Saturday, December 13, 2014

Egocentric America shifting to Narcissism

The difference between being egocentric and being a narcissist is that the first regards the self as being at the center of all that matters, therefore is able to function without the approval of others. In contrast, the narcissist lives as much in the gaze of others as his own. He, therefore, lives with the constant need to be told that the others admire him as much as he admires himself.

With this in mind, there is no denial that America has been altruistic during at least the first half of the Twentieth Century in that it gave to other nations more than it received because it had the capability to do so. But as the other nations were able to stand on their own feet, they needed less of America's largess, and the latter retrenched. Still, the image of a capable America did not fade altogether in the eyes of the others.

As time passed and the threat to the nation that was predicted by the antics of the McCarthy era began to fade, new generations of Americans developed the sense that they can be independent of the world in matters of morality, intellectual discourse, the application of legal philosophy and so on. This made of them and their country an egocentric lot. At the same time as that – and no longer viewed with suspicion – the Jews who were the target of the McCarthy allegations began to work on implementing the agenda they never forgot … McCarthy or no McCarthy.

The Jews saw that America was still a capable nation in many fields – not least of which the military one – and that it kept a reserve of its old altruism. Thus, they worked to take advantage of the situation to prop up Israel and boost the finances of World Jewry. To do this, they had to think and act like Israeli Jews (which they were according to Israeli law, even if they never set foot in Israel) but they also had to talk like Americans so as to communicate with them in their own familiar language.

As Jewish Americans, they were now a breed apart driven as much by the ego-centrism of the Americans, as they were by the narcissism of the Jews. And for nearly half a century after that, they worked on transferring their Jewish characteristics to the American culture. The effect has been that the country was transformed into an actor on the world stage that perplexed the other nations no end.

You can get a sense of this when you read the editorial of National Review Online that came under the title: “Torturing the Truth,” published on December 11, 2014. Speaking of the report on CIA interrogation operations, the editors have this early passage: “How the report's revelations will affect the loyalty of our foreign partners has yet to be seen. But for now, the work of the intelligence community has been smeared for partisan purposes.”

This says that while America's preoccupation remains the back and forth that is generated by the ego-centrist game inherent to the partisan chicanery which is firmly planted in the American character, there begins to develop some concern for how the loyalty of America's foreign partners will be affected. And this concern would have been generated by the Jewish characteristic grafted onto the American culture.

Struggling with a personality split whose American side says waterboarding is no more than enhanced-interrogation techniques, the Americans are forced to co-exist with a worldly side that says it is torture. Are they patriots defending their homeland, or criminals torturing people like savages? The Americans do not know what to make of themselves; and you can imagine how confused the foreigners must be.

America's own law and the interpretation of it says that “the CIA committed no prosecutable instances of abuse.” But what about the international laws, much of which America ratified and adopted as its own? How can the Americans violate these laws and expect the world to continue admiring them as much as they admire themselves? They wish to become full fledged narcissists but don't want to pay the price for it. What to do?

Luckily, the editors of National Review Online came up with an answer that is as practical as America was in the past, and devious as only Judaism can be. They suggested having a two-part investigation. The first will find that the CIA committed no abuse under American law … which is what actually happened. And a second part that should be made public “when it becomes reasonably safe to make it.”

That last part will come under the banner of “Americans deserve to know,” which, apparently, will signal to the world that the American system deserves to command their continued admiration.