands of years.

To hide all those ugly realities, he mounts another attack on John Kerry; this time calling him dishonest for not “acknowledging” that the peace process has failed, and he blames the Palestinians for violating the concept of the “two-state solution.” He feels he needs to do this because, until the Palestinians have been annihilated, the Jews will want to have it both ways. They will want to maintain the current condition, which is a de facto Jewish state extending from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean, but a state that also projects the image of a Palestinian nation rising when its people will have agreed to implement the two-state solution – assuming that they will have learned to build a nation, and learned to run it.

But how does he convince the reader he is telling the truth? Here is how: “According to various leaks, Netanyahu had signaled his willingness to a freeze on new settlement construction … What Bibi wasn't willing to do was release a fourth batch of [kidnapped] Palestinians … the Israelis said they would go ahead with the release if the Palestinians agree to stay at the negotiating table beyond the end of April, when the talks were scheduled to conclude.”

This is the same old Jewish story that has been repeated decade after decade. They agree to a time limit for discussing the end of their raping the Palestinian motherland. When they come close to the end of the time limit, they renege on ending the rape, and propose to only freeze it temporarily – and do so only on the condition that the time limit be extended yet again.

The wise and fearful old Jews who lived through the events that swept Europe in the early to mid-part of the twentieth century understood that history does not repeat itself spontaneously. Instead, they saw and they feared the activities of the young, irresponsible and moronic self-proclaimed Jews who run around and beg for someone to come along and engineer another holocaust. John Podhoretz fits that profile exactly right. Will the rank and file Jews allow him to duplicate that ugly history?