Saturday, April 19, 2014

Banal Talk by Halfwits pushing horrific Ideas

Usually, very little happens in America during the month of August in a year that is not having a mid-term or presidential election. At least, this is the commonly held view, which is why journalists of opposite sides on the ideological spectrum accuse each other of running banal stories to fill the space on this “slow summer day.” But as usual, there is some truth and some falsehoods in the perception of that matter.

The corollary of this situation is that you don't need a slow or fast-paced day in any season of any year to see banal opinion pieces fill the space of little known as well as prestigious publications, be they in the print or the audio-visual business. This is because the quality of opinion pieces depends on the quality of the culture, and this does not change from season to season or even year to year. Culture takes a long time to go from one stage to another; and right now, it is going through a period of intellectual drought in America.

You can see an example of this in the piece that was produced by the editors of the Wall Street Journal under the title: “Putin's Westward March” and the subtitle: “Revisionist powers are rising as Obama and Europe fail to respond.” It was published in the Journal on April 19, 2014.

They begin the editorial in a manner that suggests they want to impress the reader with the power and the high quality of their intellect. This is how they do it: “Diplomacy is useful when it prevents bad outcomes.” And so, they proceed to explain themselves, but end up demonstrating how shallow, how lacking in energy and how contradictory they are. They do it to themselves by pointing the finger at one person, Obama: “diplomacy as practiced by President Obama...” then go on to name 4 groups of nations which, together, are producing close to 100 percent the diplomatic drama that is occupying world attention at this time: “this week's agreement among Ukraine, Russia, the EU and the U.S.”

And this is not all because the opening paragraph goes on to describe the agreement for which they express an unlimited amount of dislike by placing the blame for its production on the man for whom they harbor an unlimited level of contempt: their own President. And then, they make the fatal mistake of revealing the hidden reality of their inner sentiments … not realizing what they just did. It happens when they describe the agreement which, in their view, claims to “prevent war but largely advances Vladimir Putin's strategic objectives.”

What they mean to say is that if the choice comes down to having a war on the one hand, or seeing Vladimir Putin succeed at advancing his objectives on the other hand, they prefer to see a war that will involve the U.S., Russia, the EU, Ukraine and whomever else will be dragged into what will quickly become a war of the mushroom clouds; one that will make World War II look like the festive celebration of a joyful era.

So you want to know what it is that lurks hidden deep inside these people which makes them harbor horrific sentiments of this nature and this intensity. To that end, you go through the article in a slow and deliberate manner where you get the feeling that – sentence after sentence and paragraph after paragraph – you're only hopscotching from one banal idea to another banal idea. But when you come close to the end of the piece, you bump into what seems like the telltale of what you're looking for.

And the following is what hits you in the face like a baseball bat: “Obama's second term has been marked by the advance of powers seeking to rewrite the global order. Iran is attempting to do this on nuclear weapons, retaining a capability just short of exploding a weapon with a goal of dominating the Middle East.” In other words, the editors of the Wall Street Journal say they prefer to blow up the entire planet rather than see a situation – they can only speculate about – come true.

But what is the basis of that imagined situation? It is the so-called policy of ambiguity with regard to nuclear weapons that Israel is said to pursue. If you go by the logic of the Journal's editors, it means that Israel is now dominating the Middle East. But their fear of Iran supplanting Israel in this regard is so intense, they prefer to burn the planet and everyone in it rather than allow Iran to wrest that spot from Israel.

And there is only one way by which this nightmare can become reality in their view. It is that they see what they claim even Putin sees which is the following: “Mr. Putin sees Western leaders preoccupied with domestic concerns with no appetite for a great power showdown ... Until that changes, Mr. Putin will march on.”

Thus, having chosen to serve the people that elected them rather than serve the interests of Israel is what stirs the volcanic acid inside the belly of these charlatans. And this is what makes you ask the question: Who are they, and what are they made of?

The answer is that nobody would do such a thing but the Jews. And this brings to mind the reality that those who believe in that the lullaby known as “Protocol of the Elders of Zion” led to the Holocaust of an earlier era, must now try to imagine where this true horror story will lead.