Saturday, April 26, 2014

How could they have hired this Man?

You recognize a mental case – an advanced mental case – when you see someone associate things that do not necessarily associate, then go further and see a conspiracy woven into the phony association he just made. This is what Reuel Marc Gerecht is doing in the article he wrote under the title: “Holocaust Denial and the Iranian Regime” and the subtitle: “In Tehran's worldview, if six million Jews didn't die, then Israel has no excuse to exist.” It was published in the Wall Street Journal on April 26, 2014.

Plagued with living by the dictates of a twisted mind, he sees a relationship between Holocaust denial and the desire to develop nuclear weapons. Well, he does not exactly put things in simple terms such as these because a twisted mind never goes in a straight line. Instead, he says that, at least for now, such relationship exists only in Iran ... which is convenient for him because he does not have to explain why China, North Korea, India and Pakistan – all of them Asian countries – have developed nuclear weapons, having never said something that hints at a desire to deny Israel the right to exist.

Gerecht points to a speech that was delivered by Iran's ruling cleric, Ali Khamenei on March 21, 2014. He explains that the speech was an attack on the West, and the Iranians who embrace the Western ways. He goes on to say that Holocaust denial is part of the cleric's strategy to resist those Western ways. But that's not all, says Gerecht, because the man in Iran has additional ways to resist the West. Oh yeah! “And what would they be?” you want to know. Well, are you ready for the answer? Here come the many ways to resist the West: (1) developing a nuclear program, (2) developing a sanctions-proof economy and (3) developing a culture that has little tolerance for deviant conduct – all of which are, of course, alien behavior to Westerners.

But what can be alarming about someone saying he is not too clear about a historical event that had nothing to do with his society? Does everyone on Planet Earth know all that happened in Rwanda, Cambodia, Kosovo and Stalin's Russia? And why is it so vexing to someone like Gerecht that Khamenei expressed puzzlement at the fact that in Europe someone expressing doubt about the Holocaust can get stopped, arrested, sued or imprisoned? Has this not happened? Of course it did. And why should people learn to love horrendous situations of this kind, or profess to like them lest they be criticized by a sicko living thousands of miles away? Why?

In fact, this kind of destructive nonsense has to stop because it is becoming too destructive. And you can see why this is so in the Gerecht article where the impact of his mental deformity is in full swing. Look at the reality of what follows, and feel sick to your stomach: “Many observers, including in the Obama administration, have sought to play down the matter of Iranian Holocaust denial.” The writer hints that people – perhaps those living in Asia close to Iran – have something in common with highly placed individuals in the American government. They all pretend not to see what he sees, he wants us to believe, but does not elaborate.

The first thing he does, however, is demonstrate that he cannot see the difference between expressing doubt about aspects of the Holocaust, and denying it. Second, he involves the Obama administration in an accusatory way because that is where the nuclear issue is slated to play a big role. Third, he directly associates and weaves Holocaust denial with the nuclear issue: “It strongly suggests that Mr. Khamenei's republic will endure great economic hardship to realize its dream of becoming a nuclear power.” Thus, Asian nuclear issues and holocaust denial have become inextricably linked in his twisted mentality. Does he now expect that sooner or later, China, North Korea, India and Pakistan will admit they have hidden motives with regard to Israel's right to exist?

He has not yet made that leap but he lists all those in Iran who, in his view, have embraced Holocaust denial even though none of them actually came out and denied it. These would be all the commanders of the Revolutionary Guard Corps. It would also be the newly elected President of the country, Hasan Rouhani and his former mentor, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. And it would be the well known former President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Gerecht then does something that is truly perplexing because it sounds – at first blush – like it may be an exercise in reverse psychology, but when you analyze it in depth, you find that it does not rise to that level. In fact, reverse psychology would be to say something as simple as: “The Iranians believe that the Jews control America but this is not true.” Talking like that, you draw attention to the fact that the Jews do control America, but you don't want to take the responsibility for saying it, so you attribute the saying to someone else.

Our author started saying something in that style but then messed it up because he could not marry that thought with the main thesis he is spinning. And so, after saying that Iranians have “a passionate belief in the awesome power of the Jews [whose] capitalism controls America and via America the West,” he goes on to deny the validity of that statement in a very unconventional way. This is what he does: “Many Iranians appear to be flummoxed by the contradiction of the all-powerful Jews losing more than half their number to the Nazis.”

This being his approach, he goes on to explain; it must be that in the eyes of the Iranians, the Holocaust is “a narrative spun by the Jews to engender guilt and special advantages over Muslims and others.” Right there, Gerecht blows himself out of the water. This happens because the animosity that the Jews began to display toward the Muslims did not begin against all Muslims. It began against the Sunni Arabs, while the Jews were chummy with the Shiites of Iran. And none of that happened till 1948 when the state of Israel was established, whereas the narrative of the Holocaust began to circulate a number of years earlier than that.

Having blown away the advantage he could have had by holding on to the idea that the Jews control America and via America the West, he now tries to gain a similar kind of advantage but does a poor job. He says that the Iranians are unlikely to attack Israel because they fear American power and Israel's too. So you want to know: What's the problem, therefore? Well, are you ready for the answer, my friend? Do you expect a huge revelation to come down like a lightening bolt? Or would settle for an anti-climatic ending? Here it is: “The supreme leader's speech is ultimately about creating an Islamic bloc that is capable of turning back Judeo-Western imperialism.”

Is that it? The Jews, Israel, America and the West are upset – they are angry – red hot angry – enraged – willing to bomb Iran into the Stone Age – because the Iranians wish to be free of Judeo-Western imperialism. Is it that the Westerners devoted millions upon millions of words; wrote tens of thousands of texts and gave tens of thousands of speeches for no reason except to thwart that illegitimate Islamo-Iranian effort to be free? Is Western freedom more valuable than Islamic freedom?

What's this guy Reuel Marc Gerecht doing in America, anyway? Did he work for the CIA? How could they have hired someone like him? Did they pay him too? No wonder that place is screwed up. And what's he doing now? He is with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies? What does he do there? Train America's legislators to urinate over America and rob its people to fatten the Jewish moguls in Israel and those everywhere else? No wonder America is getting screwed, and screwed up in the process.